Obama vs. Romney
Nilufar Ashtari | 04.11.2012 11:17
An urban poem about the essence of the candidates strive; war with Iran or an attempt at reconciliation.
I am a full-time mum of three
Living in some faraway country
Why your vote matters not only to you
but to me and my family
Obama killed Osama
No war was waged
Intelligence engaged
Pressure is up, the road is being paved
War is in the air, Romney is its heir
Israel beats the drums
Obama resists
Romney capitulates
to the hidden agenda of a gambling magnate
Arms sales to gulf states are at a record high
Sanctions cripple a nation, once proud
leaving it to bleed dry.
Iraq has been successfully Afghanised
In the name of freedom and democracy
Ordinary people die
Collateral damage, a big lie
Will the world be a safer place when war is waged against Iran?
With bunker buster bombs of 30 000 pound going down ?
Will the so-called nuclear threat have been eliminated
or just proliferated?
In 2009, their votes denied
Iranians took to the streets demonstrating for their rights
a beautiful girl called Neda died
many were killed and are imprisoned still
the green movement crushed, a bitter pill
Sons and daughters are standing up against their fathers
Families are divided
Youth does not want to be guided
Society is moving, cinema, music, culture is disapproving
Change from above, out of the skies
penetrating the earth 200 ft deep
Only feeds an extreme right elite
Radicalizing the man and woman in the street
Netanyahu and Ahmadinejad resemble each other in their crimes
Believing to be messiahs at the end of times,
Religious bigots have natural disasters on their side
Global warming a fact, hurricane Sandy its impact
Change is slow, four years in office
too short for Obama now to go
To all Americans in this world, let common sense
drive you to the polls
Iran is no threat
Islamism there is worn
After 33 years, serious cracks in the political edifice have grown
Instead of angst and prejudice
Positive perception
Can drive your choice
Nilufar Ashtari