1500 Anti-Fascists oppose 200 EDL in Norwich –
Noor Inayat Khan | 10.11.2012 17:39 | Anti-racism | Culture
Norwich welcomes the EDL (ironic) –
Compare and contrast / REAL heroism - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noor_Inayat_Khan
Compare and contrast / REAL heroism - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noor_Inayat_Khan
Noor Inayat Khan
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Caption contest
10.11.2012 17:53
Suggestions please.......................
10.11.2012 18:06
This chipolata...
10.11.2012 18:16
Northern A
e-mail: jonathanwd1@aol.com
wheres the anti-fasc?
10.11.2012 18:34
1500? Fail
10.11.2012 18:53
ya dick
10.11.2012 19:26
Northern A
10.11.2012 19:38
If you bother to click on the 2 other links they lead you to videos of those 1,500 people loudly booing the EDL
The one thing you're right about though is that you are (in your own words) a "failure"
"Where are the anti-fasc?"
10.11.2012 21:32
As for the 1500 anti-fascists they were the ones surrounding this dwindling band of EDL numbskulls booing, shouting and jeering.
Oh yeah, and also laughing. in fact they were doing a lot of laughing. Pointing as well. Pointing and laughing.
At the EDL
Oh yeah, EDL divwads, while we're on the subject, can you conform exactly how shit the CXF demo in West Ham was and the EDL demo outside Wandsworth nick.
The rumours are that they were very shit indeed.
By the way
10.11.2012 22:00
edl fucked
10.11.2012 22:22
PHOTO - more like 150 than 200, but still pathetic
10.11.2012 22:24
Very small EDL, in Norwich
To be fair there's a few EDL to the left and right who aren't in the photo, so let's be generous and put that up to 150, either way it's not impressive
Point + laugh
10.11.2012 22:25
10.11.2012 22:25
F**k Off Jeff
10.11.2012 22:27
10.11.2012 22:30
@ "MARTIN SMITH" (sic) real name Jeff Marsh
10.11.2012 23:04
Now Martin Smith IS, in my opinion, a bit of berk, but he's a leading member of a group called the Socialist Workers Party. The SWP are an openly Trotskyist organisation. Leon Trotsky was murdered by agents of Joseph Stalin, because Stalin bitterly opposed Trotsky's politics, just as in fact most Indymedia users are not Communists. Jeff - you, sir, are, on many levels, unfortunately as thick as 2 short planks
Try to keep up Jeff
10.11.2012 23:10
Like a spoilt child drawing cartoons of people it doesn't like. I don't quite think he's got over the humiliation of BrightonII yet, his own demo ruined by those nasty lefties, cornered in a pub and legging it out the back door and leaving his mates to face them before the cops saved their arses.
He's not been to a demo since, even his own mates in the Casuals have started whispering that he's lost it.
Hence the crap photoshop pictures, its all he has left.
EDL Nazis make Hitler salute in London
10.11.2012 23:27
EDL Nazis make Hitler salute in London
10.11.2012 23:31
If you leave comments up that refer to other comments that don't exist any more, that's very confusing for people who dip into the thread at a later time
So, when you've removed those comments, please also remove this comment as well
EDL Norwich knob jockey
11.11.2012 00:02
EDL Norwich knob jockey
Methematica Blobalopilis.
11.11.2012 01:35
English Dot Lollipops
Not bad for a quick count...the answer is 106 in total. That includes four approaching from the back with another banner.
B Blocker
Newest EDL supporter.
11.11.2012 02:11
New EDL member!
OMG, thats really weird you say that!
I've just received this image in from London Zoo of a monkey that is claiming to be the first member of the EDL's 'Primate' Division.
Obviously, there are some issues with the monkeys ability to form gestures with its hand, a number of politicians are at present arguing among themselves over whether the monkey is doing a Nazi or an Ulster salute.
Desmond Morris has claimed that the monkey is, in actual fact, asking for a banana - which apparently is quite normal for monkeys.
But isn't it strange that Jeff Marsh and the monkey look weirdly similar to each other!
I've posted an image of Mr Marsh and the monkey together side-by-side so we can all make our own minds up.
NEXT WEEK - Is it OK to decorate your cat with glitter at Christmas?
Chris Packham of Nature Watch.
Consider your language please
11.11.2012 12:32
Someone in the comments also used "knob jockey" which is a homophobic slur.
Homepage: http://brennybaby.blogspot.co.uk/
article with updates
11.11.2012 13:32
oh yeah?
11.11.2012 17:44
Sort you language out
11.11.2012 19:00
Well actually it does. If you worked in a special needs school and called someone with learning difficulties a "mentalist", you'd be in front of a tribunal and probably sacked. Kindly think twice before throwing your derogatory comments around and reinforcing hurtful stereotypes.
Don't like it? Well, why not go around calling black people n*****s and the disabled s*****s
Because that is pretty much what you are doing.
@Richard @tough
11.11.2012 19:40
@tough "IF you worked in a special needs school and called someone with learning difficulties a "mentalist""? ... "IF" being the operative word. The point is mate we're NOT working in a special needs school and we're NOT talking to or about people with learning difficulties.
11.11.2012 19:53
@tough > Well actually it does
@tough, who on earth are you to tell squadge what offends her/him?
11.11.2012 19:59
""Mental refers to aspects of, or things related to, the mind; or, in anatomy, the region of the chin, e.g. the mental foramen, can also mean:. People who act in a way characteristic of mental disorders; this is often used pejoratively""
So - yes. It is saying that the EDL are "mental" .... and is basically not saying very good things about people with mental disorders. How you can defend this I do not know.
>>>>> @tough "IF you worked in a special needs school and called someone with learning difficulties a "mentalist""? ... "IF" being the operative word. The point is mate we're NOT working in a special needs school and we're NOT talking to or about people with learning difficulties.
Oh. So as long as 'mental' people don't hear you saying it then it is ok then is it? That makes it acceptable for you then? Does that mean it is ok for the EDL to slag off black people as long as there are no black people around to hear it?
"The point is mate they're NOT working with black people and they're NOT talking to black people" ........ yes, i guess using your logic it would be ok. WHich is clearly wrong - therefore your logic is wrong.
i am and anyone else with some empathy
11.11.2012 20:07
I'm sure squadge can right his/her own replies without you putting words in their mouths.
I'm a Doctor and have been fighting ALL forms of prejudice before you were probably born.
And it amazes me how many times apologists quote one person's opinion and conclude that that is the as the opinion of all. It isn't. This is REALLY SIMPLE... people do NOT like to be be on the sharp end of prejudice, belittlement and meanness. This is really basic stuff..... you should know this.
Anyone who has seen 20 kids taunting a kid with learning difficulties using such words as Mentalist, Spas etc...... will know that taking the piss out of kids like very hurtful and can destroy someones confidence in themselves. Why are you supporting this?!
As already stated
11.11.2012 20:18
"You already agree that it is being used in a derogatory form"? Yes, but not derogatory in the way that you understood it ;)
"So i have no idea why you linking to the magician link"? The magician link is made for the simple reason that the word used was factually "mentalist" (not the word "mental") and because the word "mentalist" factually means (a form of) magician... as already stated, and proved, as a matter of FACT
"So, it is obviously meant in the Alan Partridge use as Mentalist - someone who is mental, rather than as a compliment"? Clearly it was meant, as already stated, to be ironic in context of taking the piss out of the EDL, therefore it is obvious that it was never intended to compliment the EDL
"How you can defend this I do not know"? I can defend this with the argument above and by pointing out the evidence that you've already seen... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentalist
Please don't confuse usage in context of Alan Partridge dialogue with usage in context of taking the piss out of Fascists football hooligans
Oh, pur-lease
11.11.2012 20:25
With all due respect, you seem to have difficulty distinguishing simple facts of this situation, viz -
No-one here is supporting "this"
No-one here is taking the piss out of kids with learning difficulties
What people ARE doing is taking the piss out of the EDL
Factor-in those specific and quite significant facts
11.11.2012 20:36
You've misunderstood it. It isn't an ironic form of magician. It is calling the guy 'mental' using urban slang. And everyone except you seems to agree with that intepretation
1. Richard interpreted it in the same way
2. squadge said 'as dude with mental health issues....' so he interpreted the same way (he only said he wasn't offended by it - but clearly made the connection to his own health issues).
3. I interpreted that way too
4. So that is 3 people who think it is referring to mental health issues against you (1 person).
So yes, you may interpref it the way you do, but 75% of people interpret the way i do.
I guess in you closed mind those 75% people's viewpoint dont count though and as long as you arn't offended then its ok?
>>> "So, it is obviously meant in the Alan Partridge use as Mentalist - someone who is mental, rather than as a compliment"? Clearly it was meant, as already stated, to be ironic in context of taking the piss out of the EDL, therefore it is obvious that it was never intended to compliment the EDL
No it isn't clearly used in that context. It is clearly used in the Alan Partridge context as being a derogatory form of 'mental'.
> "So i have no idea why you linking to the magician link"? The magician link is made for the simple reason that the word used was factually "mentalist" (not the word "mental") and because the word "mentalist" factually means (a form of) magician... as already stated, and proved, as a matter of FACT
Yes, completely ignore what everyone else thinks. As long as your 25% share of the viewpoint is right thats all that matters eh?
>>> "How you can defend this I do not know"? I can defend this with the argument above and by pointing out the evidence that you've already seen... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentalist
Yes, we gather you arn't offended. Plenty of blacks who are called nigg**s arn't offended either. Doesn't mean that the rest of them arn't doesn't it?
>>> Please don't confuse usage in context of Alan Partridge dialogue with usage in context of taking the piss out of Fascists football hooligans
Please don't confuse your viewpoint with that of everyone else.
please yourself
11.11.2012 20:43
Yes... by comparing them to people with mental health issues in a derogatory sense and as a group to be ridiculed.
Disruptive posts
11.11.2012 20:48
Enough already with the disruptive posts
11.11.2012 21:01
When it comes to questions of perception, you were the one who thought the statement in question was meant to be (direct quote) a "compliment" to the EDL. How anyone could misconstrue this thread as being in any way complimentary to the EDL is a mystery, but what that does prove is that it's you who misunderstands what's obvious to virtually everyone else
11.11.2012 21:02
Ok. So if I call them a "black bastard", thats ok then? Because common sense does suggest that this undoubtedly derogatory term was not being directed at another black person.
Bull------shit does it.
> Enough already with the disruptive posts
You posted the last disruptive post.
another 'disruptive post'
11.11.2012 21:10
2 other persons
>> ....how come the fourteen other people who posted before you didn't mention that issue?
For the same reason as the 100s of people who can just walk on by without helping when someone collapses in the highstreet. If people can do that when someone is dying, then i'm sure the same will happen on an indymedia article. Maybe they are commenting on other replies. Maybe they are too scared to. Maybe they didn't want to get involved. Maybe they saw richard had already brought it up and it didn't need recovering.
>> When it comes to questions of perception, you were the one who thought the statement in question was meant to be (direct quote) a "compliment" to the EDL. How anyone could misconstrue this thread as being in any way complimentary to the EDL is a mystery, but what that does prove is that it's you who misunderstands what's obvious to virtually everyone else
Yes, it is not complimentary. I was being - as you put it - ironic. Obviously went over your head. Sorry about that. And since it isn't being complimentary, and is comparing EDL to mental people, then it isn't being complimentary to people with mental health issues either.
Re-read my last comment
11.11.2012 21:26
Tough, you're a real gem
11.11.2012 21:33
Obviously your judgement is beyond reproach
11.11.2012 22:11
i said 'for the same reason'. At no point did i imply that indymedia readers are the kind of people who'd ignore a dying person if they passed them on the street. The 'same reason' being: people didn't feel it was their business to get involved / couldn't be bothered / nothing in it for them / too scared / dont feel qualified / in a hurry to do something else.
That reason crosses many things from life/death situations through to commenting on an article. Same reason / different scenarios.
anyway, its a rubbish point. I could equally argue that 14 people didn't disagree with richards comment - therefore they clearly must support richard. Just because people dont mention their disagreement doesn't indicate if they agree OR disagree with a point. Its ridiculous to claim 14 people agree with someone simply because they happened to omit in stating their disagree - absolutely lunacy and smacks of desperation.
EDL supporter in Norwich
11.11.2012 22:13
Moderators feel free to remove the earlier version if you so wish ;)
Have a nice day
Prove you're not a hypocrite
11.11.2012 22:39
And of course "it's a rubbish point" (thanks for taking that bait) - your point about my opinion being (in your view) invalid because 2 people seem to have shared your opinion comes across as even sillier when you argue that the 14 earlier posts not mentioning your issue aren't relevant (if 14 people aren't relevant, for whatever reason, then 2 people are 7 times less relevant)
Roll-up Roll-up - student protestors whose banners accused Nick Clegg of being a "Moron" are insulting people with learning difficulties -
Prove you're not a hypocrite by posting dozens of comments on this next thread, aggressively chiding Malatesta for insulting right-wing Luton hooligan firm the Men in Gear as "Men On Gear" and therefore "MONG" -
11.11.2012 23:16
You are wrong.
> And of course "it's a rubbish point" (thanks for taking that bait) - your point about my opinion being (in your view) invalid because 2 people seem to have shared your opinion comes across as even sillier when you argue that the 14 earlier posts not mentioning your issue aren't relevant (if 14 people aren't relevant, for whatever reason, then 2 people are 7 times less relevant)
This is really, really simple stuff:
a. myself and 2 others interpreted it as 'mental health'. This equates to 3 people
b. you interpreted it another way. That is 1 person
c. 14 people didn't mention any agreement one way or another - so we don't know what their opinion is (and if you say you do you are 'assuming' Assuming != Know. I could assume the opposite of what you assume).
>> .....when you argue that the 14 earlier posts not mentioning your issue aren't relevant (if 14 people aren't relevant, for whatever reason, then 2 people are 7 times less relevant)
LOL! Fail. Silly boy. Yes, 2 people who state an opinion on something are outvoted by 14 people who don't state an opinion one way or the other. Rightttttttt HAHA! Fail.
> Prove you're not a hypocrite by posting dozens of comments on this next thread, aggressively chiding Malatesta for insulting right-wing Luton hooligan firm the Men in Gear as "Men On Gear" and therefore "MONG" -
LOL fail! Look up the word hypocrite. Where does it say that I now have to comment on Malatesta's article! Basically, a hypocrite is a person who says we should do one thing but actually does the opposite. Someone who posts on one article, but doesn't post on another is NOT a hypocrite. Otherwise - unless everyone posted on every article ever made, they would be hypocrites!!!
haha! You don't know what the word hypocrite means! :) That's a real classic
LK logic
11.11.2012 23:37
"Police attack anti fascists opposing EDL march Brighton April 2012"
According to youtube --- 107 people like this. 16 dislike it.
There were 16455 people who viewed the video. So thats 16332 with no opinion.
According to LK's logic, those 16332 would also agree with it by default.
So... thats 107+16332 = 16439 people agreed with police attacking anti-fascists
And 16 people who disagreed.
Double standards
12.11.2012 00:10
SECOND predictably no word on student protestors describing Nick Clegg (and FYI, also "David Camoron" (sic)) as morons - ditto as regards people with learning difficulties
THIRD no response to the point about you defaming Indymedia users as people who'd ignore a dying person in the street
FOURTH you dig yourself in EVEN FURTHER on the issue of whether the 2 people you think supported your opinion here are (quantitatively) relevant
FIFTH let's go back to the point about you being far more passionate and vocal about this than you are about opposition to Fascist mobilisations
Point is that from time to time we all make statements that out of context could be construed as offending the wrong people - when other people do that you aggressively assert the right to insist on the most extreme interpretation, but when YOU do it (see above) you make all sorts of stupid excuses (about how militant anti-fascists must be too scared to post comments on Indymedia and other such nonsense), refusing to be judged by the same standards by which you judge others
A big thank you to .....
12.11.2012 03:55
The photo quite clearly shows a 21 year old EDL supporter getting a stiffy at speaking to a policeman.
Many EDLers have gone on record at stating how much they hate the cops, but this small willied-one clearly has a fetish for uniforms.
Captain Cockeye
Mista Officer....
12.11.2012 04:16
EDL Chippolatas Division
Hello Simon Bennett
12.11.2012 04:27
It's just as well, as Dowson is trying to sue you for website libel, you daft Ex-BNP prick.
You did Nick Griffin's work for years, now you are sucking up to Paul Weston like your life depended upon it.
You think you are being clever trying to get your own back on Indymedia with all the bullshit on Indymedia and the half-baked arguments to try to cause as much division between the left as their is in fascist circles.
Simon Bennett's A Berk
Indeed! Simon Bennett You Are Sussed, You Loser!
12.11.2012 04:31
Tone Luck
yeah whatever
12.11.2012 17:53
what a bunch of muppets, makes the anti-fasc look like fools. they will fool for anything haha!
Nazi slutwalk
12.11.2012 20:43
Nazi trigger removal
13.11.2012 08:40
we reule
13.11.2012 19:27
Simon Bennett
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