Direct Action Timeline between September 2011 - November 2012 from Greece
Play rough | 25.11.2012 16:45 | Social Struggles
Post by Traductorxs: Although in recent months some of the leaflets have been translated into Castilian (especially contrainfo), there were also many actions that were "forgotten". Therefore we have tried to compile the following chronology.
Several reasons have been excluded countless attacks with molotovs against riot Eksarhia (since thankfully is a phenomenon that is still prevalent), the countless great damage during marches (as somehow "belong" to everybody who actively take part in the riots), while the collective expropriations supermarket food (there were dozens) and also several antifascist action (beatings, etc..) will be examined in more detail sometime. For this, the following chronology describes the actions taken by organizations and affinity groups.
• On September 7 at 5:30 am: 8 liters of petrol and 4 camping gas canisters against a Commercial Bank branch in Thessaloniki Olympiados street. Dedicated to all LA presxs anarchists in Greece and signed by International Revolutionary Theory. Greek claim here .
• On 9 and 11 September in Athens: a series of arson attacks claimed by Circles of Offenders. Dealership Skoda (brand that has dealings with timbers and many car patrols are Skoda) in evenida Mesogion attacked two strong incendiary devices (several cars and part of the building were burned), a store of "Marks & Spencers" (for rebels of England) and one of Benetton (for vegan Mapuche) almost completely burned Psihiko Neo. Dedicated to the CCF and other anarchist prisoners. Greek claim here .
• September 11 to the early hours of dawn: gazakia [the name given to the artifacts armed with camping fuel and gas] against General Secretariat of Commerce Kannigos square in central Athens. No claim. Information in Greek here .
• On September 17 at 3:10 am: Group breaks Ksanthi anarchist of the door and set fire to a private club houtos entrepreneur, who is in charge of the dining hall of that city. In some universities the State (in this case the Ministry of Education) pays companies that are obliged to operate canteens for students, something that often happens to be a good deal. Information in Greek here .
• On September 19: 4 liters of a flammable mixture and 3 camping gas canisters against a Rural Bank branch, located in the street of the neighborhood Papafi Touba in Thessaloniki. Dedicated to Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panagiotis Argyrou and all LA Political Prisoners. Signed by Solidarity rebellious cells / FAI / FRI. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On October 7 at dawn: coordinated fire ATMs. Tellers burned: a branch of Piraeus Bank (pl.Kanigos, downtown Athens), a branch of Probank Vyronas area, unasucursal Alpha Bank in Galatsi, a branch of Alpha Bank in Kipseli, a branch of the Banco Rural in Gizi and a branch of the National Bank in Eolou street (downtown Athens). Dedicated to Seisidis Simos, Aris Seirinidis and two companions in search and seizure, and Grigoris Tsironis Seisidis Marios. Unsigned statement. Greek claim here .
• On October 7 at night: a library burning in central Athens fascist. No statement. Information in Castilian here .
• On October 16 at dawn: camping gas canisters at the offices of PASOK in Elliniko Township (south of the metropolitan area of Athens). No claim. Information in Greek here .
• On October 18 at dawn: coordinated destruction of vending machines and ticket validation in 4 tram stops (tram) in the south of Athens. Claim is against controladorxs and chivatxs vegan. No signature. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On October 21 at dawn: a wave of attacks against offices of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in response to its policing of the demonstration during the strike the day before. 3 offices were burned in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki, a burst in Larisa, many other in Athens. Information in Castilian here and here .
• On 14 and 29 October at dawn: respectively, an incendiary device against a bench in street Agiou Dimitriou Piraeus and another against Miraculous Creation Church, both located in the center of Thessaloniki. Dedicated to Panagiotis Masouras fellow prisoner, the CCF and all LA OR Political Prisoners. Signed by extremist rebels. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• Claiming published on November 11, but does not specify the date of the attack: incendiary device at the offices of the company "Studio ATA" cooperating with television channels and is located in the municipality of Melissia (north of the greater Athens area) . Dedicated to the CCF, Revolutionary Struggle and contains greetings to all international cell FAI / FRI. Signed by the International Revolutionary Front / Deviant Behaviors for the spread of revolutionary terrorism. Greek claim here .
• On November 18 afternoon: Molotov Treasury Office in the Nea Ionia in the city of Volos. No claim. Information in Greek here .
• On the evening of November 23: PASOK parliamentarian, S. Kouvelis, is beaten in the center of Athens and "lose" your laptop, a luxury pens, papers, documents, etc.. Signed by Unknown Anarchists, claim contains greetings to the CCF. Greek claim here .
• On 26 and 29 November at dawn: incendiary devices against the headquarters of the Office of Public Finance, a street located in the neighborhood Damareos Pagrati (Athens) and other Gounari street in the town of Glyfada (south of Athens metropolitan area). Dedicated to acusadxs by LA Anarchist Revolutionary Struggle case, miembrxs and not, and in honor of Lambros Foundas. Signed by Counter Revolutionary. Greek claim here .
• On November 29 at dawn: two incendiary devices camping gas cylinders each, against the branches of the Pro-Bank and Bank of Piraeus, both located at the street in city Thermopilon Ksanthi. Dedicated to Rami Cells Sirians and signed by the spread of fire. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On November 30 at dawn: a cashier completely destroyed with incendiary device (camping gas cylinders) at the corner of Iasonidou with Hristopoulou in Thessaloniki. Without claiming. Information in Greek here .
• 30 November: incendiary devices at two bank branches and the Rural Bank T Bank in the city of Kavala. Dedicated to Rami Sirians and encarceladxs luchadorxs LA Anarchist. Signed by Rabid Citizens in Society Predators. Greek claim here and photo here .
• On December 3 at dawn: fire Treasury Office of Amarousi municipality (north of the metropolitan area of Athens). Unsigned statement, ends with "Spreading anarchy and live communism". Greek claim here .
• On December 4 at 3:27 in the morning, four camping gas canisters against a National Bank branch at the corner of Venizelo with Amorgou in the town of Triandria (metropolitan area of Thessaloniki). Dedicated to Rami Sirians and signed by Command "Aggressive Solidarity". Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On December 7 at 1:15 am:-explosive incendiary device explodes in a Treasury Office in Dimeon Aktis Avenue in city of Patras. No claim. Information in Greek here .
• In the afternoon of December 8: a patrol car was attacked with stones, chairs and kicked in the street in Eksarhia E.Benaki. No claim. Information in Greek here .
• On the morning of December 13: a double and coordinated attack with molotovs against riot police units in two points simultaneously Eksarhia. They shouted "Freedom to the Cells of Fire". It was published a brief statement signed by Anarchists Unknown. Greek claim here .
• On November 14 at 22:55 am: strong incendiary device (several camping gas canisters) bursts into the office door Ksenogiannakopoulou Mariliza policy, the deputy Foreign Minister and former Minister of Health, located on the fourth floor of an office building in the street Solonos 46 (downtown Athens). On December 13 at 23:00 pm: strong incendiary device against serving Papaioannos Miltiadis, Minister of Justice, located on the fourth floor in the street Akadimias 28 (downtown Athens). On December 13 at 23:00 pm: strong incendiary device against serving the PASOK parliamentary, Vaso Papandreou, located on the fifth floor of the same block Akadimias 28.
Responsibility for these three attacks, LA Anarchist acusadxs engaged in the case of Revolutionary Struggle, the case of the CCF and the Greek Steelworks strikers, signed by the Organization "Zero Tolerance". Greek claim here .
• 30 December: arson attack on the local headquarters of the rightist party LAOS Rodos Island. No statement. The newspaper says that in recent weeks there in Rodos other 4 arson attacks directed against the offices of PASOK and the KKE. No statement. Information in Greek and photo here .
• On January 2 in the afternoon, a group of comrades destroys things in the local fast food chain "Goodys" in Eksarhia. Dedicated to Stella Adoniou. Signed by cell Solidarity "In carcere et vinculis". Greek claim here .
• On January 8 at dawn: three vans OTE (Greek Telecommunications Agency) completely burned in the Athens Goudi. Dedicated to Skouloudis, Tsifkas, Dimtsiadis and Tsilianidis. Signed by Rabid Incendiary Conspiracy. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On January 9 (was published that day, the statement did not specify the date of action): burning of two vehicles belonging to private timber, one in Nea Ionia and another in Kipseli. For Stella Adoniou. Signed by FRI / deviant behavior by the spread of revolutionary terrorism. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On January 14: 4 incendiary devices (gas cylinders) explode in municipality of Agia Paraskevi in Athens. The first two in an Audi dealership and the other two in a Volkswagen dealership. The January 20: an incendiary device against a subsidiary of the Ministry of Culture in Eksarhia. Both actions were dedicated to P. Masouras, N. Karakatsani and S. Adoniou. Press (unsigned) contains part of the letter of Tortuga and expressed solidarity with him unlimited. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• 22 January: gas cylinders and petrol against a pawnshop in Gizi (Athens). Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On Jan. 28 at dawn: fire in Skoda car dealership in Sygrou Avenue (6 vehicles fell completely). The same group (unnamed) is also responsible for the arson attack on the District Court of Nea Ionia, held on February 11. The shares have been devoted to Damianos Bolano, Christos Nikolopoulos Tsakalos and brothers of the CCF, to LA Anarchist Revolutionary Struggle acusadxs by Stella and Adoniou. Greek claim here .
• On 28 and 30 January: incendiary devices against four subsidiaries of the supermarket chain "Bazaar" in Athens, which has a monopoly to supply Koridallos prison. Dedicated members of CCF and Rami Sirians. Greek claim here .
• On February 1: burning a high-end jeep Eksarhia because "provoked". Greek claim here .
• On February 4 at 20:00 pm: attack with stones and other objects at the home of President K. Papoulias in Eksarhia. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 6 at dawn: 65 ATM sabotaged with glue at various points in Athens in solidarity with Polikarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Hrisohoidis. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 8 at noon: busted glass and paint thrown against the headquarters of Association of Computer and Communications of Greece (SEPS) located in Koukaki (Athens). Dedicated to Polikarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Hrisohoidis. Greek claim here .
• On February 9: attack on a pawn shop in Gyzi neighborhood in Athens. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 9 at dawn: A burst of Piraeus Bank with stones and axes in the municipality of Sitia in Thessaloniki. On February 13, at dawn the same bank, but with stones and Molotov cocktails. They say he burned the first because a gypsy family then slept in the van parked in front of the bank. Cell Autonomous Outdoor. Greek claim here .
• On February 11 at dawn, damages against the city of Veria Cathedral. No statement. Information in Greek here .
• On February 12 at dawn: an incendiary device on a bank in the municipality of Alimos in Athens. Anarchist Group against capitalist barbarity. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 13 afternoon: paint thrown at party headquarters in Nikeia Township. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 23 at dawn: coordinated arson attacks in Athens against: a bank teller National Thymarakia area, a Marfin bank teller in Paleo Faliro, a weekly car "Free Sunday" in Ilioupoli, 4 ATMs in Petralona , a subsidiary of the Ministry of Culture in Eksarhia. Dedicated to Stella Adoniou and also to A. Mitrousias, G. Karagiannidis and K. Sakkas defendants in the same case. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• 25 February: an incendiary device (2-liter petrol and clockmaking delay) off at noon in an empty wagon of metro station Egaleo (last line). Signed by "February 12 Movement". Initially it was considered by algunxs as a possible provocation (the press has "inflated" and twisted the subject talking about "a bomb in the subway", etc., Pointing to two fellow wanted by the case of the CCF as authors the attack). The claim was published more than a month later. Greek claim here .
• On 11 and 12 March: several motorcycles and cars that belonged to police, they were private cars of lumber, were burnt in different parts of Athens. Besides a police patrol was parked outside on the street courts Evelpidon. Dedicated to Lambros. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On March 14 at dawn: an incendiary device against the District Court in Municipality of Kallithea in Athens. Signed by IRF / FAI Cell Incendiary Attack "Trail of Ashes". Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On March 15 at noon: the headquarters of the Nazi Hrisi Avgi (Golden Dawn) vandalized by comrades in city of Patras. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On March 13 at dawn: 8 gas bottles and a can of gasoline against city police station in Trikala. On March 18, shortly before midnight: an incendiary device (camping gas cylinder, petrol delay matches) explodes in the parking lot of the police headquarters for the city of Trikala. The March 28: other appliance gas bottle explodes under the car of ex-mayor.
The statement (indirect) referred to these three acts is called "Gunpowder and fire the civilian government and all the executioners of our region" and is signed by "Anarquistxs Desempleadxs of Trikala." Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here . Information fellow detainee accused of such attacks, in Castilian here .
• On March 22 at dawn: burning a luxury jeep, Hummer, before the dealer "GB Performance Cars" in Neo Iraklio Township (Athens) with an incendiary device. Dedicated to the 4 arrested for the riots of February 12, to "Tortuga" at the LA Anarchist acusadxs case of CCF, a Revolutionary Struggle and anarchist prisoners Skouloudis, Tsifkas, Dimtsiadis, Fessas and Tsilianidis. Signed by "Lxs niñxs play". Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On March 24 at dawn: two high-powered incendiary devices (lots and lots of fuel gas cylinders) against a subsidiary of the Ministry of Interior in the Dafni, the building as also the Information Society, a company that, among other things, help the police with their specialized software. Dedicated to the anarchist prisoners Skouloudis, Tsifkas, Dimtsiadis, Tsilianidis to Theofilos Mavropoulos, vegan miembrxs of the CCF, to Sirians Rami and "all combatants within the walls." Also expresses its solidarity with four colleagues who are currently looking to reward, Marios Seisidis, Grigoris Tsironis (for a robbery in 2006), and Dimitris Politis Mihailidis Giannis (for the case of CCF) and Vasilis Paleokostas, the robber worthy. Signed by Circles of Offenders. Greek claim here .
• On March 24 and April 7: at 3:35 AM on the first date a branch of Alpha Bank is attacked with hammers and Molotov cocktails at Avenue Vouliagmenis (municipality of Dafni, Athens), while at the same time of day on April 7 the same goes for other Alfa bank branch, this time in the municipality of Ilioupoli. Dedicated to the hunger strikers anarchists and signed by Direct Action Communities. Greek claim here .
• On April 3 at 20:50: strong incendiary device against serving Kostas Simitis (PASOK politician), located on the fifth floor of an office block in Akadimias Street, in the heart of Athens. Signed by Organization "Zero Tolerance" and dedicated to the prisoners of the organization "17 November" Revolutionary Struggle and CCF. Greek claim here .
• On April 4: gazakia Keratsini against the city of Athens. Without claiming. Information in Greek here .
• On April 8: a Alfa Bank ATM in town was burned Agrinio. Without claiming. Information in Greek here .
• April 9: arson attack on the Special Secretariat for Public Administration and Electronic Government, located in Neos Kosmos Athens municipality. Made by revolutionary action. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• The April 13 evening: a branch of Eurobank is burned with 5 gazakia in Solonos street in the neighborhood of Eksarhia (Athens) by conspirators against the existing. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• The April 14: Paint thrown at neighborhood venues PASOK party Laos and in northern Athens. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• The April 14: a strong incendiary device against the District Court in Halandri (Athens). Dedicated to the CCF and signed by Interwoven Screams Attack / FAI. Greek claim here .
• The April 18: burned two cashiers and a diplomatic car in various parts of Athens. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• The April 19: burned several cars of OTE (Greek Telecommunications Organization) in Eksarhia. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On April 20 (the date of this release): FAI / Cell Solidarity incendiary burns a National Bank branch in the town of Nea Smyrni (Athens). Dedicated to the anarchist prisoners on strike. Greek claim here .
• 21 April: the tram railway (tram) blocked with fast cimento at three different points south of Athens. The act was signed by FAI / Fires Horizonte and dedicated to anarchist prisoners on hunger strike. Greek claim here .
• On 22 and 23 April: 10 cashiers were sabotaged with glue and silicone in the city of Iraklio (Crete) anarchists in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike. Unsigned. Greek claim here .
• 23, 24 and April 25: 23 was a teller burnt Marfin Bank and one ATE Goudi area, the next day at Nea Ionia burned a car security company "Kolossos" and day 25 two cash again, this time in Petralona (one of Proton and another ATE). Shares were dedicated to the hunger strikers Karagiannidis, Mitrousias, Sakkas and members of the CCF, also on hunger strike. Signed by Combative Solidarity Committee. Greek claim here .
• 28 April: IAF / Horizon Fires burning all the cars parked along the street a block from the town rich Levitou of Kifissia in Athens. Dedicated vegan CCF members and Theofilos Mavropoulos on hunger strike. Greek claim here .
• On April 29 at 23:40 pm: the "Night Patrol" attacks with molotovs police cars parked in front of the central police station in the city of Kavala (the building itself was not attacked for not endanger prisoners crowded into dungeons). At the same time it also attacks a bank branch Proton. The statement discusses the political and economic situation in the region and refers to Rami Syrianos and LA Anarchist acusadxs by CCF. Greek claim here .
• On May 2: Antifascist Metropolitan Patrol motorcycle burns the fascist Themis Skordeli in the Agios Panteleimonas in Athens. Greek claim here .
• On 2 and 3 May at dawn: the "Neighbors with insomnia" incendiary devices placed against a National Bank ATM in Gyzi and another in street Ellinoroson Attica Bank. Dedicated to Karagiannidis presxs vegan anarchists, and Sakkas Mitrousias. Greek claim here .
• On May 3: 3 attacks on political party headquarters. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On May 12 at dawn: an incendiary device (1.5 liter petrol) against postal van in Holargos (completely burnt) and other (3.5 liters) against the church of Agios Ioannis (major damage ) in Filopapou (Athens). Dedicated to Rami Syrianos, the CCF and contains greetings in Italian Core Olga. Signed by FAI / FRI / CCF / revolutionary groups Dispersion of Terror. Greek claim here .
• On May 14 at dawn: Comrades who then signed as "Some 34.9%" forced the door of the building of the Office of Public Finance (taxes) Amaroussi area (north of Athens) and using 25 liters of gasoline, 20 camping gas cylinders and 20 liters of oil, causing damage to hundreds of thousands of euros (the building itself is out of operation for several weeks). The action is especially dedicated to Panagiotis Argyrou, Gerasimos and Christos Tsakalos (which were then on hunger strike). It also contains LA Anarchist solidarity greetings to the FAI luchadorxs in the world and positive incarcerated women, photos of the attack were published by the press as "a public health hazard." Greek claim here .
• On May 18 at noon: busted three ATMs in the center of Thessaloniki. For Rami Ikonomidou Syrianos and Olga. Vindicated by "unxs Trends Solidarixs with vandalism." Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On May 20 (the date of this release): two incendiary devices (total 7.5 liters of "flammable mixture" and 6 bottles of camping gas) against the company "MEGAS Security" in the municipality of Thessaloniki Triandria. Dedicated to Olga Ikonomidou Rami Syrianos and signed by anti-state militant struggle. Greek claim here .
• On May 21 at dawn: incendiary device on a bank in the Neapoli in Thessaloniki. Dedicated to Olga Ikonomidou Rami Syrianos and signed with a simple "Anarchists". Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On May 22 at dawn: burned 3 vans full of shipping company "Speedex" in Maroussi and two company vans ANDOXI ATE (who worked on the amplification of the buildings of the Police) in area Patissia. A more incendiary device caused partial damage to a van "Speedex" in Eksarhia. Group comrades "Lxs niñxs play" FAI / FRI, claiming those actions, also mentioned that two weeks before a luxury car burned in the Kolonaki. Dedicated to the prisoners in the demonstration on 12 February at the LA Anarchist miembrxs CCF and LA Anarchist acusadxs by the case, to the revolutionary struggle and Rami Syrianos. Greek claim here .
• On May 26 (the date of this release): blown and decorated with paint local party headquarters in Nea Dimokratia Terpsisea neighborhood in Piraeus, since as mentioned the statement "above the houses were not allowed to burn." Unsigned and dedicated to the 4 prisoners of manifestation of February 12, the CCF and all LA's political prisoner. Greek claim here .
• On May 31 (the date of this release): destruction, during the month of May, 14 surveillance cameras in city of Volos. Dedicated to the CCF and especially Olga Ikonomidou. Cooperation signed by the sabotage and vandalism. Greek claim here .
• On June 13 at 19:45 pm: strong incendiary device ignited Tsouganatos Dimitris's office, a law professor. The office is located on the third floor of a building Sina Street in the upmarket area of Kolonaki, in central Athens. Dedicated to the prisoners of "November 17", LA Anarchist acusadxs by LR and CCF as "the dozens of fighters imprisoned in the cells of democracy" and signed by the Organization "Zero Tolerance". Greek claim here .
• The June 17: a "vote anarchist" as 1 liter of gasoline burned the urn in the local election Eksarhia in Athens. Dedicated to Olga Ikonomidou of the CCF and unsigned. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On June 27 at dawn: a van full of camping gas cylinders and 150 liters of petrol set fire to the headquarters of Microsoft in Maroussi, northern Athens. For deviant behavior by the spread of revolutionary terrorism / FRI. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On June 30 (the date of this release, since it does not specify the time of the action): an incendiary device at the offices of radio station Channel Rodopi (mountains of this region) located in the city of Komotini . The station left the members of Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) issue neo-Nazi propaganda. Signed by Revolutionary Anarchist Organization "Antifascist Action". Greek claim here .
• On 15 and 17 July, respectively: An arson attack on the luxurious restaurant "Alatsi" situated at Vrasida (opposite the Hilton, Pagrati Athens area) and owned by Stavros Theodorakis (known television journalist, who has its own program in which in a way is disgusting and hypocritical problems called "social margin" as presxs, drogadictxs, transvestites, etc..). Another incendiary device against Panou AEVE company, located in the street Evstathiou (Polygonos in Athens area) and working with the Police and the Ministry of Defense. The shares were dedicated to anarchist prisoner Tsilianidis Babis and lengthy statement (which has many references to the "cultures criminals of the night" in the U.S. and Latin America) is signed by Circles Offenders. Greek claim here .
• On August 13 afternoon: an incendiary device placed in the offices of the real estate investment company and disorders, located on the fifth floor of a building in the Panormou in Athens. For FAI / FRI Brigade "Fire to the galleys." Greek claim here .
• On August 15 at dawn: blown glass and paint thrown against the carnage "Thesaliki" city of Volos. Signed by Antiespecistas. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On 12 and 22 August respectively: fire headquarters neighborhood of Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) in Pagrati and a private car of one of the MPs of the same party Nazi Peristeri (Athens). Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On September 1: an incendiary device at the offices of the City Police in Kipseli (Athens). Signed by FAI / Fires Horizonte. Greek claim here .
• El 24 de Septiembre por la madrugada: incendio de la empresa Transam Trading Co EPE (vende sistemas de seguridad y control) en Halandri (Atenas). Por FAI/Fuegos en Horizonte. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 29 de Septiembre por la tarde: ataque con molotovs contra la comisaría de Akropoleos. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Reivindicación en castellano aquí .
• Por la medianoche de 29 a 30 de Septiembre: lluvia de molotovs contra los antidisturbios en Eksarhia. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Reivindicación en castellano aquí .
• El 8 de Octubre por la madrugada: un ataque con fuego destruye por completo el vagón del tram (tranvía) en la zona de Faliro en el sur de Atenas. Un extenso y extremadamente interesante comunicado está firmado por Círculos Delincuentes. La acción fue dedicada a todxs lxs acusadxs por el caso de la CCF (el nuevo juicio contra la CCF de hecho comenzó unas pocas horas después del ataque en cuestión) y para los anarquistas presxs Tsiliandis, Tsifkas y Dimitsiadis. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Fotos aquí y acá .
• El 8 y 9 de Octubre: reivindicación (sin firmar) por la quema de varios vehículos particulares de los policías en Atenas: 2 motos en Eksarhia, un coche en Peristeri, 2 motos en Egaleo y un coche en Kipseli. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 11 de Octubre por la madrugada: una sede barrial del partido Izquierda Democrática regalada al fuego en la zona de Kesariani en Atenas. Sin firmar. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Reivindicación en castellano aquí .
• El 10 y 12 de Octubre respectivamente: un artefacto incendiario contra supermercado de la cadena AB Vasilopoulos en zona de Zografou y un otro contra la filial de Casa de Ahorros de los Correos en zona de Ambelokipi en Atenas. Firmado por FRI/CCF Grupos Revolucionarios por la Dispersión del Terror. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Reivindicación en castellano aquí .
• El 15 de Octubre (fecha en que se publicó el comunicado, ya que no especifica cuando se realizaron los ataques): un breve comunicado sin firmar reivindica una serie de ataques incendiarios realizados en varios puntos del área metropolitana de Atenas y dedicados a lxs presxs de la CCF, todxs lxs acusadxs por el mismo caso y los compañeros Giannis Mihailidis y Dimitris Politis que están en busca y captura. Golpeados han sido: 2 cajeros del Banco Nacional en Maroussi, 1 cajero de Eurobank en Petralona, 1 cajero de Casa de Ahorros de los Correos en Vyronas, un coche de la empresa de seguridad G4 en Ano Patissia y un vehículo estatal en Glyfada. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 6 de Noviembre: artefacto incendiario contra un sucursal de Banco Comercial en municipio Halastra de Tesalónica. Dedicado a los anarquistas presos Tsifkas, Dimitsiadis, Tsilianidis, Syrianos, Sakkas , Mitrousias, Karagiannidis ya lxs miembrxs de la CCF. Reivindicación sin nombre. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 8 de Noviembre por la madrugada: los vidrios de una filial del Banco Rural y de las oficinas del diario burgués “Peloponissos” reventados a martillazos en ciudad de Patras. Firmado por el Comité de Expropiadores de la Cotidianidad. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 18 de Noviembre por la madrugada: En ciudad de Komotini un artefacto incendiario es colocado en la puerta trasera del edificio de la sede local del gobierno (región de Macedonia Oriental y Tracia). En solidaridad con el anarquista preso Tasos Theofilou, lxs de Lucha Revolucionaria, lxs de la CCF, Savvas Ksiros y todos los guerrilleros urbanos. Firmado por Acción Antifascista (Anti.Drasi). Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• On September 7 at 5:30 am: 8 liters of petrol and 4 camping gas canisters against a Commercial Bank branch in Thessaloniki Olympiados street. Dedicated to all LA presxs anarchists in Greece and signed by International Revolutionary Theory. Greek claim here .
• On 9 and 11 September in Athens: a series of arson attacks claimed by Circles of Offenders. Dealership Skoda (brand that has dealings with timbers and many car patrols are Skoda) in evenida Mesogion attacked two strong incendiary devices (several cars and part of the building were burned), a store of "Marks & Spencers" (for rebels of England) and one of Benetton (for vegan Mapuche) almost completely burned Psihiko Neo. Dedicated to the CCF and other anarchist prisoners. Greek claim here .
• September 11 to the early hours of dawn: gazakia [the name given to the artifacts armed with camping fuel and gas] against General Secretariat of Commerce Kannigos square in central Athens. No claim. Information in Greek here .
• On September 17 at 3:10 am: Group breaks Ksanthi anarchist of the door and set fire to a private club houtos entrepreneur, who is in charge of the dining hall of that city. In some universities the State (in this case the Ministry of Education) pays companies that are obliged to operate canteens for students, something that often happens to be a good deal. Information in Greek here .
• On September 19: 4 liters of a flammable mixture and 3 camping gas canisters against a Rural Bank branch, located in the street of the neighborhood Papafi Touba in Thessaloniki. Dedicated to Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panagiotis Argyrou and all LA Political Prisoners. Signed by Solidarity rebellious cells / FAI / FRI. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On October 7 at dawn: coordinated fire ATMs. Tellers burned: a branch of Piraeus Bank (pl.Kanigos, downtown Athens), a branch of Probank Vyronas area, unasucursal Alpha Bank in Galatsi, a branch of Alpha Bank in Kipseli, a branch of the Banco Rural in Gizi and a branch of the National Bank in Eolou street (downtown Athens). Dedicated to Seisidis Simos, Aris Seirinidis and two companions in search and seizure, and Grigoris Tsironis Seisidis Marios. Unsigned statement. Greek claim here .
• On October 7 at night: a library burning in central Athens fascist. No statement. Information in Castilian here .
• On October 16 at dawn: camping gas canisters at the offices of PASOK in Elliniko Township (south of the metropolitan area of Athens). No claim. Information in Greek here .
• On October 18 at dawn: coordinated destruction of vending machines and ticket validation in 4 tram stops (tram) in the south of Athens. Claim is against controladorxs and chivatxs vegan. No signature. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On October 21 at dawn: a wave of attacks against offices of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in response to its policing of the demonstration during the strike the day before. 3 offices were burned in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki, a burst in Larisa, many other in Athens. Information in Castilian here and here .
• On 14 and 29 October at dawn: respectively, an incendiary device against a bench in street Agiou Dimitriou Piraeus and another against Miraculous Creation Church, both located in the center of Thessaloniki. Dedicated to Panagiotis Masouras fellow prisoner, the CCF and all LA OR Political Prisoners. Signed by extremist rebels. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• Claiming published on November 11, but does not specify the date of the attack: incendiary device at the offices of the company "Studio ATA" cooperating with television channels and is located in the municipality of Melissia (north of the greater Athens area) . Dedicated to the CCF, Revolutionary Struggle and contains greetings to all international cell FAI / FRI. Signed by the International Revolutionary Front / Deviant Behaviors for the spread of revolutionary terrorism. Greek claim here .
• On November 18 afternoon: Molotov Treasury Office in the Nea Ionia in the city of Volos. No claim. Information in Greek here .
• On the evening of November 23: PASOK parliamentarian, S. Kouvelis, is beaten in the center of Athens and "lose" your laptop, a luxury pens, papers, documents, etc.. Signed by Unknown Anarchists, claim contains greetings to the CCF. Greek claim here .
• On 26 and 29 November at dawn: incendiary devices against the headquarters of the Office of Public Finance, a street located in the neighborhood Damareos Pagrati (Athens) and other Gounari street in the town of Glyfada (south of Athens metropolitan area). Dedicated to acusadxs by LA Anarchist Revolutionary Struggle case, miembrxs and not, and in honor of Lambros Foundas. Signed by Counter Revolutionary. Greek claim here .
• On November 29 at dawn: two incendiary devices camping gas cylinders each, against the branches of the Pro-Bank and Bank of Piraeus, both located at the street in city Thermopilon Ksanthi. Dedicated to Rami Cells Sirians and signed by the spread of fire. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On November 30 at dawn: a cashier completely destroyed with incendiary device (camping gas cylinders) at the corner of Iasonidou with Hristopoulou in Thessaloniki. Without claiming. Information in Greek here .
• 30 November: incendiary devices at two bank branches and the Rural Bank T Bank in the city of Kavala. Dedicated to Rami Sirians and encarceladxs luchadorxs LA Anarchist. Signed by Rabid Citizens in Society Predators. Greek claim here and photo here .
• On December 3 at dawn: fire Treasury Office of Amarousi municipality (north of the metropolitan area of Athens). Unsigned statement, ends with "Spreading anarchy and live communism". Greek claim here .
• On December 4 at 3:27 in the morning, four camping gas canisters against a National Bank branch at the corner of Venizelo with Amorgou in the town of Triandria (metropolitan area of Thessaloniki). Dedicated to Rami Sirians and signed by Command "Aggressive Solidarity". Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On December 7 at 1:15 am:-explosive incendiary device explodes in a Treasury Office in Dimeon Aktis Avenue in city of Patras. No claim. Information in Greek here .
• In the afternoon of December 8: a patrol car was attacked with stones, chairs and kicked in the street in Eksarhia E.Benaki. No claim. Information in Greek here .
• On the morning of December 13: a double and coordinated attack with molotovs against riot police units in two points simultaneously Eksarhia. They shouted "Freedom to the Cells of Fire". It was published a brief statement signed by Anarchists Unknown. Greek claim here .
• On November 14 at 22:55 am: strong incendiary device (several camping gas canisters) bursts into the office door Ksenogiannakopoulou Mariliza policy, the deputy Foreign Minister and former Minister of Health, located on the fourth floor of an office building in the street Solonos 46 (downtown Athens). On December 13 at 23:00 pm: strong incendiary device against serving Papaioannos Miltiadis, Minister of Justice, located on the fourth floor in the street Akadimias 28 (downtown Athens). On December 13 at 23:00 pm: strong incendiary device against serving the PASOK parliamentary, Vaso Papandreou, located on the fifth floor of the same block Akadimias 28.
Responsibility for these three attacks, LA Anarchist acusadxs engaged in the case of Revolutionary Struggle, the case of the CCF and the Greek Steelworks strikers, signed by the Organization "Zero Tolerance". Greek claim here .
• 30 December: arson attack on the local headquarters of the rightist party LAOS Rodos Island. No statement. The newspaper says that in recent weeks there in Rodos other 4 arson attacks directed against the offices of PASOK and the KKE. No statement. Information in Greek and photo here .
• On January 2 in the afternoon, a group of comrades destroys things in the local fast food chain "Goodys" in Eksarhia. Dedicated to Stella Adoniou. Signed by cell Solidarity "In carcere et vinculis". Greek claim here .
• On January 8 at dawn: three vans OTE (Greek Telecommunications Agency) completely burned in the Athens Goudi. Dedicated to Skouloudis, Tsifkas, Dimtsiadis and Tsilianidis. Signed by Rabid Incendiary Conspiracy. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On January 9 (was published that day, the statement did not specify the date of action): burning of two vehicles belonging to private timber, one in Nea Ionia and another in Kipseli. For Stella Adoniou. Signed by FRI / deviant behavior by the spread of revolutionary terrorism. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On January 14: 4 incendiary devices (gas cylinders) explode in municipality of Agia Paraskevi in Athens. The first two in an Audi dealership and the other two in a Volkswagen dealership. The January 20: an incendiary device against a subsidiary of the Ministry of Culture in Eksarhia. Both actions were dedicated to P. Masouras, N. Karakatsani and S. Adoniou. Press (unsigned) contains part of the letter of Tortuga and expressed solidarity with him unlimited. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• 22 January: gas cylinders and petrol against a pawnshop in Gizi (Athens). Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On Jan. 28 at dawn: fire in Skoda car dealership in Sygrou Avenue (6 vehicles fell completely). The same group (unnamed) is also responsible for the arson attack on the District Court of Nea Ionia, held on February 11. The shares have been devoted to Damianos Bolano, Christos Nikolopoulos Tsakalos and brothers of the CCF, to LA Anarchist Revolutionary Struggle acusadxs by Stella and Adoniou. Greek claim here .
• On 28 and 30 January: incendiary devices against four subsidiaries of the supermarket chain "Bazaar" in Athens, which has a monopoly to supply Koridallos prison. Dedicated members of CCF and Rami Sirians. Greek claim here .
• On February 1: burning a high-end jeep Eksarhia because "provoked". Greek claim here .
• On February 4 at 20:00 pm: attack with stones and other objects at the home of President K. Papoulias in Eksarhia. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 6 at dawn: 65 ATM sabotaged with glue at various points in Athens in solidarity with Polikarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Hrisohoidis. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 8 at noon: busted glass and paint thrown against the headquarters of Association of Computer and Communications of Greece (SEPS) located in Koukaki (Athens). Dedicated to Polikarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Hrisohoidis. Greek claim here .
• On February 9: attack on a pawn shop in Gyzi neighborhood in Athens. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 9 at dawn: A burst of Piraeus Bank with stones and axes in the municipality of Sitia in Thessaloniki. On February 13, at dawn the same bank, but with stones and Molotov cocktails. They say he burned the first because a gypsy family then slept in the van parked in front of the bank. Cell Autonomous Outdoor. Greek claim here .
• On February 11 at dawn, damages against the city of Veria Cathedral. No statement. Information in Greek here .
• On February 12 at dawn: an incendiary device on a bank in the municipality of Alimos in Athens. Anarchist Group against capitalist barbarity. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 13 afternoon: paint thrown at party headquarters in Nikeia Township. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On February 23 at dawn: coordinated arson attacks in Athens against: a bank teller National Thymarakia area, a Marfin bank teller in Paleo Faliro, a weekly car "Free Sunday" in Ilioupoli, 4 ATMs in Petralona , a subsidiary of the Ministry of Culture in Eksarhia. Dedicated to Stella Adoniou and also to A. Mitrousias, G. Karagiannidis and K. Sakkas defendants in the same case. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• 25 February: an incendiary device (2-liter petrol and clockmaking delay) off at noon in an empty wagon of metro station Egaleo (last line). Signed by "February 12 Movement". Initially it was considered by algunxs as a possible provocation (the press has "inflated" and twisted the subject talking about "a bomb in the subway", etc., Pointing to two fellow wanted by the case of the CCF as authors the attack). The claim was published more than a month later. Greek claim here .
• On 11 and 12 March: several motorcycles and cars that belonged to police, they were private cars of lumber, were burnt in different parts of Athens. Besides a police patrol was parked outside on the street courts Evelpidon. Dedicated to Lambros. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On March 14 at dawn: an incendiary device against the District Court in Municipality of Kallithea in Athens. Signed by IRF / FAI Cell Incendiary Attack "Trail of Ashes". Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On March 15 at noon: the headquarters of the Nazi Hrisi Avgi (Golden Dawn) vandalized by comrades in city of Patras. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On March 13 at dawn: 8 gas bottles and a can of gasoline against city police station in Trikala. On March 18, shortly before midnight: an incendiary device (camping gas cylinder, petrol delay matches) explodes in the parking lot of the police headquarters for the city of Trikala. The March 28: other appliance gas bottle explodes under the car of ex-mayor.
The statement (indirect) referred to these three acts is called "Gunpowder and fire the civilian government and all the executioners of our region" and is signed by "Anarquistxs Desempleadxs of Trikala." Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here . Information fellow detainee accused of such attacks, in Castilian here .
• On March 22 at dawn: burning a luxury jeep, Hummer, before the dealer "GB Performance Cars" in Neo Iraklio Township (Athens) with an incendiary device. Dedicated to the 4 arrested for the riots of February 12, to "Tortuga" at the LA Anarchist acusadxs case of CCF, a Revolutionary Struggle and anarchist prisoners Skouloudis, Tsifkas, Dimtsiadis, Fessas and Tsilianidis. Signed by "Lxs niñxs play". Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On March 24 at dawn: two high-powered incendiary devices (lots and lots of fuel gas cylinders) against a subsidiary of the Ministry of Interior in the Dafni, the building as also the Information Society, a company that, among other things, help the police with their specialized software. Dedicated to the anarchist prisoners Skouloudis, Tsifkas, Dimtsiadis, Tsilianidis to Theofilos Mavropoulos, vegan miembrxs of the CCF, to Sirians Rami and "all combatants within the walls." Also expresses its solidarity with four colleagues who are currently looking to reward, Marios Seisidis, Grigoris Tsironis (for a robbery in 2006), and Dimitris Politis Mihailidis Giannis (for the case of CCF) and Vasilis Paleokostas, the robber worthy. Signed by Circles of Offenders. Greek claim here .
• On March 24 and April 7: at 3:35 AM on the first date a branch of Alpha Bank is attacked with hammers and Molotov cocktails at Avenue Vouliagmenis (municipality of Dafni, Athens), while at the same time of day on April 7 the same goes for other Alfa bank branch, this time in the municipality of Ilioupoli. Dedicated to the hunger strikers anarchists and signed by Direct Action Communities. Greek claim here .
• On April 3 at 20:50: strong incendiary device against serving Kostas Simitis (PASOK politician), located on the fifth floor of an office block in Akadimias Street, in the heart of Athens. Signed by Organization "Zero Tolerance" and dedicated to the prisoners of the organization "17 November" Revolutionary Struggle and CCF. Greek claim here .
• On April 4: gazakia Keratsini against the city of Athens. Without claiming. Information in Greek here .
• On April 8: a Alfa Bank ATM in town was burned Agrinio. Without claiming. Information in Greek here .
• April 9: arson attack on the Special Secretariat for Public Administration and Electronic Government, located in Neos Kosmos Athens municipality. Made by revolutionary action. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• The April 13 evening: a branch of Eurobank is burned with 5 gazakia in Solonos street in the neighborhood of Eksarhia (Athens) by conspirators against the existing. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• The April 14: Paint thrown at neighborhood venues PASOK party Laos and in northern Athens. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• The April 14: a strong incendiary device against the District Court in Halandri (Athens). Dedicated to the CCF and signed by Interwoven Screams Attack / FAI. Greek claim here .
• The April 18: burned two cashiers and a diplomatic car in various parts of Athens. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• The April 19: burned several cars of OTE (Greek Telecommunications Organization) in Eksarhia. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On April 20 (the date of this release): FAI / Cell Solidarity incendiary burns a National Bank branch in the town of Nea Smyrni (Athens). Dedicated to the anarchist prisoners on strike. Greek claim here .
• 21 April: the tram railway (tram) blocked with fast cimento at three different points south of Athens. The act was signed by FAI / Fires Horizonte and dedicated to anarchist prisoners on hunger strike. Greek claim here .
• On 22 and 23 April: 10 cashiers were sabotaged with glue and silicone in the city of Iraklio (Crete) anarchists in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike. Unsigned. Greek claim here .
• 23, 24 and April 25: 23 was a teller burnt Marfin Bank and one ATE Goudi area, the next day at Nea Ionia burned a car security company "Kolossos" and day 25 two cash again, this time in Petralona (one of Proton and another ATE). Shares were dedicated to the hunger strikers Karagiannidis, Mitrousias, Sakkas and members of the CCF, also on hunger strike. Signed by Combative Solidarity Committee. Greek claim here .
• 28 April: IAF / Horizon Fires burning all the cars parked along the street a block from the town rich Levitou of Kifissia in Athens. Dedicated vegan CCF members and Theofilos Mavropoulos on hunger strike. Greek claim here .
• On April 29 at 23:40 pm: the "Night Patrol" attacks with molotovs police cars parked in front of the central police station in the city of Kavala (the building itself was not attacked for not endanger prisoners crowded into dungeons). At the same time it also attacks a bank branch Proton. The statement discusses the political and economic situation in the region and refers to Rami Syrianos and LA Anarchist acusadxs by CCF. Greek claim here .
• On May 2: Antifascist Metropolitan Patrol motorcycle burns the fascist Themis Skordeli in the Agios Panteleimonas in Athens. Greek claim here .
• On 2 and 3 May at dawn: the "Neighbors with insomnia" incendiary devices placed against a National Bank ATM in Gyzi and another in street Ellinoroson Attica Bank. Dedicated to Karagiannidis presxs vegan anarchists, and Sakkas Mitrousias. Greek claim here .
• On May 3: 3 attacks on political party headquarters. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On May 12 at dawn: an incendiary device (1.5 liter petrol) against postal van in Holargos (completely burnt) and other (3.5 liters) against the church of Agios Ioannis (major damage ) in Filopapou (Athens). Dedicated to Rami Syrianos, the CCF and contains greetings in Italian Core Olga. Signed by FAI / FRI / CCF / revolutionary groups Dispersion of Terror. Greek claim here .
• On May 14 at dawn: Comrades who then signed as "Some 34.9%" forced the door of the building of the Office of Public Finance (taxes) Amaroussi area (north of Athens) and using 25 liters of gasoline, 20 camping gas cylinders and 20 liters of oil, causing damage to hundreds of thousands of euros (the building itself is out of operation for several weeks). The action is especially dedicated to Panagiotis Argyrou, Gerasimos and Christos Tsakalos (which were then on hunger strike). It also contains LA Anarchist solidarity greetings to the FAI luchadorxs in the world and positive incarcerated women, photos of the attack were published by the press as "a public health hazard." Greek claim here .
• On May 18 at noon: busted three ATMs in the center of Thessaloniki. For Rami Ikonomidou Syrianos and Olga. Vindicated by "unxs Trends Solidarixs with vandalism." Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On May 20 (the date of this release): two incendiary devices (total 7.5 liters of "flammable mixture" and 6 bottles of camping gas) against the company "MEGAS Security" in the municipality of Thessaloniki Triandria. Dedicated to Olga Ikonomidou Rami Syrianos and signed by anti-state militant struggle. Greek claim here .
• On May 21 at dawn: incendiary device on a bank in the Neapoli in Thessaloniki. Dedicated to Olga Ikonomidou Rami Syrianos and signed with a simple "Anarchists". Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On May 22 at dawn: burned 3 vans full of shipping company "Speedex" in Maroussi and two company vans ANDOXI ATE (who worked on the amplification of the buildings of the Police) in area Patissia. A more incendiary device caused partial damage to a van "Speedex" in Eksarhia. Group comrades "Lxs niñxs play" FAI / FRI, claiming those actions, also mentioned that two weeks before a luxury car burned in the Kolonaki. Dedicated to the prisoners in the demonstration on 12 February at the LA Anarchist miembrxs CCF and LA Anarchist acusadxs by the case, to the revolutionary struggle and Rami Syrianos. Greek claim here .
• On May 26 (the date of this release): blown and decorated with paint local party headquarters in Nea Dimokratia Terpsisea neighborhood in Piraeus, since as mentioned the statement "above the houses were not allowed to burn." Unsigned and dedicated to the 4 prisoners of manifestation of February 12, the CCF and all LA's political prisoner. Greek claim here .
• On May 31 (the date of this release): destruction, during the month of May, 14 surveillance cameras in city of Volos. Dedicated to the CCF and especially Olga Ikonomidou. Cooperation signed by the sabotage and vandalism. Greek claim here .
• On June 13 at 19:45 pm: strong incendiary device ignited Tsouganatos Dimitris's office, a law professor. The office is located on the third floor of a building Sina Street in the upmarket area of Kolonaki, in central Athens. Dedicated to the prisoners of "November 17", LA Anarchist acusadxs by LR and CCF as "the dozens of fighters imprisoned in the cells of democracy" and signed by the Organization "Zero Tolerance". Greek claim here .
• The June 17: a "vote anarchist" as 1 liter of gasoline burned the urn in the local election Eksarhia in Athens. Dedicated to Olga Ikonomidou of the CCF and unsigned. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On June 27 at dawn: a van full of camping gas cylinders and 150 liters of petrol set fire to the headquarters of Microsoft in Maroussi, northern Athens. For deviant behavior by the spread of revolutionary terrorism / FRI. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On June 30 (the date of this release, since it does not specify the time of the action): an incendiary device at the offices of radio station Channel Rodopi (mountains of this region) located in the city of Komotini . The station left the members of Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) issue neo-Nazi propaganda. Signed by Revolutionary Anarchist Organization "Antifascist Action". Greek claim here .
• On 15 and 17 July, respectively: An arson attack on the luxurious restaurant "Alatsi" situated at Vrasida (opposite the Hilton, Pagrati Athens area) and owned by Stavros Theodorakis (known television journalist, who has its own program in which in a way is disgusting and hypocritical problems called "social margin" as presxs, drogadictxs, transvestites, etc..). Another incendiary device against Panou AEVE company, located in the street Evstathiou (Polygonos in Athens area) and working with the Police and the Ministry of Defense. The shares were dedicated to anarchist prisoner Tsilianidis Babis and lengthy statement (which has many references to the "cultures criminals of the night" in the U.S. and Latin America) is signed by Circles Offenders. Greek claim here .
• On August 13 afternoon: an incendiary device placed in the offices of the real estate investment company and disorders, located on the fifth floor of a building in the Panormou in Athens. For FAI / FRI Brigade "Fire to the galleys." Greek claim here .
• On August 15 at dawn: blown glass and paint thrown against the carnage "Thesaliki" city of Volos. Signed by Antiespecistas. Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On 12 and 22 August respectively: fire headquarters neighborhood of Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) in Pagrati and a private car of one of the MPs of the same party Nazi Peristeri (Athens). Greek claim here . Claim in Castilian here .
• On September 1: an incendiary device at the offices of the City Police in Kipseli (Athens). Signed by FAI / Fires Horizonte. Greek claim here .
• El 24 de Septiembre por la madrugada: incendio de la empresa Transam Trading Co EPE (vende sistemas de seguridad y control) en Halandri (Atenas). Por FAI/Fuegos en Horizonte. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 29 de Septiembre por la tarde: ataque con molotovs contra la comisaría de Akropoleos. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Reivindicación en castellano aquí .
• Por la medianoche de 29 a 30 de Septiembre: lluvia de molotovs contra los antidisturbios en Eksarhia. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Reivindicación en castellano aquí .
• El 8 de Octubre por la madrugada: un ataque con fuego destruye por completo el vagón del tram (tranvía) en la zona de Faliro en el sur de Atenas. Un extenso y extremadamente interesante comunicado está firmado por Círculos Delincuentes. La acción fue dedicada a todxs lxs acusadxs por el caso de la CCF (el nuevo juicio contra la CCF de hecho comenzó unas pocas horas después del ataque en cuestión) y para los anarquistas presxs Tsiliandis, Tsifkas y Dimitsiadis. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Fotos aquí y acá .
• El 8 y 9 de Octubre: reivindicación (sin firmar) por la quema de varios vehículos particulares de los policías en Atenas: 2 motos en Eksarhia, un coche en Peristeri, 2 motos en Egaleo y un coche en Kipseli. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 11 de Octubre por la madrugada: una sede barrial del partido Izquierda Democrática regalada al fuego en la zona de Kesariani en Atenas. Sin firmar. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Reivindicación en castellano aquí .
• El 10 y 12 de Octubre respectivamente: un artefacto incendiario contra supermercado de la cadena AB Vasilopoulos en zona de Zografou y un otro contra la filial de Casa de Ahorros de los Correos en zona de Ambelokipi en Atenas. Firmado por FRI/CCF Grupos Revolucionarios por la Dispersión del Terror. Reivindicación en griego aquí . Reivindicación en castellano aquí .
• El 15 de Octubre (fecha en que se publicó el comunicado, ya que no especifica cuando se realizaron los ataques): un breve comunicado sin firmar reivindica una serie de ataques incendiarios realizados en varios puntos del área metropolitana de Atenas y dedicados a lxs presxs de la CCF, todxs lxs acusadxs por el mismo caso y los compañeros Giannis Mihailidis y Dimitris Politis que están en busca y captura. Golpeados han sido: 2 cajeros del Banco Nacional en Maroussi, 1 cajero de Eurobank en Petralona, 1 cajero de Casa de Ahorros de los Correos en Vyronas, un coche de la empresa de seguridad G4 en Ano Patissia y un vehículo estatal en Glyfada. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 6 de Noviembre: artefacto incendiario contra un sucursal de Banco Comercial en municipio Halastra de Tesalónica. Dedicado a los anarquistas presos Tsifkas, Dimitsiadis, Tsilianidis, Syrianos, Sakkas , Mitrousias, Karagiannidis ya lxs miembrxs de la CCF. Reivindicación sin nombre. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 8 de Noviembre por la madrugada: los vidrios de una filial del Banco Rural y de las oficinas del diario burgués “Peloponissos” reventados a martillazos en ciudad de Patras. Firmado por el Comité de Expropiadores de la Cotidianidad. Reivindicación en griego aquí .
• El 18 de Noviembre por la madrugada: En ciudad de Komotini un artefacto incendiario es colocado en la puerta trasera del edificio de la sede local del gobierno (región de Macedonia Oriental y Tracia). En solidaridad con el anarquista preso Tasos Theofilou, lxs de Lucha Revolucionaria, lxs de la CCF, Savvas Ksiros y todos los guerrilleros urbanos. Firmado por Acción Antifascista (Anti.Drasi). Reivindicación en griego aquí .

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