#Dec5 >> London Anti-Cuts Demo << #Dec5
Catering | 26.11.2012 03:03 | Health | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements | London
Tell your grand-kids what YOU did during the war!
Join us at Kings College, The Strand, London, at 5.30pm on Thurs 5 Dec 2012 - the day of the Tory + Lib-Dem dicatorship's "autumn statement" - to march on Downing Street at 6pm
Ashfield Unison, Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union, Barnet Trades Council, Barnsley College UCU, Birmingham NUT, Bristol and District Anti Cuts Alliance (BADACA), Cambridge and District Trades Council, Chesterfield & District Trades Council, City and Islington UCU, Cuffley Anti Cuts Campaign, CWU Eastern No.4 branch, Derby University UCU, Derbyshire Anti-Cuts campaign, Disabled People Against Cuts (national), Doncaster Unison, Dorset, Weymouth and Portland TUC, Dorset Trades Council, Dudley NUT, DWP Bradford PCS branch, Ealing NUT, Edinburgh Unison, Fire Brigades Union London region, Greater Manchester Unite the Resistance, Hackney NUT, Hampshire Unison, Haringey TUC, Hull and District Trades Union Council, Islington NUT, Lambeth NUT Branch Executive Committee, Lewisham Trades Council, Lewisham Trades Council, Manchester Metropolitan University UCU branch, Manchester Metropolitan University Unison, Notts Trades Council, PCS Defra Southern branch, PCS DFT Nottingham branch, PCS DWP Avon, PCS DWP Liverpool, PCS EHRC national branch, PCS Home Office group executive committee, PCS Land Registry Computer Services, PCS R&C Euston, Peterborough Trades Council, Plymouth Trades Council, Portsmouth City Unison, Portsmouth Trades Council, Sheffield NUT, Socialist Teachers Alliance, Southend on Sea LG Unison, Tower Hamlets Unison Local Government branch, Ucatt Maldon branch UFO75, UCU London Metropolitan University, UCU London Region, Unison London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, Unite 1/854 branch, Unite Bristol Health Sector branch, Unite Fujitsu North West branch, Unite Fujitsu UK Combine Committee, Unite IT & Comms National Industrial Sector Committee, Unite London and Eastern Aerospace and Shipbuilding Industrial Sector, Unite London and Eastern Construction branch, Unite Manchester area activist committee, Unite Norwich Central LE/1880, Unite SC 151 Scottish Housing Associations branch, Unite the Resistance North Wales, Unite the Union branch EM/10-465, University of Liverpool UCU, USDAW North Hertfordshire, Wakefield and District NUT, Waltham Forest TUC
Ashfield Unison, Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union, Barnet Trades Council, Barnsley College UCU, Birmingham NUT, Bristol and District Anti Cuts Alliance (BADACA), Cambridge and District Trades Council, Chesterfield & District Trades Council, City and Islington UCU, Cuffley Anti Cuts Campaign, CWU Eastern No.4 branch, Derby University UCU, Derbyshire Anti-Cuts campaign, Disabled People Against Cuts (national), Doncaster Unison, Dorset, Weymouth and Portland TUC, Dorset Trades Council, Dudley NUT, DWP Bradford PCS branch, Ealing NUT, Edinburgh Unison, Fire Brigades Union London region, Greater Manchester Unite the Resistance, Hackney NUT, Hampshire Unison, Haringey TUC, Hull and District Trades Union Council, Islington NUT, Lambeth NUT Branch Executive Committee, Lewisham Trades Council, Lewisham Trades Council, Manchester Metropolitan University UCU branch, Manchester Metropolitan University Unison, Notts Trades Council, PCS Defra Southern branch, PCS DFT Nottingham branch, PCS DWP Avon, PCS DWP Liverpool, PCS EHRC national branch, PCS Home Office group executive committee, PCS Land Registry Computer Services, PCS R&C Euston, Peterborough Trades Council, Plymouth Trades Council, Portsmouth City Unison, Portsmouth Trades Council, Sheffield NUT, Socialist Teachers Alliance, Southend on Sea LG Unison, Tower Hamlets Unison Local Government branch, Ucatt Maldon branch UFO75, UCU London Metropolitan University, UCU London Region, Unison London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, Unite 1/854 branch, Unite Bristol Health Sector branch, Unite Fujitsu North West branch, Unite Fujitsu UK Combine Committee, Unite IT & Comms National Industrial Sector Committee, Unite London and Eastern Aerospace and Shipbuilding Industrial Sector, Unite London and Eastern Construction branch, Unite Manchester area activist committee, Unite Norwich Central LE/1880, Unite SC 151 Scottish Housing Associations branch, Unite the Resistance North Wales, Unite the Union branch EM/10-465, University of Liverpool UCU, USDAW North Hertfordshire, Wakefield and District NUT, Waltham Forest TUC
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Links to be read by Tory-Dem trolls
26.11.2012 03:17
WEDNESDAY dec 5th *******
26.11.2012 14:30
Labour Party Publicity Stunt
26.11.2012 16:31
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
26.11.2012 23:20
The message that doesn't seem to have reached some radicals is that you have the choice of using protests like this as an opportunity to express solidarity with the people who are affected by cuts, you have the choice of sitting on your high horse and doing NOTHING, and you have the choice of actually delivering a superior alternative? Assuming you're willing to invest more time and effort into trying to achieve something than you've wasted making helpful observations here, tell us exactly what better alternative you'll be delivering (and note the question's about what alternative you'll be delivering, not about what alternative you'll be talking about)?
I don't know who "Unite the Resistance" are in terms of the various ideological affiliations of their activists. Not being naive however, I assume they're drawn from all the usual lefty groups - the same lefty groups who in fact actually bother to organise opposition to austerity, while other self-styled radicals, keyboard warriors and armchair terrorists find fault with those who organise while offering nothing better
Taking the Mike
Mutual Aid
26.11.2012 23:35
Have a nice day
@ Taking the Mike and Kropotkin
27.11.2012 08:59
...and breathe.
Mike Hunt
What about an after party?
27.11.2012 11:15
party and protest
@Mike Hunt
29.11.2012 00:11
And you took the time to post a reply, but not a reply which shows you have anything better to offer
Please don't attend this protest
Everyone else is more than welcome
@ Talking
29.11.2012 10:02
It would be quite an effort and very costly for us both to get to London for the demo, Due to my illness I find it harder these days to push my wife's wheel chair and negoatiating London fills me with trepidation.
So, I wanted reassurance that if we made this effort we would not be in effect promotong the Labour Party or its backers in the Unions, especially given the tone of the some of the placards shown in the publicity for the demo. I should clarify that I despise the Tory's and Lib Dems.
Your vitriolic and personally abusive response to me, which makes bigotted accusations about my involvement in anti cuts work, is upsetting but tends to confirm that this demo is organised by the authoritarian left.
So, thanks for clarifying the ethos and attitude of the organisers, but I will stay at home and carry on doing the nothing you suspect of people who do not follow you.
Mike Hunt
@Mike Hunt
29.11.2012 23:48
I too oppose the authoritarian left, but in this context the one good thing about the hard left is that, for all their many faults, at least they're sufficiently well-organised to organise demos. The issue of authoritarianism is also a moot point in this context, as there's nothing "authoritarian" about a demo that we are all free not to attend. Sure the protest movement isn't in the best shape at the moment, and sure you can always make valid criticisms of any and all political campaigns and groups, but the reason Indymedia is being used by trolls to post up divisive and defeatist comments is because those trolls want to kill-off the anti-cuts movement completely
Demo Report
06.12.2012 00:41
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