We are going downhill, something needs to be done
Roland | 25.10.2012 11:53
As is boringly predictable on IMC UK these days this post was hidden
Details are here - https://lists.indymedia.org.uk/pipermail/moderation/2012-October/000927.html
The hider of the post was of course 'freethepeeps' without doubt the most arrogant of the current IMC UK editors and one of the two who treated the original poster so badly that they left Indymedia to post elsewhere.
Details are here - https://lists.indymedia.org.uk/pipermail/moderation/2012-October/000927.html
The hider of the post was of course 'freethepeeps' without doubt the most arrogant of the current IMC UK editors and one of the two who treated the original poster so badly that they left Indymedia to post elsewhere.
The ongoing decline of IMC UK is currently being discussed elsewhere on the net and as the editors quickly hide all discussion of how IMC UK is run or the ability of others to join the collective I will not bother stating the points again, readers maybe inclined to do their own Scroogle searches and read the excellent points made by members of the London IMC collective and their views of collective non-hierarchical decision making.
For those who question why Indymedia UK is in decline look no further than here.
Ever wondered why contributors are falling ? Nic | 23.10.2012 13:20
Ever looked at Indy UK and thought,
"There are a lot less original posts than there used to be"
Well you are right there are and one reason is the heavy handed, arrogant approach taken by the moderators - below is a perfect example.
The poster did all that was asked of him, he saw his post had been hidden so instead of simply moving away from Indymedia and posting somewhere else on the web he took the time to discover the details of the collective, found out the correct procedure for querying a hide and promptly emailed them. The response he received was staggering:
Is where is begins, read through and watch how two moderators combine to belittle the requests, patronise the person, dismiss questions raised and generally do all they can to ensure this person feels unwanted. What are the chances of this individual returning to Indymedia, how likely is it he or she will post an update on their campaign, provide a report of an action, give details in the calender of an event or crucially recommend Indy UK to others. ?
I am sure the two moderators involved have a nice smug feeling of superiority as a result of this episode and when Indy UK is left with no posts apart from the Turkish spam I am sure they will be the first to complain that the site got no support from the activist community. Indy UK is in decline not just because it failed to move with the times but also because the attitude of the moderators drives people away.
The irony is this post will of course be hidden.