Contrary to psychiatric opinion, children are not “experimental animals.”
Consuelo | 01.11.2012 07:25
This is the subtle propaganda of the psychiatrist and psychologist at work—the redefinition of words. Somehow in their hands, things just seem to get all twisted about and eventually fall apart. Examples of other words which suffer at their hands are “values,” “right,” “wrong,” “safe,” even “education.”
The trouble is that their worldwide propaganda on the subject of children and education has thoroughly duped well-meaning parents, teachers and politicians alike, that “normal”—there’s that word again—childhood behavior is no longer normal; that it is a mental illness. And further, that only by continuous, heavy drugging from a very early age, can the “afflicted” child possibly make it through life’s worst.
Who would have thought years ago that we could have come to this? Nevertheless we are here, and the harsh reality is that as a result, precious young lives all over the world are at serious risk, permanently damaged, even lost to us.
Contrary to psychiatric opinion, children are not “experimental animals.” They are human beings who have every right to expect protection, care, love and the chance to reach their full potential in life. A chance denied them by psychiatry’s labels and chemical straitjackets.
We are making this report, Child Drugging—Psychiatry Destroying Lives, available to expose the lies and propaganda at work, to provide a perspective and information not made readily available to parents and others concerned, and most importantly to help bring sanity and control back to the care and nurturing of our children.
Children are our future.
There is nothing less at stake here than our very future itself.
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a nonprofit mental health watchdog, Inspired from the Works of L. Ron Hubbard, responsible for helping to enact more than 150 laws protecting individuals from abusive or coercive practices. See
Who would have thought years ago that we could have come to this? Nevertheless we are here, and the harsh reality is that as a result, precious young lives all over the world are at serious risk, permanently damaged, even lost to us.
Contrary to psychiatric opinion, children are not “experimental animals.” They are human beings who have every right to expect protection, care, love and the chance to reach their full potential in life. A chance denied them by psychiatry’s labels and chemical straitjackets.
We are making this report, Child Drugging—Psychiatry Destroying Lives, available to expose the lies and propaganda at work, to provide a perspective and information not made readily available to parents and others concerned, and most importantly to help bring sanity and control back to the care and nurturing of our children.
Children are our future.
There is nothing less at stake here than our very future itself.
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a nonprofit mental health watchdog, Inspired from the Works of L. Ron Hubbard, responsible for helping to enact more than 150 laws protecting individuals from abusive or coercive practices. See
