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Oppose the EDL in Walthamstow - Saturday 27th October

AFN | 22.10.2012 12:07 | Anti-racism

...Round 2 - Ding, Ding...

After their miserable day out in Walthamstow a few weeks back, the EDL have promised to return for another demonstration, this coming Saturday, the 27th October – this time without co-operating with the police. At the last demo they managed to get a measly 300 people out compared to the thousands of locals and anti-fascists that opposed them. Fuck only knows how they think they are going to fare without police protection.

To add to the racists problems 53 of them, including the leaders, got nicked on Saturday as they tried to plan an attack on a London Mosque by all hiding in the back of a removal van!! Those who got nicked are not allowed back into east London as part of their bail…

If this unpoliced revenge ‘demo’ is anything like when Casuals United tried the same thing in Brighton, it will end up with the fascists skulking around a few pubs, desperately trying to get pissed enough to get the bollocks to go and shout at locals who don’t look white. As easy as it is to laugh at these inept morons, even a handful of drunk racists can inflict injury & damage on an innocent community. Anti-fascists from AFN were out last time and will be out again, as long as the community is under threat from street fascism.


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Why not oppose Islamic extremists instead?

22.10.2012 12:14

I would be more up for a demonstration opposing Islamic extremists than a demonstration against a demonstration against Islamic extremists. What the hell is the point in protesting against protesters who are protesting against something which is clearly wrong like Islamic extremism?



22.10.2012 12:25

Yeah, as an anti-fascist I'm opposed to Islamic extremism as well as far-right extremism.

Doesn't mean the EDL and their more nutty offshoots shouldn't be opposed when they deliberately try and cause damage and division to a community though.

Do you really think marching in an area where the locals clearly don't want them, shouting abuse, causing a nuisance and getting pissed is doing ANYTHING effective to combat Islamic extremism?


Anarchist Bookfair...

22.10.2012 12:45

It's also the Bookfair on the same day.

It always attracts BIG numbers and I'm sure it will be able to look after itself if any of the idiots are stupid enough to try anything. It still might be an idea to have spotters around the area though, as well as good communication between those heading to Walthamstow and those at the Bookfair so people can respond to anything happening in the wider area.

Lets get numbers on the streets and put militant anti-fascism back on the agenda in east London.

Stay sharp, stay mobile - have a good 'un.

LDN anti-fascist

Trolls & Islamic fundamentalists

22.10.2012 12:51

As well as the UAF leadership can do one.

As anarchists and grassroots anti-fascists we are opposed to the bigotry and authoritarianism of Islamic Extremism and some of the UAFs support for this.

To the trolls Popping up on here - if you're deluded enough to think we're one and the same, I pity you.


just in

22.10.2012 12:54

"Stephen Lennon, (29 - 27/11/82), unemployed, of Bedford appeared in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday, 22 October charged with possession of a false identity document with
improper intention (contrary to Section Identity Documents Act 2010).

He was remanded in custody to appear at Southwark Crown Court on a date in January 2013"


EDL feed islamic extremism

22.10.2012 13:19

To the idiots commenting on here - how do the EDL fight islamic extremism, exactly? How does turning up mob-handed (although a sorry little mob these days!), pissed up and unwanted in an area, chanting "allah is a paedo" and racially abusing passers-by, fight islamic extremism, exactly? It seems clear that, if anything, the EDL actually FEED islamic nutjobs like Choudhry's rabble by giving them the cartoon crusader "enemy" they seek. By violently threatening muslim communities, attacking mosques, etc the EDL give islamists (still, happily, very rare in Britain) an opportunity to gain stature in their communities by being able to portray themselves as defenders of those communities. The EDL need militant islam and militant islam need the EDL. When the EDL finally fade into irrelevance (and it won't be long now), islamic extremism will have lost a useful recruiting aid. Good fucking riddance.

oh come on...!

Anti-Fascist protest is by definition opposed to Islamist extremism...

22.10.2012 17:20

Islam4UK nut Anjem Choudary condemning left-wing Anti-Fascism
Islam4UK nut Anjem Choudary condemning left-wing Anti-Fascism

As confirmed by no less than Islamo-Fascist jerk-off Anjem Choudary himself (see graphic), the very idea of liberals, radicals, leftists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs etc all coming together for any reason - even more so coming together to oppose Fascism - is completely opposed to Islamo-Fascist practices and beliefs

And PLEASE can the Indy mods spike the very obvious contributions from Jeff Marsh

David Bowie

Photos of EDL showing their true - NAZI - colours

22.10.2012 17:38

National Front + EDL side-by-side
National Front + EDL side-by-side

EDL Welsh Division Nazi salutes and tattoos
EDL Welsh Division Nazi salutes and tattoos

EDL with guns... AGAIN
EDL with guns... AGAIN

Apologies for going over old ground, but the Nazis bombed the fuck out of London during WW2, and here are the EDL making their true loyalties plain

Gas rattle

EDL losers.

22.10.2012 18:45

"Of course unlike the EDL anarchists are totally peaceful. Anarchist "peacefully" protesting in central London last year:"

But thats a protest against international Capitalism. The EDL are nowhere to be seen when those protests happen. Thats because the EDL are state loyalists...they support the state and what the state does to people. Its the EDL that betray us all and its the EDL that sit in front of their TV's gobbling up all the propaganda and trying to convince us that the government is always right about everything. The EDL support the wars the Capitalists have been fighting, the EDL support the persecution of Muslims in the Middle-East and its the EDL that support the apartheid state of Israel and its robots.

The EDL send us all a message...if you protest again the state, we will persecute the minorities. They do this because they wrongly beleive the government and police will reward them for keeping the 'left' under control.

The EDL are the states reactionaries and they have absolutely no political credibility at all. They are nothing but vile racists and reactionaries. Thw EDL are the political equivalant of bottom feeding scum.

Solidarity to those that stand against the Capitalists and their nightmare vision of corporate hell.

Death to the state and its reactionary loyalists.


Meet up @ bookfair

22.10.2012 20:59

Would it be a good idea to meetup at the bookfair and travel over as a mob? Any London comrades know the best ways to get to Walthamstow from the bookfair?

Town End boy

@Town End boy

22.10.2012 21:29

I think anyone who answered that on here or any other public network would be as thick as the edl wouldn't they?


@ Town End Boy

22.10.2012 21:37

Not the sort of thing to discuss via Indy!


@Who are you to say what people can and can't protest against?

22.10.2012 22:15

So according to a jumped up self appointed elite no one is allowed to protest against Islamic extremism. And any group of people who dare to do so are automatically labelled racist fascists. And where are you people when Islamic extremists take to the streets? You say you also oppose Islamic extremists but you are nowhere to be seen when ever Islamic extremists hold demonstrations or preach their hatred.
People can protest against whatever they want!

Precisely, you are telling us what we can and can't do. We can protest against your protesting which is aimed at other protesters if we want to, You have no right to say that we can't protest against a counter protest of some other protest.

get a grip


22.10.2012 22:27

You found an example of a (mainly) muslim crowd fighting riot cops before the EDL existed...which proves very little here.

Firstly, that crowd aren't islamic fundamentalists, who are what the EDL claim to be opposing; they are angry pro-Palestine demonstrators who have chosen to fight the cops. I'd wager that most of that crowd don't want sharia law or to bomb tube trains, they're just fucking angry about Palestine and don't like being pushed around by cops. Lots of groups (including both anarchists, and the EDL!) have fought the cops in certain situations. Rioting is a tactic (often not a very thought-through one!) and not an ideological position.
Secondly, no-one's suggesting that there was no islamic fundamentalism before the EDL - it's just that the EDL's aggressive posturing has helped Choudhry and his ilk to gain political capital. In other words, the EDL has fed (not created, realist, but FED) the growth of islamic extremism. So, another reason to welcome the demise of the EDL.

oh come on...!

@get a grip

22.10.2012 23:02

you certainly like the words protest/protesting don't you. Have you just learnt the word? If so, well done!

now fuck off y'arseclown

@Get a grip

22.10.2012 23:12

"Get a grip" aka Jeff Marsh, says "so according to a jumped up self appointed elite no one is allowed to protest against Islamic extremism"!

In fact people who protest against Muslim extremism include groups like Women Against Fundamentalism and Southall Black Sisters (who've been doing this for decades longer than the EDL even existed), and the many millions of Sufi, Barelvi, Chisti, Ahmadiyya and Alevi Muslims world-wide - who are frequently targeted for terror attacks by Islamists, and who frequently protest and run PR and education campaigns opposing the extremist Islam of the Deobandis, Wahhabis and Al-Qaeda (including campaigns run here in the UK)

In the UK also groups like the One Law for All, which campaigns against Sharia Law and which (far from "Commies" supporting radical Islamism) is instead run by an Iranian Communist ex-pat called Maryam Namaze, and UK branches of the Awami League - which is a secular left / humanist party from Bangladesh which is well-represented among British Bengalis, particularly in Whitechapel and Tower Hamlets. You've been told all this already Jeff, but since you insist on continually lying anyway, unfortunately it's necessary to repeat it.

Unfortunately the EDL and Casuals aren't part of this picture however, because for instance when you tried to found a Welsh Defence League, Jeff, virtually all its members (see photo above) turned out to be active members of the violent Nazi group Combat 18


Why oppose the EDL?

23.10.2012 03:30

because they're a platform for a biggots and fascists.

because its a chance for you, an anarchist to meet kids from different communities and form links.
Make the muslim community know its not alone.

BTW that photo of the EDL posing with guns... hillarious!


Re @ TEB

23.10.2012 06:01

Why is meeting up at the bookfair stupid? It's no stupider than announcing a meetup time for the main demo. All I was suggesting was 'meet up at 11 at the front of the bookfair and we'll travel together'.

What seems more stupid than the above is individuals trickling out of the bookfair one at a time. EDL are violent, so safety in numbers makes sense

Town End Boy


23.10.2012 08:52

whats jeffrey marshbubbles doing on here yet again? isnt he supposed to be taking over the EDL now? how are kylie and chardonnay your twin nieces who work in aldi jeffrey?


Islamic extremism is a serious threat what are we going to do about it?

23.10.2012 10:53

What has been forgotton in all this is that no matter what people think about the EDL, Islamic extremism is still a very serious threat so what are people going to do about it? See this, news report about a foiled Islamic terrorist attack in London in 2007:

Islamic extremists still need to be stopped!

@Islamic extremists still need to be stopped!

23.10.2012 11:24

It seems they are being according to numerous articles in the press, now fuck off.


@town end boy

23.10.2012 16:15

its not a stupid idea to organise one but its a stupid idea to talk about it online. one is being organised but we will do a good job of getting the word out to everybody at the bookfair on the day (except hopefully the undercovers)


@ Get a Grip (yes, you certainly need to!)

24.10.2012 16:47

There is no need to protest agasinst Islamic extremism in LB Waltham Forest, simply because there isn't any there to protest against.
As a socialist and a secularist, I am as anti-Islamism and Islamicx extremism and bigotry as the next person, however, the EDL are NOT an umbrella for peaceful, progressive protest. They are a frontjob for far-right, fascist, racist hatemongers, and they are pissed up thugs to boot, most of them being ex-footie hoolies? Why do you think trouble follows them wherever they go? At their last (laughably unsuccessful) attempted protest in Walthamstow, not only did they start brawling amongst themselves whilst still in Kings X, some EDLers actually beat up one of their own stewards!
Fluffy little lambs they are not.

Waltham forest anti-fascist
mail e-mail:

What people are going to do about it?

24.10.2012 23:08

"Islamic extremism is still a very serious threat so what are people going to do about it?"

Well, at the risk of committing an indie-heresy, one answer is to let the police get on with their job. For all their scum-baggery in some departments, the cops have foiled dozens of wannabe Islamist terror plots, just as they've banged-up wannabe EDL terrorists like Ian and Nicky Davidson etc, and the way to help the cops continue doing that is not to waste police time and resources by organising the pissed-up closet BNP, NF and football hooligans of the EDL to stage provocative marches into communities where their presence is absolutely not wanted, Sherlock

You left Barry Island yet Jeff?