Higher risks of eviction in the ZAD at Notre Dame
anon@indymedia.org (zadist) | 12.10.2012 10:55 | London
The struggle against the project of an airport near Nantes is threatened by many evictions directly driven by the PM Jean Marc Ayrault.
Several sources let us think that evictions are likely to happen soon. A first wave of evictions is due to happen on the 16th of October at dawn. We had precise informations such as where the cops are lodging, how they'll arrive on the zone, and their number : 500. This first wave should concern houses already evictable as well as cabins. A second wave should follow ten days later, aiming this time tree cabins and 3 houses : La Sécherie, les Rosiers and la Saulce, which had the delay shortened.
Since several weeks teams of cops have been moving around on the ZAD to make preventive spottings, like measuring the height of the tree cabins in the forest for example. Teams of cops are moving around at the moment. Last Tuesday (October 9th) the last squat from Grandchamps has been evicted using an impressive cop deployment. This week also, cops deployment has been raised in front of the Conseil Général, the court, and other stratégic places. Road controls has been enforced all around the ZAD. The media recognize that this dispositives might actually hide an operation prepared against the ZAD.
We hold strong!
A call has been published for people and individuals willing to show solidarity with the struggle here to start decentralized actions. All initiatives are welcome.
People willing to come on the ZAd are invited to organize themselves accordingly: be aware of the emergency in which we're going to be, forecast what's necessary to be the most autonomous as possible.
We prepare logistically against evictions. We call friends from here and there, neighbors, to come and support us.
More informations later on https://zad.nadir.org/
anon@indymedia.org (zadist)
Original article on IMC London: