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Police corruption !

Julie Croley | 08.10.2012 17:04

"In August 2008 Michael Doherty, who lives in Hillingdon, discovered a long series of messages exchanged by his 13-year-old daughter with someone who appeared as if he might be grooming her. The messages were sexually explicit. At one point the person proposed staging a kidnap and whisking her away. Doherty went to the police.......

Hello Everyone ,

Please read and share this.

From 1995 to 2002 my daily life was swamped with fighting back against the corruption which had removed my family's trust in the police, following a blatant misuse of the law on the part of a few Dorset Police officers. My passion for Justice remains and I continue to support those who push the button for it for us all. Michael Doherty is one of those people,.... here is his story.

"In August 2008 Michael Doherty, who lives in Hillingdon, discovered a long series of messages exchanged by his 13-year-old daughter with someone who appeared as if he might be grooming her. The messages were sexually explicit. At one point the person proposed staging a kidnap and whisking her away. Doherty went to the police. He presented them with an 86-page dossier. When he wasn't satisfied with the action being taken, he phoned Hillingdon police station five times to try to speak to a senior officer to complain, and to find out why, in his view, the investigation seemed to have stalled. Then a series of remarkable things happened.

Two plainclothes officers arrived at Doherty's house at seven in the morning, when he was feeding his baby, to arrest him. Among other charges, the police claimed that he had been harassing the commander's secretary. She had produced a witness statement in which, she said, he had phoned 10 times in two days, that he was "raging", "abusive", "rude and aggressive". Doherty offered to get dressed and then present himself at the station – but the officers, after threatening to smash down the door, handcuffed him and dragged him out of the house in his dressing gown.

At the same time the police dropped the grooming investigation. They hadn't looked at his daughter's computer. A note by a detective inspector at the Hillingdon station later justified this decision by maintaining that "there is no evidence of a crime capable of proof". Doherty believes that this conclusion could not be supported without examining the computer; the police maintain that they have established that the correspondent was only 15, had met Doherty's daughter, and was who he said he was.

Doherty had proof that the calls he had made were not rude, abusive, raging or aggressive: he had recorded them. I have listened to the recordings: he remains patient and polite – remarkably controlled for someone faced with alleged police indifference to what was happening to his daughter. The police failed to pass these recordings to the Crown Prosecution Service, so off to court he went. There, though she had signed a legal witness statement, the secretary admitted that her recollection of the calls was hazy, and he was acquitted; but had he not recorded them, and meticulously documented everything else that happened, he might have been convicted.

Having failed to interest the crown prosecutors, Michael Doherty has launched a private prosecution for alleged perjury. It's the last hope he has of holding anyone to account.

Justice is impossible if we cannot trust police forces to tell the truth. The remedy I'm about to propose should not be difficult for any government to adopt. It offers, I think, the only chance we have of addressing what seems to be an endemic problem: anyone who works for the police and is found to have made false statements – to the prosecution, the defence, the courts, parliament, public inquiries or the media – should be sacked. No excuses, no mitigation, no delays. It sounds harsh; it's not nearly as harsh as a system in which the police malign both the living and the dead, and use the law against innocent people in order to protect themselves."

If you are still reading this then like me you beleive that Justice has to be seen to be done ,which is why I am sending this to as many contacts I have in the hope someone will have premises in London , nothing grand , just a small office space without any overheads where Michael can operate a campaiogn which will eventually change the law of this land so the Independant Police Complaints Commisiion is organised and run by purely independent people of the police.

The pervert who was grooming Michael's daughter is still out there !

Thank you ,
Julie .

Julie Croley
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Hide the following 3 comments

The Police are the Criminals.

09.10.2012 11:57

From the details given in this case, which are events that occur all too often these days, it is clear that a number of criminal offences have been committed by the Police. Misconduct in Public Office, Misfeasance, Abuse of Process and Harassment, possibly assault with actual bodily harm.

The Police do not uphold the law in the UK today. They break it repeatedly.

Miss Piggy

The law is an ass

09.10.2012 14:35

This happens with more regularity. We are a police state where they bully, harrass and murder.
It`s not a case of people taking the law into their own hands, the laws are there only to protect the rich and so called powerful. Collectively we have the power. RISE UP!

Citizen Khan


15.10.2012 15:36

wel dun keep trying..i hav similar/related instances to produce myself..and i recomend the first police officer to be brought forward for lying pig award is sean macdonald ee i ee i adi o...of sussex slimey pig of eternity fame..i hav proof stashed away in a bag of documents held in trust.....a victim of brutal childhood abuse myself..i salute your efforts..neva giv up neva giv luta continua
