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Calling for mass resistance to abolition of Council Tax Benefit.

Anonymice. | 23.09.2012 10:18

Council Tax Benefit is being abolished from 1 April 2013. The proposed changes will mean those on low incomes having to pay substantial amounts of Council Tax.

Robbery of the poor once more.

From 1 April 2013, Council Tax Benefit will be replaced by a system of councils having discretion to decide how much to allow by way of discount to people who are on low incomes. Details supplied indicate that:

1) The maximum discount that will be given will be 90% of the bill.

2) Everyone, no matter how low their income, will have to pay at least 10% of their Council Tax Bill. Since few Council Tax bills are below £1000, this will result in those on low incomes seeing a large increase in the amount they pay. For those on very low incomes at present, Council Tax Benefit covers the liability in full.

3) Those on defined as having "very low" incomes, there are no figures of what this will be, will have to pay an unspecified amount which will be greater than 10% of their bill. This will no doubt mean a massive additional cost for the most impoverished and vulnerable people.

Since benefits have been cut significantly, these further cuts in help with Council Tax bills will hit hard.

We need to organise a mass resistance to these vicious cuts now. We said no to the Poll Tax, we won. There needs to be a campaign to refuse payment just like the Poll Tax.

We got rid of Thatcher via Poll Tax. Cameron could meet a similar fate with this.

Tory toffs get huge agricultural subsidies, Social Security for the rich. No cuts to those to date.

No robbery of the poor via Council Tax in order to subsidise the rich!



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100% council tax to continue, maybe

23.09.2012 11:40

The article is a bit confused. Council Tax Benefit is not being abolished and some people will continue to receive 100%.

The Government currently pays 100% of the Council Tax Benefit paid out by local councils. The Government is going to reduce this to 90% of the current amount, leaving councils with a shortfall. Councils are free to reduce CTB to make up the shortfall.

From what they've said here Bristol intend to carry on paying 100% CTB to people on the dole or not earning anything. They have assessed the cost of collection would outweigh any money they bought in.

They plan to raise the shortfall by reducing CTB to people who are working and already paying some of their council tax.


Haringey Council as an example

25.09.2012 11:27

Haringey Council proposals can be read here:

They include a proposal for all households to pay at least 20% of their Council Tax bill. This means that all residents on benefits such as JSA and ESA who would have had full Council Tax Benefit will now have to fund this 20% from their maintenance benefits. As these are set at rates determined to be the mimimum needed to function in society and make ends meet, it will inevitably lead households into tough decisions about what not to pay or consume to make up for the short fall. Perhaps it will mean residents going cold during winter or not eating properly and seeing their health suffer. These are not fair proposals.

If you are a Haringey resident, please show your opposition to these proposals, and particularly the impact they will have on those reliant on state benefits to make do, by completing the council's survey here:

Or printing off and posting the PDF here:

Send to:

Benefits Reduction Scheme Consultation, London Borough of Haringey, FREEPOST NAT20890, PO Box 264, London N22 8BR

For those in other boroughs, please check your local authority's website for similar consultations and have your say!


Brighton and Hove City Council.

25.09.2012 14:22

The details as stated in the post are as advised to residents by Brighton and Hove City Council. It is thought that each individual council has the discretion to decide how much people will have to pay, ie the amount of discount to be allowed will be left to councils as they see fit.

We need to compile a league table to see which one is the best.
