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IRA to merge with other dissidents

anon | 20.10.2012 07:52 | Anti-racism

bad news

The IRA have announced that they are to merge with other dissident republican groups, for too long we have been lied to that the IRA had disarmed and moved on, well they haven`t.



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good luck to them

20.10.2012 09:07

The crown must go



20.10.2012 09:28

Surprise sur-fucking-prise, just when the British left is in massive mobilisation the trolls pop up trying to smear the left by association with the IRA

The IRA was a nationalist organisation, a small minority of whose members flirted with authoritarian socialism... nationalism + socialism... national socialism... who did the IRA ally with during WW2? Adolf Hitler's NATIONAL SOCIALIST party that's who! FUCK THE IRA

Troll hunter

In fairness

20.10.2012 12:45

It's not the IRA it's the supposed 'Real' IRA.

Secondly this was mainstream news when it was announced in July so we've hardly "been lied to" - well about this at least.

While I'm inclined to agree with 'Troll Hunter' with respect to some of the politics of the IRA it was (for a brief period) a genuine national liberation movement with obvious parallels in Palestine, Western Sahara, the Basque region etc. I think it's perfectly justifiable to support these causes generally while also opposing nationalism, otherwise we can remain ideologically pure and alone.

Basically 'anon' this isn't exactly news and you've miss understood it anyway.

fence sitter


20.10.2012 23:06

england is full of wankers who tell other countries "they're British" to con them into thinking they're part of somthing, its like the Serbians who told Bosnians and Croatians they were Yugoslavian, in the end they rebelled got they're indepance.

You should read up on the history of provos and you'd be fucking amazed, they' were the strongest guerilla organisation in europe, up against one of the strongest security forces in the western world.
neither side could beat the other, but the Brits couldn't leave they're barracks in South Armagh for a stroll, without getting murdered (haha), and even they're helicopters were getting shout of the sky.

I got a lot of protestant family over there, but I don't sympathise with them one bit!, my uncle's house got blown up cause he was a prison screw, (only about 15 years ago), my old man was in a Saracen and his mate got his brains blown out by a sniper right next to him, but my old man still says,
"we shouldn't of been there in the first place.."

Brits (including the leftwingers) are too lazy to read up on history. being Catholic ain't about a religion its a symbol of being part of a culture than ain't British.

keyboard masher

Catholics are against contraception that is hardly libertarian

21.10.2012 14:47

Catholics are against contraception that is hardly libertarian. You can slag off the Protestants for being British loyalists, but at least they beleived that people should have control over their own sex lives and decide for themselves issues like birth control.

Protestant apologist

against contraception...?

23.10.2012 20:24

like i said before, the religious tags are cultural references not actually dogma, I wonder if the Protestant posting above actually reads the King James bible?
No he doesn't even read the bible, my girl she's 'catholic' and she don't mind using contraception... end of debate.

keyboard masher

Being Catholic ain't about religion????!!!!!!

24.10.2012 23:20

Top drawer analysis - "being Catholic ain't about a religion". Sorry to ruin your day mate.......

The Claudy bombing occurred on 31 July 1972, when three car bombs exploded mid-morning on the Main Street of Claudy in County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. The attack killed nine civilians, and became known as "Bloody Monday". Those who planted the bombs had attempted to send a warning before the explosions took place. The warning was delayed, however, because the telephones were out of order due to an earlier bomb attack. The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) issued an immediate denial of responsibility, and later claimed that "an internal court of inquiry" had found that its local unit did not carry out the attack.

On 24 August 2010, following an eight-year investigation, the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland published a report into the bombing, which stated that the Royal Ulster Constabulary believed in the early 1970s that Father James Chesney, a local Roman Catholic priest, was the IRA's quartermaster and Director of Operations in South Derry. The report found that the possibility of his involvement in activities including the Claudy bombing was covered up by senior police officers, government ministers and the Roman Catholic hierarchy.

Also check this out -



24.10.2012 23:23

Brits (including the leftwingers) are too lazy to read up on history. being Catholic ain't about a religion its a symbol of being part of a culture than ain't British?

So the place I stayed in Derry wasn't really full of crucifixes and pictures of the frikken' Pope
