Higher risk of evictions on the ZAD
zad | 12.10.2012 14:28 | Repression | Social Struggles
Several sources let us believe that evictions are imminent. We got wind of a first wave of evictions on Tuesday the 16th of October at dawn. We received precise informations about where troops will be staying, the planned route to access the area, the number of personnel involved (500 gendarmes).
Several sources let us believe that evictions are imminent. We got wind of a first wave of evictions on Tuesday the 16th of October at dawn. We received precise informations about where troops will be staying, the planned route to access the area, the number of personnel involved (500 gendarmes). This first wave should concern houses that are already evictable and also the cabins. This should be followed by a second wave about ten days later, regarding this time tree-houses and three houses, La Sècherie, les Rosiers, la Saulce where the baillif chose this august to bring forward the date from when they're evictable, moving it from november 15th to october 27th.
For the last few weeks teams of police have been around the ZAD gathering information in preparation, like measuring the height of the tree-houses. Police teams are currently patrolling, including some with parisian number plates. Traffic controls have been increased on and around the ZAD. Last Tuesday (October 09th ) the last squat in Grandchamps with the help of impressive police deployment.
This week again the security provisions have been strengthened at the Regional Parliament, the court of Nantes and other strategic locations. While officially this has been justified as anti-terrorism measures, the press suspects this is a pretext for potential ZAD evictions.
We're staying alert.
A call-out was published calling on groups and individuals wishing to act in solidarity with the struggle here to carry out decentralised actions (see zad.nadir.org). Any initiatives are and will be welcomed.
People wishing to come to the ZAD are invited to organize themselves accordingly : be aware of how busy we'll be, so plan to be as autonomous as possible.
We are making logistical preparations against evictions, we invite friends and neighbours to come and support us.
You can keep up to date with what's going on on our website ( https://zad.nadir.org).
For the last few weeks teams of police have been around the ZAD gathering information in preparation, like measuring the height of the tree-houses. Police teams are currently patrolling, including some with parisian number plates. Traffic controls have been increased on and around the ZAD. Last Tuesday (October 09th ) the last squat in Grandchamps with the help of impressive police deployment.
This week again the security provisions have been strengthened at the Regional Parliament, the court of Nantes and other strategic locations. While officially this has been justified as anti-terrorism measures, the press suspects this is a pretext for potential ZAD evictions.
We're staying alert.
A call-out was published calling on groups and individuals wishing to act in solidarity with the struggle here to carry out decentralised actions (see zad.nadir.org). Any initiatives are and will be welcomed.
People wishing to come to the ZAD are invited to organize themselves accordingly : be aware of how busy we'll be, so plan to be as autonomous as possible.
We are making logistical preparations against evictions, we invite friends and neighbours to come and support us.
You can keep up to date with what's going on on our website ( https://zad.nadir.org).
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16.10.2012 08:38
in french // english
Si vous êtes dans le coin, possibilité d’écouter ces infos sur Radio Klaxon : 107.7 // If you are close to the Zad, there is a possibility to listen to the Radio Klaxon : 107.7
follow on: zad.nadir.org
Appel à actions au moment des expulsions de la ZAD partout où vous êtes ! Aux copains et copines dehors la bas : tennez bien, tennez bon // callout for decentralized action everywhere you are ! Message to our friends out there: take care and stay strong !!
10h : tout le monde est parti sans encombre de la gaité, la police attend la venue de maçons pour boucher les trous du toit bel air : tjs une personne sur le toit, besoin de présence là-bas // everyone left the "Gaité" without a incident, the police is waiting the workers to close the holes in the roof, "Bel Air : still one person on the roof
9h48 : côntroles d’Identité sur la route de Fosse noir, les voitures peuvent ensuite passer // ID controles on the street of "Fosse noir"
9h45 : communiqué de la préfécture de Loire-Atlantique cité par le Point : " l’opération concerne sept occupations illégales sur des espaces bâtis et quatres zones d’occupation illégales non bâties " // citation of the Prefecture of Loire-Atlantique : the operation concerns 7 illegal House occupations and 4 self installed occupations ( cabanes )
9h33 : barricades sur la route de Vigneux inflammé // barricades in direction Vigneux burning
9h28 : on apprend que le Pré Failli a été expulsé entre 7 et 8 heures // we receive the information the the house "Pré Faillit" ( West ) have been evicted between 7 and 8 h
9h25 : "Gaité" tout le monde est sorti, plus personne sur le toit, encore des gens au tour // the "Gaité" has been evicted, noone inside and on the roof anymore
9h15 : Gaité : encore une personne sur le toit, une cinquantaine autour de la maison, des personnes auraient été arrêtées et directement relachées // "Gaité" : still one person on the roof, around 50 people around, people have been arrested and released straight after
9h Bel Air : toujours une personne sur le toit, les autres sur la route : illes exigent de garder la jouissance du jardin // still one person on the roof, others on the street in front of the house, they reclaim to keep their collective garden
9h : 3 camions de déménagement, 3 dépanneuses, de véhicules type pelleteuse , 5 véhicules de gendarmes vues sur la départementale de Vigneux // 3 huge vans, 3 tracking vans, some baggers, 5 cop cars seen around Vigneux
8h45 : expulsion du Tertre / eviction of the house "Tertre"
8h45 : d’après France info, une personne sur le toit de bel air // France Info says one person on the roof of house "Bel Air"
8h40 : camion en provenance du sud est (depuis boissière), des barricades bloquent certaines routes // cop vans in the area south-east ( bossiere ), barricades are blocking some roads
8h30 : expulsion à Bel air // eviction at house "Bel Air"
8h15 : "Gaité" - la maison encerclée, 2 personnes sur le toit, des gens à l’intérieur : besoin de soutien !! // "Gaité" - the house incircled, 2 people on the roof, people inside : call for help !
8h10 : les gendarmes sont rentrée dans la Gaité // cops entering the "Gaité"
8h : arrivée d’autres véhicules depuis le temple vers le tertre
7h55 : Fourgon ont passé barricade et se dirigent vers ouest du chemin de suez face à la maison de Tertre // Cop Vans passed the barricades and go to direction West on the "chemin de suez" to the house "Tertre"
7h53 : demande de renfort à la Gaité // call to reinforce at "La Gaité"
7h45 : flics autour de la gaité, fourgons de flics bloqués entre rosier et chemin de suez, arrivée de poids lourds de flics vers centre zad // cops around the "Gaité", cops vans blocking between "Rosier" and the "chemin de suez", arrivals of heavy trucks of the cops in direction Center Zad
7h35 : arrivée de voitures de flics sur chemin de la gaité // arrival of the cop cars in the road direction of the house "Gaité"
7h35 : Moderation d’Information de l’assiègement de la Saulce : non confirmé pour l’instant // Moderation of the Information about cops in the Saulce : not confirmed yet
7h30 :40 Fourgon depuis le Portiron (OUEST) vers le Centre // Cop vans coming from direction "le Potiron" ( zone West ) direction center
7h29 : 10 cars de plus depuis sud ouest (vigneux) // 10 more cop cars coming from south west ( Vigneux )
7h25 : 20 fourgons de CRS vus en provenance du sud ouest (vigneux) 20 fourgons du côté de la boissière // 20 riot cop vans seen in the surrounding in the south west ( Vigneux ), 10 riot cop vans on the East side "Bossiere"
7h20 : entrée de la police à la Saulce // cops entering the Saulce
6h55 expulsion de la Bellish, tirs de gaz et détonations entendues pas d’appel à renfort par là-bas // cops are evicting the Bellish, we here teargas and detonations, ne callout for reinforcement
15 fourgons de gendarmes mobiles ou CRS à la Boissière : venant vers la Zad depuis le sud-ouest // 15 military vans or riot cops at "La Bossière : they came from the south-west
e-mail: zad@riseup.net
Homepage: zad.nadir.org