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IDAAMD Derby (led) | 15.10.2012 00:55

During the Saturday lunch time rush hours from 12:00 to 14:00, a group of activists spearheaded by Derby Animal Rights demo-ed the busy St. Peters street branch of McDonald's, in protest at the unethical business practices of the fast food giant.

During the Saturday lunch time rush hours from 12:00 to 14:00, a group of activists spearheaded by Derby Animal Rights demo-ed the busy St. Peters street branch of McDonald's, in protest at the unethical business practices of the fast food giant.

October the 16th is officially the International Day of Action Against McDonald's, originally launched by London Greenpeace back in 1985 and now attracting support from across the spectrum of positive movements, from animal rights to worker's rights, from anti climate change to anti-capitalism.

McDonald's symbolises everything that is wrong with the corporate mentality: like all multinationals it is only interested in making profits from whoever and whatever it can. As a result of the famous McLibel trial, it was agreed in a court of law that McDonald's:

* exploits children with its advertising - luring them with the promise of a toy,
* falsely advertises its food as nutritious, but in reality most of it is processed junk food high in fat, sugar and salt,
* risk the health of its long-term regular customers, as a diet of this type is linked with a greater risk of heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes,
* is culpably responsible for cruelty to animals reared for its products,
* is strongly antipathetic to unions and pay its workers low wages.

Watch this space for news on other actions in the East Midlands in the run up to IDAAMD.

For more information on IDAAMD, see:
et. al. (led)


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  1. Same Issue — Sara Carlington