Brighton Anti Badger Cull Public Meeting
Brighton Stop The Cull | 20.10.2012 14:57 | South Coast
Brighton Stop The Cull Public Meeting Wednesday 24th October 7.30pm at Community Base, Queens Road, Brighton
Despite government funded trials showing that killing badgers has no positive effect on reducing tuberculosis (TB) in cattle, ministers have approved licensed shooting of badgers in two pilot areas in Gloucestershire and Somerset. They aim to kill about 100,000 of this much loved British mammal.
Local vet Iain McGill will talk about TB and badgers. Then local activists from Brighton Stop The Cull will talk about what's going on with the campaign both here in Sussex and in the cull zones.
Come along to find out more and get involved!!!!
Brighton Stop The Cull Public Meeting Wednesday 24th October 7.30pm at Community Base, Queens Road, Brighton.
For more ingo about the cull or to get involved with stopping it: + + +
Local vet Iain McGill will talk about TB and badgers. Then local activists from Brighton Stop The Cull will talk about what's going on with the campaign both here in Sussex and in the cull zones.
Come along to find out more and get involved!!!!
Brighton Stop The Cull Public Meeting Wednesday 24th October 7.30pm at Community Base, Queens Road, Brighton.
For more ingo about the cull or to get involved with stopping it: +

Brighton Stop The Cull