ZAD under eviction attack
squat.solidarity | 16.10.2012 22:07
The ZAD (Zone Autonome a Defendre) is a lareg area featuring landsquats, sites, squatted houses and treehouses near Nantes in France. The people are resisting an airport but the forces of darkness are trying to evict them today .. first details below ....
Contrary to what was announced by the prefect this morning at 10:30am, the operation has not yet ended. And we don’t consider that everything “went fine”.
Tonight at 21pm, the Sabot is still holding, the general assembly has just ended, the barricades are keeping strong, high/big lights from the cops are shining in the fields in front of the Sabot, in direction Chêvrerie and Fosse noir.
* If you are close to the Zad, there is a possibility to listen to the Radio Klaxon : 107.7
* Call out to come to the Zad, possible to meet up at the Vache rit
* L’Acipa calls for meeting up at the Vache rit at 9h
* Meeting this evening 19h at the Vache rit : => Meeting is moved to the Sabot
* We will give regulary News here :
* The number of the Legal Team is : 0675309545
* Contact presse : 06 65 67 76 95 * SOME PHOTOS :
* Revue de presse de l’Acipa
* Call out for decentralized actions at the moment of the eviction everywhere ! Message for our friends out there : take care and keep resisting !!
* Contrary to what was announced by the prefect at 10:30am, the operation has not yet ended. And we don’t consider that everything “went fine”.
Tonight at 21pm, the Sabot is still holding, the general assembly has just ended, the barricades are keeping strong, high/big lights from the cops are shining in the fields in front of the Sabot, in direction Chêvrerie and Fosse noir.
* If you are close to the Zad, there is a possibility to listen to the Radio Klaxon : 107.7
* Call out to come to the Zad, possible to meet up at the Vache rit
* L’Acipa calls for meeting up at the Vache rit at 9h
* Meeting this evening 19h at the Vache rit : => Meeting is moved to the Sabot
* We will give regulary News here :
* The number of the Legal Team is : 0675309545
* Contact presse : 06 65 67 76 95 * SOME PHOTOS :

* Revue de presse de l’Acipa

* Call out for decentralized actions at the moment of the eviction everywhere ! Message for our friends out there : take care and keep resisting !!
* Contrary to what was announced by the prefect at 10:30am, the operation has not yet ended. And we don’t consider that everything “went fine”.