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Anti Fascists in collaboration with Islamic extremists

Enzo Catania | 28.10.2012 10:13 | Anti-racism

The connection with the left and islamic extremists

picture says it all

Enzo Catania
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Fascist fail

28.10.2012 10:40

What do fascists do after being shown up as the tiny group of incompetent and marginalised losers that they are? Argue their case with searing logic? Provide us with fact after indisputable fact? Deliver an intellectual knockout blow? No. They post a photoshopped picture bless ’em!

Bullshit Detector

Hide this rubbish please.

28.10.2012 10:51

How does a really badly photoshopped image represent what you say it does? What you're actually saying is you think we are all as stupid as you are.

Thats really sad.

Hide this garbage please mods. This person is just making a fool of themselves.
