Reminder - everyone to Trafalgar Square for 6pm for mass march on Parliament
Anonymous | 05.11.2012 12:15
This is a reminder for everyone to get to Trafalgar Square for 6pm today the 5th of November for a mass march on Parliament starting at 8pm
Why are we marching?
Because we are angry about the government launching illegal war in our name which have killed hundreds of thousands such as Afghanistan and Iraq.
Because we are angry at the massive cuts to public services which have caused the loss of thousands of jobs and devastated public services.
Because of this government planned war on Iran.
Facebook event:
Because we are angry about the government launching illegal war in our name which have killed hundreds of thousands such as Afghanistan and Iraq.
Because we are angry at the massive cuts to public services which have caused the loss of thousands of jobs and devastated public services.
Because of this government planned war on Iran.
Facebook event:

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This should be the song for tonights demonstration
05.11.2012 12:36
The King Blues
Mass demonstration?
05.11.2012 12:52
good luck
05.11.2012 13:45
Also, there's some weird stuff likely to alienate people on your website: what is all this stuff about "God's Law" and your "Spiritual Leader Muad’Dib"? I thought Anonymous was started to fight AGAINST stupid religions and cults with all-important leaders? And the dogmatic emphasis on pacifism isn't going to help either; most people with any experience of street actions know that police brutality makes (totally-)peaceful change impossible.
Having said all that, I'd genuinely love to be proved wrong; anyone willing to have a go in times like these deserves at least a certain amount of support for that alone.
Good luck, and keep each other safe.
webcam links
05.11.2012 13:54
FILM THE COPS !!!!!!!!!!
05.11.2012 15:46
Point cameras at them even when you're not filming
Have your cameras on standby so you can film immediately the cops try anything
If you do get good / useful images make sure they go straight up onto Indymedia, You Tube etc as soon as you get home
Tory Economist admits BUDGET DEFICIT IS A MYTH
05.11.2012 15:56
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on" - Winston Churchill
As a Conservative I have no pleasure in exposing David Cameron's deficit claims. However, as long as the party continues to talk down the economy via the blame game, confidence will not be given an opportunity to return. For it is an undeniable and inescapable economic fact: without confidence and certainty there can be no real growth. Below are the three deficit claims - the mess. The evidence comes from the IMF, OECD, OBR, HM Treasury, ONS and even George Osborne. The claims put into context are:
CLAIM 1 - The last government left the biggest debt in the developed world?
After continuously stating the UK had the biggest debt in the world George Osborne admits to the Treasury Select Committee that he did not know the UK had the lowest debt in the G7? Watch: Also, confirmed by the OECD Those who use cash terms (instead of percentages) do so to scare, mislead and give half the story.
Its common sense, in cash terms a millionaire's debt would be greater than most people. Therefore, the UK would have a higher debt and deficit than most countries because, we are the sixth largest economy. Hence, its laughable to compare UK's debt and deficit with Tuvalu's who only have a GDP/Income of £24 million whilst, the UK's income is £1.7 Trillion.
Finally, Labour in 1997 inherited a debt of 42% of GDP. By the start of the global banking crises 2008 the debt had fallen to 35% - a near 22% reduction page 6 ONS Surprisingly, a debt of 42% was not seen as a major problem and yet at 35% the sky was falling down?
CLAIM 2 - Labour created the biggest deficit in the developed world by overspending?
Firstly, the much banded about 2010 deficit of over 11% is false. This is the PSNB (total borrowings) and not the actual budget deficit which was -7.7% - OBR Economic and Fiscal Outlook March 2012 page 19 table 1.2. Secondly, in 1997 Labour inherited a deficit of 3.9% of GDP (not a balanced budget ) and by 2008 it had fallen to 2.1% - a reduction of a near 50% - Impressive! Hence, it's implausible and ludicrous to claim there was overspending. The deficit was then exacerbated by the global banking crises after 2008. See HM Treasury. Note, the 1994 deficit of near 8% haaaaaah!
Thirdly, the IMF have also concluded the same. They reveal the UK experienced an increase in the deficit as result of a large loss in output/GDP caused by the global banking crisis and not even as result of the bank bailouts, fiscal stimulus and bringing forward of capital spending. It's basic economics: when output falls the deficit increases.
Finally, the large loss in output occurred because the UK like the US have the biggest financial centres and as this was a global banking crises we suffered the most. Hence, the UK had the 2nd highest deficit in the G7 (Not The World) after the US and not as a result of overspending prior to and after 2008- as the IMF concur.
CLAIM 3 - Our borrowing costs are low because the markets have confidence in George Osborne's austerity plan and without it the UK will end up like Greece?
Yes, the markets have confidence in our austerity plan and that's why PIMCO the worlds largest bond holder have been warning against buying UK debt. The real reason why our borrowing costs have fallen and remained low since 2008 is because, savings have increased. As a result, the demand and price for bonds have increased and as there is inverse relationship between the price of bonds and its yield (interest rate) the rates have fallen. Also, the markets expect the economy to remain stagnate. Which means the price for bonds will remain high and hence, our borrowing costs will also remain low.
Secondly, the UK is considered a safe heaven because, investors are reassured the Bank of England will buy up bonds in an event of any sell off - which increases the price of bonds and reduces the effective rate. Note, how rates fell across the EU recently when the ECB announced its bond buying program. Thirdly, because, we are not in the Euro we can devalue our currency to increase exports. Moreover, UK bonds are attractive because, we haven't defaulted on its debt for over 300 years.
David Cameron would like people to believe the markets lend in the same way as retail banks lend to you and I. Overall, when the facts and figures are put into context these juvenile deficit narratives and sound bites ("mere words and no evidence") simply fail to stand up to the actual facts. The deficit myth is the grosses lie ever enforced upon the people and it has been sold by exploiting people's economic illiteracy. So, David Cameron when are you going to apologise?
Cameron is playing the blame game to depress confidence and growth to justify austerity. Secondly, to use austerity as justification for a smaller state to gain lower taxes. Thirdly, to paint Labour as a party that can not be trusted with the country's finances again. Therefore, we Conservatives will win a second term because, people vote out of fear. The latter strategy worked the last time in office (18 years) and will work again because, in the end, elections are won and lost on economic credibility. Hence, as people believe Labour created the mess they won't be trusted again.
Finally, as the truth is the greatest enemy of the a lie I urge you to share this on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, text and email etc etc. So the truth can be discovered by all. Finally, have no doubt, people have been mislead by the use of the following strategy: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" Joseph Goebbels
Can hardly stay awake!!!
05.11.2012 16:00
Oh do piss off back to the TUC or whatever Union it is you're in.
We all know Labour have nothing whatsoever to offer.
The sooner the people wake up to the fact that Labour are just as corrupt as the Cons the better.
P.S How do you manage to still support Labour when you know that it has formally abandoned absolutely everything it ever believed in? I mean it must be really bad being the Socialist that you are and having to support a party that despises Socialism. How exactly do you make sense of that in your mind? You know, being forced to support something that despises you!!!
Maybe you don't care, maybe you only care about getting your mortgage paid for from the public purse.
Maybe the only thing you care about is the good ole gravy train!
another march ?
05.11.2012 17:03
better things to do
06.11.2012 00:21
Congratulations to everyone who showed up!!!!!
06.11.2012 00:22
Congratulations to everyone who showed up!!!!!
06.11.2012 07:49
"You're heros, literally"
Really ? In what way ?
Really though
06.11.2012 10:03
Remember we are aloud to have fun. Getting on to the street can just be a laugh.
And for the record the king blues are a band band. That tune is proper basic.
I didn't go
06.11.2012 23:11
nough said
why can't annonmous up the anti a bit?
07.11.2012 16:59
Now I hated techno trance back during Reclaim the street, but as least it was rowdyier and they're were less full on conspiracy nutters.
These Anonmous Twits are fucking time wasters.
All your looking at there is movement which is about to fade away... they should use they're brains and work out how to stir some real shit in the streets.
whitechapel anarchist
take baack the street
08.11.2012 21:08
couple of squaddies with combat gear could easily take down a few anarchos with flag poles.
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