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Protesting drones at RAF Waddington, Lincs. Some photos

wpjf | 26.10.2012 22:15 | Afghanistan | Anti-militarism | Terror War | Sheffield | World

Twelve people demonstrated outside the main entrance to RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire today in response to the RAF's announcement that Britain is doubling its fleet of armed Reaper Drones from five to ten. While the demonstration was going on outside, the RAF was holding a ceremony to 'stand-up' its new drone squadron inside the base.

After the demonstration, we went round the other side of the base to meet Helen John who has been maintaining a one-woman anti-drone peace camp at Waddington for months.

Background info and call-out:

Drone Wars UK

More about the Peace Camp:


- e-mail: wrexhamsaw [at]


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no borders no drones

28.10.2012 16:23

Well done, but why only 12 protesters? Could do with 120, at least, this is really very important and can people get involved please? Would it be useful to organize meetings and info nights to highlight the issue? I met Afghan refugees - including a 12 years old who had all his family killed - the slaughter of civilians including children and babies is affecting everybody on the border Afghanistan - Pakistan, entire families have been massacred, funerals and weddings turned into carnage and UK is doing all this alongside the US!


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