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#Demo2012 - Loud & Proud

Top Noise! | 21.11.2012 16:05 | Education | Policing | Public sector cuts

10,000 protestors join NUS and National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts demos, 21 Nov 2012

Great turn-out considering the horrible weather - and, on reaching Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, protestors did a good job of spreading-out their march across Westminster Bridge for as long as possible, maximising the disruption around Parliament and minimising any chance of police kettling on the bridge.

The worst criticism any genuine radical could level at a march like today's would be to say that it didn't happen - and, for any trolls who might post smart-arse comments about how A to B marches don't achieve anything, posting stupid comments on Indymedia doesn't achieve anything, but what protests like #Demo2012 do achieve is to keep the protest movement alive, when expenses-guzzling MPs and the right-wing media are just desperate for the anti-austerity movement to die. Great work!

Obviously there's been criticism of the NUS, often leveled by people who didn't organise anything better, but congratulations also to the National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts for putting the work into organising the feeder marches.

Main criticism would be calls for a "free" education. In terms of pro-active political engagement with the general public, it's important to communicate the fact that that no-one wants "free" public services. We want the public services our taxes, our parents taxes and our grandparents taxes have already and continue to pay for - resources which a manifestly corrupt government are clawing back in order to subsidize the multinationals, the bankers and the super-rich who profit from exploiting the infrastructure our taxes have also paid for.

Top Noise!


top banner

21.11.2012 16:11

Students getting clued up

burn the rich


21.11.2012 16:24




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21.11.2012 16:26

Re - "free education", read the article above


Clued up?

21.11.2012 16:34

All those blue banners in the photos are NUS banners, if you "Smash the NUS" then today's march would have consisted of the 1,000-odd people who took part in the NCAF&C feeder marches, instead of the 10,000+ people who actually marched. In situations like these, try to apply logic... it helps. If the NUS havn't pursued policies that you approve of, that's because you didn't put enough work into campaigning to influence NUS policies.


@indy mods

21.11.2012 17:26

read the comments addressed @burn


well worth the read

21.11.2012 17:34


NEXT DEMO DEC 5th !!!!!!!!!!

21.11.2012 17:46

NEXT DEMO DEC 5th !!!!!!!!!!

To reply to Parsons, yes the NUS demo took place "in the Pouring Rain", so did NCAFC's. If you'd organised the kind of demo you would have liked, would the rain have held-off just because you wanted it to?!


Nick Clegg

21.11.2012 17:48

@Nick Clegg
@Nick Clegg



really check

21.11.2012 19:02

This "demo" was a fucking criminal waste of everybodies time. Just who the fuck are these cop wannabe nus stewards? A national disgace is what that fucking borefest was. The world is fucked when no one can be bothered to tell the perverts who rule us to fuck off and die.



21.11.2012 19:35

I get your anger, jeez how many demos have I been on and felt like that.

But I think radicals have really got to stop expecting anything from these A-B marches given that are organised and controlled by the likes of the TUC, NUS and STW. Instead, as we say time and again, we need to get out there in our communities, propagandise, and spread alternative forms of resistance. It just ain't really happening, that's the problem. At least not on anywhere near a large enough scale.


Response to "me" & to people holding the Smash NUS banner > #Dec5

21.11.2012 19:54

This comment is directed to the specific individuals holding the Smash The NUS banner (also relevant to "me" etc). Well, there it is >> Dec 5th specifically and personally < to PROVE that you can actually deliver something better

Best of luck


Response to "me" & to people holding the Smash NUS banner > #Dec5

21.11.2012 19:57

OK, something went wrong with the last comment, so.... This comment is directed to the specific individuals holding the Smash The NUS banner on today's demo (also relevant to "me" etc). Well, there it is >> Dec 5th << your opportunity to prove you can do better than the NUS

That means you've got 2 weeks to get more than 10,000 people on the streets, and do that without any of the financial resources and publicity channels and without any of the organisational support of the careerists you're so quick to condemn within the NUS

Don't get me wrong, I agree alot of NUS activists are careerists and agree it's appalling the NUS sat on their hands for 2 years, but that doesn't mean the onus isn't now on YOU, specifically and personally, to PROVE that you can actually deliver something better

Best of luck

Maybe it'll work properly this time?

Feeder march

21.11.2012 19:58

Feeder march ..... and just the top of the feeder march at that


@Me etc

21.11.2012 20:12

Seriously, we've been through all this nonsense so many times before, it all happened after the massive peace movement marches in the early 1980s. A bunch of frankly thick Anarchists went on half a dozen marches and then threw their toys out of the pram when it turned out a/ you can't just wave a magic wand and conjure up a social revolution through the sheer power of sloganeering and wishful-thinking, and b/ not everyone in the protest movement agreed with them.

Sure there are ALWAYS lots of criticisms you can (and should) make of mainstream groups, because no group is ever in any way, shape or form perfect. The fact is students ARE clued up - and I'm talking about the thousands of students holding NUS banners! What they're clued up about is the fact that no matter how much the NUS and TUC fuck-up if Anarchists ran these campaigns they'd be fucked-up 100 times WORSE.

Sniping is always easy when all you've got to do afterwards is put your feet up in front of the TV, crack a lager and moan

And anyone who thinks this was a waste of time, the solution's easy..... next time stay at home


@ 1966

21.11.2012 20:54

I'll see your radical nus system changers standing in a muddy park in two years time.
Seriously-I come from a time when there was no internet and social networking and we got thousands on demos who did not have to be herded into pens/parks by future cops. How bad does it have to be to get brainwashed morons on the streets?
We really are fucked and these marches are shit so maybe some well deseved revenge is all we can tell our kids about.

me again

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demand for free stuff

21.11.2012 22:51

I'm absolute stunned that people feel they can march and 'demand' that they get something for free.

Why not march through Selfridges and 'demand' they give you a free Playstation whilst you are at it?

If you want a car - buy it
If you don't want a car but want to do further education - buy it
No one is forcing to to do it


Last NUS demo I go on

22.11.2012 01:24

Today was a waste of time and if anything, proved the NUS are the best guys to use to kill a protest movement. Next demo (if you ever call one which I doubt) won't have 10,000. Pretend otherwise all you like but that's the sentiment of your members too.


Anarchists, Toys, Pram... & the student occupation at SOAS

22.11.2012 13:01

The NCAFC feeder march started at Gower St near Euston Rd, picked up alot more supporters on Malet St, did a U-turn round the SOAS / ULU campus to the NE corner of Russell Sq, where a bunch of anarchists tried to storm through a police line into the student occupation at SOAS

If they'd succeeded, that would have taken a big student protest off the main roads, back into a university campus, risking potentially dozens of pointless arrests, preventing the feeder march from joining the main demo, and making sure this march's messages went out to a small group of student radicals in the SOAS occupation, completely ignoring the general public in the surrounding area.

So, were the geniuses who tried to the SOAS occupation the same people who stormed the stage in Kennington? Now tell us who's the best guys to use to kill a protest movement?

@Jon - if that's the last NUS protest you go on - SFW. Sure the NUS were wrong to take the march to Kennington, but they way to respond to that was not NOT to give the Daily Mail EXACTLY what they wanted -


Who gives a fuck

22.11.2012 17:09

The NUS might want Stalinist democratic centralism but the students showed that the NUS doesn't speak for them, a pathetic showing of around 3-4000 according to the Guardian, way below the 10,000 predicted and a badly organised march by tomorrows government ministers who use the NUS as a springboard into politics. If your intention of the march was to get a good write up in the Daily Mail then I despair of your politics.


Flawed Logical Reasoning

22.11.2012 22:34

> The NUS might want Stalinist democratic centralism but the students showed that the NUS doesn't speak for them, a pathetic showing of around 3-4000 according to the Guardian, way below the 10,000 predicted and a badly organised march by tomorrows government ministers who use the NUS as a springboard into politics.

Or that some misinformed idiot just pulled the 10,000 number out of a hat, and now you are using that as a measure of success/failure. What if they said that they expect a turnout of 1,000? Would that then the protest a massive success using your logic?

>> If your intention of the march was to get a good write up in the Daily Mail then I despair of your politics.

Yeah, but fortunately we aren't living in a dictatorship with you at the helm telling all us plebs what we should be doing with ourselves.



23.11.2012 00:26

No, the NUS said they were expecting 10,000. I didn't even say that because they got less than this that it was a failure, I was just correcting whoever said that 10,000 turned out because it wasn't true.

As to your other comment, I don't really get what you're point is? You calling me a wannabe dictator because I don't want to kiss arse the Daily Mail? This debate is quickly descending into a typical Indymedia comment section farce, next I'll be called an agent-provocateur/cop/edl/anarchist/troll/hard left. I'm calling it a day.



23.11.2012 13:05

No radical does anything in order "to get a good write up in the Daily Mail". The priority is not to conduct campaigns in ways which end-up HELPING THE DAILY MAIL to achieve their political objectives

Try to keep up

The way to undermine the right-wing media is to conduct campaigns in ways which at least stand some chance of crossing-over and engaging the 99.5% of people in this country who have no involvement in radical politics, otherwise you just end up languishing in the eternal self-righteousness of your comfort zone - the radical ghetto... congratulations, obviously you're right about everything, but unfortunately the government are winning because hardly anyone's listening to you

There is no "magic wand" formula for engaging the general public, we need to experiment with different approaches, but people like you havn't even got as far as recognising the need yet

despair of your politics

reaching the people

23.11.2012 21:09

>obviously you're right about everything,

And that is where you are failing to reach the 99.5% of people you speak of.
They do not think you are right. They have a different viewpoint to yours.

Everyone 'thinks' they are right. So stomping around say you are right and that 99.5% of people are wrong aint really going to win you any favours.

i just trumped

Just to clarify

25.11.2012 00:55

Just to clarify, it's not a question of (and the following hypothetical percentages are for the sake of illustration only) 99.5% of people having an opinion that's "wrong", while the 0.5% - the radicals - have an opinion that's right. It's a question of a large majority of the public knowing full-well that the alleged budget deficit is a scam (a scam designed to justify theft of public resources to subsidize multinational tax-cheats) but only a minority of people having the confidence to protest against that


@ burn

30.11.2012 14:03

thing is, you're not actually going to "burn the rich" are you

and in the very unlikely event that you did ever find the courage to try and practice what you preach (rather than just posting online and trying to incite OTHER PEOPLE to take your risks for you), the only thing you'd be likely to achieve is probably first killing the wrong person by mistake, and second probably a very long prison sentence

fantasists like you pretty much sum up Indymedia - one step forward, THREE STEPS BACK



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