Protest of Somali refugees in Vienna
supporters | 13.10.2012 13:58 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles
At the same time with the refugee movements in Germany and in the Netherlands, also in Austria more and more refugees are going on the streets to protest for their rights.
On 10th of October, almost 300 Somali refugees, together with supporters, made a protest demonstration from the national asylum office in Vienna to the AUstrian parliament. After this, some of the protesters stayed at the parliament for 2 days and 2 nights to make a permanent rally for ending their unbearable situation.
Many of the Somali refugees in Austria are refused refugee status, so that they receive only a limitted "subsidiary protection" or a complete rejection of their case, so that they are denied many of their rights and excluded from the society. There are also many Somali refugees who are excluded from the Austrian asylum stystem through the "Dublin II"-convention and deported to other EU-states like Hungary, Slovakia or Italy.
The basic demands of the Somali refugees:
-Quicker asylum procedures
-Admission of asylum status of Somalian Refugees
-Right for family reunion
-Stop Dublin II deportations
- access to labour market
Documentation (in german) of the refugee protest:
Starting demonstration:
Protest camp:
Final declaration:
Video documentation:
Photo documentation: (somalische Website)
Many of the Somali refugees in Austria are refused refugee status, so that they receive only a limitted "subsidiary protection" or a complete rejection of their case, so that they are denied many of their rights and excluded from the society. There are also many Somali refugees who are excluded from the Austrian asylum stystem through the "Dublin II"-convention and deported to other EU-states like Hungary, Slovakia or Italy.
The basic demands of the Somali refugees:
-Quicker asylum procedures
-Admission of asylum status of Somalian Refugees
-Right for family reunion
-Stop Dublin II deportations
- access to labour market
Documentation (in german) of the refugee protest:

Starting demonstration:

Protest camp:

Final declaration:

Video documentation:

Photo documentation:
