EDL Die In Walsall!
Malatesta | 30.09.2012 13:57 | Anti-racism | Birmingham | South Coast | World
The English Defence League held a poorly attended demo at the weekend in Walsall, were outnumbered by anti-fascists and subject to the virulent attentions of West Midland Plod. For those who can’t be bothered here is a summary from an EDL members’ point of view: ‘got up, got pissed, got to Walsall, got mouthy, got battered, got to grow up.’ The deluded fuck-bugles really thought that they would fare better than previous visits to the Midlands and were yet again proved wrong!
Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit a weekend that was! In a brilliant display of far right unity – Unite The Right? Yeah, Right! – 3 demos happened on the same day with equally dire results: the EDL were yet again humiliated in Walsall; the Combined Ex-Forces failed to get a dozen to their demo in Oldham; and the Scottish Defence League tried to demo but ended up with 4 arrests – which was nearly 50% of their turnout. What was it all about then?
Up Against The Walsall!
Walsall was a test for the EDL (regimental motto ‘In Alco, Incontinent’) following their utter humiliation in Walthamstow and they needed to show up in numbers. Which they didn’t for several reasons the main one being that after Mr Tommy and Karaoke Kev Karol bravely ran away at Walthamstow many EDL have finally realised that they’ve been taken for a ride by opportunists and phoneys.
What happened was that the 150 or so EDL arrived in Walsall on their coaches and were already drunk and mardy. Plod swiftly got them under heavy manners and as the EDL got more and more irate they started flinging stuff at plod, most notably what looked like a table leg. Plod liked this not and responded in kind going a bit Hertz Car Rental with the batons and such! Cue dramatic head wounds and severely chafed egos for the EDL. Various eejits had been boasting on the net that they were not going to stand for any plod nonsense along with some other ridiculous threats. As everyone knows plod has never heard of Facebook so were fully prepared.
All Not Well With EDL!
Unkle Kev Karol is standing for the Bedfordshire Police Commissioner gig but this looks increasingly desperate after the EDL have just done battle with plod – and lost. Not great PR Kev! The EDL is now aligned to the fluffy fascist British Freedom, to the great annoyance of many EDL members who subsequently left, and amazingly they managed to raise the 5 grand needed to stand for PCC - mainly under false pretences it would seem. Karaoke Kev has not raised enough for the actual campaign though which so far appears to be a photoshopped poster online! Unkle Kev has also done a manifesto which would adversely affect his diminishing cohort of ‘chav scrotes’ and headache sufferers.
Kev has clearly had help as the manifesto is written with proper pen in joined up writing. As anyone who has had the misfortune to hear him speak Kev is on the far side of literate. His campaign strategy has been piss poor so far and he has done little to generate support outside of his small band of followers, most of whom do not live in Bedfordshire anyway and very few of the electorate are even aware of his existence.
Funeral In Walthamstow
The main worry for the EDL is getting numbers at Walthamstow to revenge their previous humiliation so in a rather stupid publicity stunt Mr Tommy said that they would be showing that daft anti-Islam film at the demo. As well as being a crass and misjudged move what Mr Tommy hasn’t said is how and where he is actually going to screen it. For one there is only a short trailer for the film available and secondly few local places would accommodate it given the potential reaction from locals. We suggest Mr Tommy screens it on a pair of EDL beauty Kevin Smith’s massive underpants!
Tensions between Mr Tommy and Unkle Kev are at an all time high after they had a blazing row at the Walthamstow debacle. To make matters worse Mrs Tommy threw him out of the house and he is now living with Unkle Kev in his caravan behind the local Sainsbury’s!
Just Say No!
The EDL are in serious trouble: they have been battered by plod at Walthamstow and Walsall, their numbers are down, they have no strategy, no membership retention, no money and no endgame. The link with the British Fluffies has got them nowhere. The EDL ‘leadership’ say they have no control over the unruly elements who go on demos – at Walsall their stewards were yet again battered by their own team! – which is both shirking responsibility and poor leadership and does little to avert swathes of negative publicity. They create a climate of aggression, drunkenness and racial abuse on their demos and then wonder why it kicks off. Of course, they blame the anti-fascists but this does not wash as at many demos when there has been no opposition it has still descended into violence.
The EDL’s call for dry demos fell on soused ears as the vast majority are already pissed by the time they get there. One good piece of news for Mr Tommy is that the planned confab with the Muslim Debate Initiative has been cancelled so his spurious arguments will not now be found wanting by a more experienced and informed speaker. Phew!
The EDL 3rd in command Tony Curtis stormed out in a huff recently after Mr Tommy wouldn’t let him go to America so he joined the miniscule English Volunteer Force (named after the Ulster Volunteer Force, a violent loyalist paramilitary gang). Sadly, he left them after only 1 day as he said they were racist! Imagine that? Bill ‘Chimps’ Baker is part of the EVF and is fast becoming the Eddy ‘Splitter’ Morrison of his generation having been kicked out of every far right organisation going. ‘Chimps’ has also been raided by plod and had his mobile and PC seized after downing 2 bottle of White Lightening and getting mouthy on the net. He has no job, no friends, and no birds!
Bill 'Chimps' Baker: no one likes him.
The far right is seriously floundering and this weekend showed they simply do not have the numbers any more. The BNP are going down fast; the NF are too drunk; and the EDL splinter groups CxF, NEI, NWI, SDL, Casual United and EVF cannot stand each other and are constantly attacking each other. Anti-fascists outnumber them at every demo and there is more unity and diversity here than the far right could ever hope for.
Combined ex_Farcicals
Fuck-buglery and idiocy are never in short supply on the far right but this weeks Best Disaster Award goes to the Combined Ex-Forces (regimental motto ‘they don’t like it up em!’) and really takes the Bourbon. They staged a fake kidnap of a ‘Muslamic’ tied up in the boot of the regimental Robin Reliant and then posted it on the net. They subsequently got raided by plod and arrested. Again. The previous week they had their ‘headquarters’ (in their Nan’s garage) raided and their PCs and mobiles seized for making daft threats on the net. They never learn do they? CxF see themselves as renegades but are in fact rectal tuboids of the highest degree who do not understand the law. CxF are neither combined, their ‘leadership’ having fallen out several times over who holds what made-up title, nor are they ex-forces as having worked for Parcel Force doesn’t count.
Up here in Scotland, the hilariously inept Scottish Defence League (regimental motto ‘See You Jimmy!’) also held a demo in Edinburgh which achieved nothing whatsoever. These toothless incontinents are pretty much BNP, NF and ‘loyalists’ (i.e., loyal to bottles of Buckfast). There was a piss poor turnout, they were vastly outnumbered as expected and several ended up in jail. Well done. So all in all a great weekend for anti-fascists everywhere and a very poor 2nd for the far right. See you all in Walthamstow for the funeral!
Up Against The Walsall!
Walsall was a test for the EDL (regimental motto ‘In Alco, Incontinent’) following their utter humiliation in Walthamstow and they needed to show up in numbers. Which they didn’t for several reasons the main one being that after Mr Tommy and Karaoke Kev Karol bravely ran away at Walthamstow many EDL have finally realised that they’ve been taken for a ride by opportunists and phoneys.
What happened was that the 150 or so EDL arrived in Walsall on their coaches and were already drunk and mardy. Plod swiftly got them under heavy manners and as the EDL got more and more irate they started flinging stuff at plod, most notably what looked like a table leg. Plod liked this not and responded in kind going a bit Hertz Car Rental with the batons and such! Cue dramatic head wounds and severely chafed egos for the EDL. Various eejits had been boasting on the net that they were not going to stand for any plod nonsense along with some other ridiculous threats. As everyone knows plod has never heard of Facebook so were fully prepared.
All Not Well With EDL!
Unkle Kev Karol is standing for the Bedfordshire Police Commissioner gig but this looks increasingly desperate after the EDL have just done battle with plod – and lost. Not great PR Kev! The EDL is now aligned to the fluffy fascist British Freedom, to the great annoyance of many EDL members who subsequently left, and amazingly they managed to raise the 5 grand needed to stand for PCC - mainly under false pretences it would seem. Karaoke Kev has not raised enough for the actual campaign though which so far appears to be a photoshopped poster online! Unkle Kev has also done a manifesto which would adversely affect his diminishing cohort of ‘chav scrotes’ and headache sufferers.
Kev has clearly had help as the manifesto is written with proper pen in joined up writing. As anyone who has had the misfortune to hear him speak Kev is on the far side of literate. His campaign strategy has been piss poor so far and he has done little to generate support outside of his small band of followers, most of whom do not live in Bedfordshire anyway and very few of the electorate are even aware of his existence.
Funeral In Walthamstow
The main worry for the EDL is getting numbers at Walthamstow to revenge their previous humiliation so in a rather stupid publicity stunt Mr Tommy said that they would be showing that daft anti-Islam film at the demo. As well as being a crass and misjudged move what Mr Tommy hasn’t said is how and where he is actually going to screen it. For one there is only a short trailer for the film available and secondly few local places would accommodate it given the potential reaction from locals. We suggest Mr Tommy screens it on a pair of EDL beauty Kevin Smith’s massive underpants!
Tensions between Mr Tommy and Unkle Kev are at an all time high after they had a blazing row at the Walthamstow debacle. To make matters worse Mrs Tommy threw him out of the house and he is now living with Unkle Kev in his caravan behind the local Sainsbury’s!
Just Say No!
The EDL are in serious trouble: they have been battered by plod at Walthamstow and Walsall, their numbers are down, they have no strategy, no membership retention, no money and no endgame. The link with the British Fluffies has got them nowhere. The EDL ‘leadership’ say they have no control over the unruly elements who go on demos – at Walsall their stewards were yet again battered by their own team! – which is both shirking responsibility and poor leadership and does little to avert swathes of negative publicity. They create a climate of aggression, drunkenness and racial abuse on their demos and then wonder why it kicks off. Of course, they blame the anti-fascists but this does not wash as at many demos when there has been no opposition it has still descended into violence.
The EDL’s call for dry demos fell on soused ears as the vast majority are already pissed by the time they get there. One good piece of news for Mr Tommy is that the planned confab with the Muslim Debate Initiative has been cancelled so his spurious arguments will not now be found wanting by a more experienced and informed speaker. Phew!
The EDL 3rd in command Tony Curtis stormed out in a huff recently after Mr Tommy wouldn’t let him go to America so he joined the miniscule English Volunteer Force (named after the Ulster Volunteer Force, a violent loyalist paramilitary gang). Sadly, he left them after only 1 day as he said they were racist! Imagine that? Bill ‘Chimps’ Baker is part of the EVF and is fast becoming the Eddy ‘Splitter’ Morrison of his generation having been kicked out of every far right organisation going. ‘Chimps’ has also been raided by plod and had his mobile and PC seized after downing 2 bottle of White Lightening and getting mouthy on the net. He has no job, no friends, and no birds!
Bill 'Chimps' Baker: no one likes him.
The far right is seriously floundering and this weekend showed they simply do not have the numbers any more. The BNP are going down fast; the NF are too drunk; and the EDL splinter groups CxF, NEI, NWI, SDL, Casual United and EVF cannot stand each other and are constantly attacking each other. Anti-fascists outnumber them at every demo and there is more unity and diversity here than the far right could ever hope for.
Combined ex_Farcicals
Fuck-buglery and idiocy are never in short supply on the far right but this weeks Best Disaster Award goes to the Combined Ex-Forces (regimental motto ‘they don’t like it up em!’) and really takes the Bourbon. They staged a fake kidnap of a ‘Muslamic’ tied up in the boot of the regimental Robin Reliant and then posted it on the net. They subsequently got raided by plod and arrested. Again. The previous week they had their ‘headquarters’ (in their Nan’s garage) raided and their PCs and mobiles seized for making daft threats on the net. They never learn do they? CxF see themselves as renegades but are in fact rectal tuboids of the highest degree who do not understand the law. CxF are neither combined, their ‘leadership’ having fallen out several times over who holds what made-up title, nor are they ex-forces as having worked for Parcel Force doesn’t count.
Up here in Scotland, the hilariously inept Scottish Defence League (regimental motto ‘See You Jimmy!’) also held a demo in Edinburgh which achieved nothing whatsoever. These toothless incontinents are pretty much BNP, NF and ‘loyalists’ (i.e., loyal to bottles of Buckfast). There was a piss poor turnout, they were vastly outnumbered as expected and several ended up in jail. Well done. So all in all a great weekend for anti-fascists everywhere and a very poor 2nd for the far right. See you all in Walthamstow for the funeral!
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EDL "peacefully protesting"... against peaceful protest in Walsall
30.09.2012 14:08
EDL chuck plank of wood in Walsall
Anarchists are the real scum!
30.09.2012 14:19
Anarchists are violent anti-social thugs
eejit above!
30.09.2012 14:36
Many of these 'splinter' groups.
30.09.2012 17:25
Anarchists violent?
30.09.2012 19:00
The EDL on the other hand are isolating and demonising a minority group to reinforce power structures that are maintained by violence and coercion - or just for an excuse to indulge in a bit of "paki bashing"
Who was it that threw thunderflashes at police, counter protesters and press, who was it that set fire to one journalist in tower Hamlets and sexually assaulted another? Who was it that climbed on top of a police van and jumped up and down on it, who kicked the doors in of Big Johns takeaway in Leicester and threatened the staff and customers inside? Who assaulted a Hindu man in Leicester and targete a Hindu temple because their too ignorant to know the difference between a Hindu/Hindu Temple and a Muslim/Mosque?Who spent most of their time in Nottingham pissing up the walls of Nottingham castle? Whose supporters trashed a random takeaway in Plymouth?
It certainly wasn't Anarchists, was it?
And if you deliberately hold provocative marches while pissed up and aggressive in areas of high Muslim populace what do you expect? The EDL deliberately do what they do to provoke a violent response. So don't cry like spoilt little brats when you get it.
Keep classism out of anti-fascism
30.09.2012 21:34
30.09.2012 21:36
re: Keep classism out of anti-fascism
01.10.2012 09:36
Are you saying that if you are working class you must be stupid or unable to do joined-up writing? That sounds classist in itself!
01.10.2012 09:50
M: CXF, SDL, Infidels all post EDL, the mighty EVF only just formed and the Casuals are only jeffrey marshbubbles and his 2 nieces chardonnay and kylie so dont actually do anything. as for classism, being working class and being literate are not incompaitible.
bbc reported 500
01.10.2012 09:59
01.10.2012 10:41
all said and done
500 my arse!
01.10.2012 11:06
Walthamtow 2
01.10.2012 11:46
thick cunt
01.10.2012 12:24
'Get a Job" and who still believes cops?
01.10.2012 12:47
Dignity can only be obtained in this world by licking a bosses arse, or exploiting the labour of others? Its the kind of shit Cameron and Boris say - and they know that there aren't enough jobs for everyone to have one.
Perhaps in Malatesta's world all the workers have surplus cash, but for many the reality is that there is nothing over once the families basic needs have been met.
bur wrote:
which is particularly selective editing
The BBC ACTUALLY said: "West Midlands Police said up to 1,000 people gathered at the EDL event and at a counter-demonstration....
...A counter-event of 500 people took place in Gallery Square."
No doubt as there was a ruck, the cops inflated the figures - normally they play them down.
If bur believes coppers, then he is far too naive to be taken seriously.
more EDL arrests to follow
01.10.2012 13:29
01.10.2012 16:37
01.10.2012 16:44
01.10.2012 23:18
You dont even know what a battle is. You speak of 'humiliation' and 'haha' and 'we set them off running'. Bollox - thats girl scouts. A real battle is when you stick your hand in a pile of goo that used to be your best mate's face. Or watching 5 of your buddies that you played cards with getting blown up by a IED.
So shut up with going on about how hard you are. Tapping away in a blog and running around shouting at each other whilst making sure the police are there to separate you, and then taking pictures and counting the number of faces on your blog is not hard. When's the last time you had to put cover fire down for your mate when there's tracer rounds buzzing over your head? Whens the last time you've had to pick up your dead mate's leg that has been blown off?
Yeah, "humiliated" = "We won". What an absolute load of shite. How can you say you won anything when all your done is some shouting and arm waving? That aint a battle, thats playground jeering for infants who aint got enough money for the tuck shop. When you going to do something that is real hard eh?
what a ponce
02.10.2012 03:05
You have never experienced that. If you had, you would not write it here...like that.
Personally, I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves. You all run around the place like children showing off your injuries as though its something to be proud of. It isn't. All you are doing is spreading the hatred. You EDL talk about reaching middle England but you haven't a chance. You Antifascists do the same and you don't have a chance.
You should all take a long hard look at yourselves. There is nothing you have that we want.
Go home.
Is it any wonder that we have these injustices in this world when you behave like this? I can't think who the bigger villains of the peace are...the engineers of war, or those who waste everybodies time while those wars are happening.
Shameful. Truly shameful.
bugle alert!
02.10.2012 09:38
sorry, we are very truly sorry for upsetting you and will no longer oppose fascists marching through our streets. we are ashamed... what bollocks who is the WE you speak of?who do you represent? yourself. this is an anarchist/leftist/antifascist website. go elsewhere you bugle.
02.10.2012 12:31
EDL Tommy Robinson shot and killed in Nottingham.
02.10.2012 14:14
“What we want . . . is the complete destruction of the domination and exploitation of man by man; we want men united as brothers by a consensus and desired solidarity, all cooperating voluntarily for the wellbeing of all; we want society to be constituted for the purpose of supplying everybody with the means for achieving the maximum well-being, the maximum possible moral and spiritual development; we want bread, freedom, love and science--for everybody.”
Errico Malatesta (1853-1932)
>>>The door's datta way > > >
“Ever your enemy is your ally, and ever your ally is your enemy. To divide is to conquer.”
Nestor Makhno, Butyrskaya Prison, Moscow - 1913.
Enough said.
02.10.2012 14:58
02.10.2012 15:58
Oh darling...if only you knew!
Irish Repubicans are the most violent!
02.10.2012 16:14
Irish Republicanism is dead NOT the EDL
@Irish Republicanism is dead NOT the EDL
02.10.2012 16:28
Ya mug
Piss Poor EDL
03.10.2012 13:03
On A Mission To Fail!
Or as they say in Glasgow......
03.10.2012 13:32
At least the EDL are working class unlike the middle classes who run Indymedia
03.10.2012 18:36
Nazi (Nationalist) Troll
03.10.2012 22:46
Back To Stormfront!
Yeh Right!!!
03.10.2012 22:51
Most youths there did not learn the facts of life wanking off over Rupert Murdoch's diet of tits and race hate.
Stick that up your Hitler-loving jacksy, you neo-Nazi nutter!!!!!!
Joe Fro
EDL Braindeath Division
03.10.2012 22:56
Apologists - Join The Freakshow
Protest against Islamic extremism instead of the EDL
04.10.2012 11:16
Islamic extremism is the real threat!
Uri Geller's got a sister you know...but maybe not!
06.10.2012 16:15
I live in London and I haven't seen any of that!!!
You must be an Amerikaan.
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