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Oct20 - How The Cops Know Everyone's Names Already

Solutions | 19.10.2012 13:26 | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements

The police already know the names, and, in many cases also the faces of most of the people they feel are likely to kick-off tomorrow, because someone very helpfully posted the details of over 5,000 named radicals in the "invited" list for the Radical Workers Bloc page on Facebook.

The police already know the names, and, in many cases also have photos of the faces of most of the people they feel are likely to kick-off tomorrow, because someone very helpfully posted the details of over 5,000 named radicals in the "invited" list for the Radical Workers Bloc page on Facebook. If you're on that list, the cops already know who you are, in many cases know what you look like, and know all personal details you've posted on Facebook. Please think about those facts carefully before considering your options. The last thing our movement needs is loads of activists either in jail or exhausting their time and energy contesting complex legal defences instead of focussing on activism.



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when will people learn..

19.10.2012 14:16

aggh.. what was the saying again? Doing your activism on facebook is like holding your meetings in McDonalds and inviting the local cops to come and film them.

For a more trustworthy, but still somewhat insecure alternative:



19.10.2012 14:20

Diaspora is dead in the water. Riseup's crabgrass is a better alternative:


Words fail me

19.10.2012 14:30

I really can't believe the stupidity of people who

a - have a Facebook account

b - mention on that account they are involved in radical actions

c - link all those names together and post them in one simple cop friendly database that will be a stone around the necks of those named for years to come.

With the current debate and discussion about the future of IMC surely this is a good example of why we need our own media.

Really, really angry

Who did it?

19.10.2012 14:41

But who did it?

Was it someone in the movement itself or was it TUC Union activists keen to keep us away from their little party?

Who cares...see yus tomoz.


South London Solidarity Federation

19.10.2012 15:16

Who did it? Well according to their Facebook page South London Solidarity Federation did it that's who

No doubt we'll be seeing Sol-Fed cheerfully engaging the public with their big red and black flag on the demo


Not a big problem

19.10.2012 16:51

These people set up Facebook accounts in the first place and presumably "liked" SolFed or something in the first place (never used Facebook myself so not totally sure how it works).

Personally I wouldn't touch Facebook with a bargepole, but since those people are on there in the first place they must not be too concerned about their privacy. So I don't think they can complain - this article is a bit of an over-reaction.

Also, anarchist doesn't automatically mean black bloc rioter - maybe they are all above ground activists doing legal "community" work?


Spurious - 3,486 invited last time

19.10.2012 17:19

So at the last TUC demo there were 3486 ppl invited for the radical workers south london bloc, along with the south trade unions and community groups.

This year the following are also part of the south london feeder march:

London South Bank University UNISON
London South Bank University UCU
Lambeth & Southwark DWP PCS
Lambeth Unison
Lambeth NUT
Lambeth Save Our Services
Lambeth College UCU
Lambeth Defend Council Housing campaign
Lambeth Keep Our NHS Public campaign
Lambeth Pan-Disability Forum
Lambeth and Southwark Labour Representation Committee
Lambeth Green Party
Southwark Trades Union Council
Southwark UNISON
Southwark NUT
Southwark Save Our Services campaign
Southwark Save Adult Learning campaign
Southwark Disabled People Against Cuts
Southwark Woodcraft Folk
Southwark Pensioners Action Group
Southwark Defend Council Housing campaign
Southwark Group of Tenants Organisations
Southwark Green Party
Wandsworth Against Cuts
Camberwell & Peckham Constituency Labour Party
Bermondsey & Old Southwark Constituency Labour Party
Dulwich & West Norwood CLP
Black Activists Rising Against Cuts
Fuel Poverty Action Group
Indo-American Refugee and Migrant Organisation
Social Work Action Network London

If you also remember last year there were also at least THREE specific black bloc events on facebook... now that was STUPID. It may also have been partly why so many participated, although the majority doing stuff where prob never any where near facefuck.

The OP also seems to be discouraging ppl from attending the event what with:

"Please think about those facts carefully before considering your options. The last thing our movement needs is loads of activists either in jail or exhausting their time and energy contesting complex legal defences instead of focussing on activism."

I agree with the other comment that says if ppl are happy to use facebook to show their political beliefs then so be it...


Proof radicals are being set-up

19.10.2012 18:09

@anon/spurious - where does the article mention black bloc? Either way, if you Google the term "Radical Workers Bloc" (in the brackets) the 2nd hit you get (after the aforementioned Facebook page) is an anarchist website called Incubus, whose artwork features an assassin killing someone with a gun - you can't get much more agent provocateur than that

If, following the argument made in the last comment, you google the terms "London South Bank University UNISON" and "Radical Workers Bloc" (together, in one search) - to investigate the implication that these 2 entities are in any way connected, the ONLY result is for ANOTHER Facebook page, which presents itself using official graphics of the TUC protest, despite the TUC's official ("A Future That Works") march website saying "we are strongly discouraging and will not co-operate with feeder marches".

If you scroll down through this 2nd Facebook page South London Solidarity Fed say "radical workers' bloc called by solidarity federation!" - in other words BOTH of the Facebook pages have been created by Sol-Fed, neither has anything to do with the TUC, both are exposing the identities of thousands of activists, and its highly doubtful whether any of the organisations and union branches listed above have anything to do with this event



Question for Sol-Fed

19.10.2012 18:11

Scuse me, but how the fuck is demanding "a future without work" meant to convince nurses and firefighters etc that radical politics can provide solutions to the problem of cuts to public services and the threat of them losing their jobs?!


Take cameras and film every fucking move the fucking police make

19.10.2012 22:05

Point cameras in cops faces at every available opportunity

Craig Mack

Inside Job

21.10.2012 19:50

This is PROOF that GLADIO is controlling the anarchists and making them turn up at workers demos with BANNERS against work.

This FALSE FLAG attack has been averted. Praise Miliband.

The Truth is OUT

@ The Truth

21.10.2012 22:09

Thanks for the sarcasm. Fact is however most people in the movement were too thick to react to Mark Kennedy even when people KNEW he was a plant. Are you seriously stupid enough to think the State suddenly stopped running infiltrators after MK was publicly exposed?


I love the smell of a smear in the morning...

01.11.2012 13:51

So, just cos I use a Flavio Constantini image of a ninteenth century anarchist assassination, that makes me an agent provocateur? Fantastic reasoning there, anonymous state-shill arsehole/conspiracy theorist twat. Btw I'm not an anarchist either- perish the thought, I'm an apostate- having renounced my faith long, long ago. Hasn't the state got better things to do, like catching paedophiles? Indymedia?- what can I say?