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REPORTS from Bradley Manning pre-trial hearing Ft.Meade/USA & London Solidarity

Ciaron | 28.11.2012 09:10

20 anti-war and solidarity activists gathered outside the U.S. embassy in London on Tuesday in solidarity with Bradley Manning. Those gathered included veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, former anti-war prisoners, members of Veterans for Peace, Catholic Worker, London Guantanamo Campaign, Pay Day Mens Network.

Nationalities of the solidarity activists included Australian, Canadian, Chilean, Colombian, English, Irish, Italian, Latvian and U.S.

As the group stood in silence and the rain confronting the U.S. embassy the soundtrack of was amplified.

Manning faces a week long pre-trial hearing at Ft. Meade Maryland USA, in which he will speak publicly for the first time since his arrest 2 1/2 years ago. Manning faces 22 charges accused of releasing footage and cables exposing U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere to WikiLeaks in 2010. He was exposed to long months of torture at Quantico marine base in the hopes he would crack and implicate Julian Assange. Manning has refused to speak to investigators. The main issue of this week's hearing will centre around his treatment at Quantico.


****Former Quantico Brig Commander Testifies at Bradley Manning’s ‘Unlawful Pretrial Punishment’ Hearing
By: Kevin Gosztola

Retired Colonel Daniel Choike, who served as the Quantico Marine Brig commander while Manning was imprisoned there for nine months, took the stand to testify during the latest hearing in the court martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning. The defense had him take the stand to testify on the confinement conditions that were imposed on Manning while at the Brig as part of argument over an “unlawful pretrial punishment” motion.


***Military feared independent reviews of Bradley’s treatment: notes from the courtroom, 11/27/12

Quantico’s base commander testified about internal discussions about Bradley’s detention conditions, why Quantico wasn’t fit to detain him in the first place, and the response to Bradley’s complaints about abusive treatment.

By Nathan Fuller, Bradley Manning Support Network. November 27, 2012.

Despite freezing rain, dozens of Bradley Manning supporters rallied outside Ft. Meade before his hearing.

Quantico base commander Col. Daniel Choike revealed in testimony today that the military barred or delayed independent analyses of PFC Bradley Manning’s abusive confinement, claiming that Bradley’s defense could “exploit” such a review in the press, and instead sought reviews that would confirm and justify the military’s handling of the young private.



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YOUTUBE (4 mins 28 secs) Manning trial: 'Extreme govt secrecy real threat, not l

28.11.2012 20:26

YOUTUBE (4 mins 28 secs) Manning trial: 'Extreme govt secrecy real threat, not leakers'

Youtube interview

DAY2 Quantico psychiatrist: Bradley Manning treated worse than death row inmates

29.11.2012 10:48

DAY2 Quantico psychiatrist: Bradley Manning treated worse than death row inmates

Notes from the courtroom in today’s hearing for PFC Bradley Manning. Two mental health professionals testified to the fact that Quantico was the first brig to blithely ignore their recommendations to remove a detainee from restrictive conditions. See day 1 notes here.

By Nathan Fuller, Bradley Manning Support Network. November 28, 2012.

Psychiatrist Captain William Hoctor. Courtroom sketch by Clark Stoeckley.

Mental health professional Captain Kevin Moore took the stand in the second day of this week’s pretrial hearing for PFC Bradley Manning, explaining that Bradley’s isolated conditions that wore on his mental health were even worse than death row treatment he observed earlier in his career.


Day 2 Report