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Cardiff Family Brutally Arrested and Face Illegal Deportation

NBSW | 19.10.2012 11:16 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression

Cardiff, Wales....
A UK Border Agency immigration raid, Dont let them spilt up the El-Attar family!

In the early hours of Yesterday morning, Fariman Saleh and her two children we're brutally dragged from their beds, handcuffed and taken to Heathrow Airport to be deported, All infront of the eyes of her eldest daughter, Shrouk El-Attar.

Video of raid:

The Family were due to appear before a Judge in November to decide on their Asylum Seeker application and status.
The incident has sparked outrage and massive response in the community at the actions of the UK Boarder Agency in Cardiff and other areas, and have spoken out against the families right to a fair trial and to stop a potentially illegal deportation.

Hundreds of people have contacted their MP's, Local News Desks, created Viral videos, Signed Petitions and created a facebook page in a bid to hopefully stop the deportation proceedings
It is a Human Right to stand a fair trial. The events of yesterday morning deprived Mrs Saleh and her children of that right, dignity, and worst of all treated brutally and unremorsefully by the state she sought refuge, safety and Sanctuary in.

If deported tomorrow, The Family may face 'honour-killing',
torture, rape and even death. They are in grave danger.

''Mrs Saleh has been seeking sanctuary from an abusive and cruel husband whose acts endangered her and her children’s lives for over 15 years to the extent of death and rape. The Egyptian authorities ignored this domestic abuse as her husband has close links with police, judges and other officials.
Mrs Saleh should be granted international protection under the UN Refugee Convention as she holds a real and well-founded fear of persecution of her own life and that of her family. We call upon the Immigration Minister to grant Mrs Saleh and her children the right to remain in the UK on compassionate grounds.''
Please help us to stop the potentially illegal deportation proceedings against the El-Attar family, and to bring justice and peace to a well loved and well known family and to bring them back to Cardiff where they belong.

Help us to spread the word and make this viral. please post this article to your social networking accounts.

Unjust actions taken by the UKBA should not be allowed to happen in a democratic country.
***Get Involved! - Every voice counts!!! :) ***

Please sign any of the petitions below, or contact your local MP or alternatively you can get in touch with the home office (Home Office ref: S1391610/1)



If you wish to contact our MP's the details are as follows:-
*Theresa May - Home Secretary Tel.020 7219 5206 or 0118 934 5433
*Mark Harper Minister for Immigration 020 7219 5056 or 01594 823482 Email.

Thank you all who took the time to read this article, God bless.
Yours truly,
Shauna Deguara.

- Homepage:


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See the videos

19.10.2012 11:24

Check out the videos on the blog to see the fucked up shit UKBA put people through on a daily basis.
Then get active: support Fariman Saleh and her family (see blog) & get involved in the fight against immigration raids and checks more generally:



19.10.2012 13:16

Rexceived a text from my brother telling me that they went through security checks, searched and all that but then everyone had to have like a certain pass which they all had except for the driver, so they weren't allowed through and had to miss the flight! How lucky is that right?

HOWEVER, they will still try to deport
them on a later flight either tonigt or tomorrow but it still gives us more time. Will put removal directiopns up asap.

They are now held at a detention centre near Gatwick, address:
Brighton Road
Pease Pottage
RH11 9AD

Phone: 01293 844900
Fax: 01293 844945

Thank you fir all the amazing support we've got so far, if you'd like to reach me ring on 07411466065 but I will also be on facebook.


UKBA officer is Nicky from 'Solutions' punk band

19.10.2012 19:26

Nicky from this band was one of the UKBA officers in who dawn raided the El Attar family- he can be seen in the video of the raid

Sick of Nicky