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Norwegian activist: Breivik trial has taught us a lot about far right networks

Friday Drivetime | 22.09.2012 00:45 | Anti-racism | Policing | Terror War | World

BCfm's weekly politics show. At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world. After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers. For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

Norwegian activist and blogger Torstein Viddal discusses shortcomings of his country's police and security services on 22nd July during last summer's Oslo bomb and Utoya island massacre of young Labour party activists by Neo-Nazi freemason Anders Breivik.
First interpretation into English of elements of the Commission report which show a series of police and state security services' shortcomings.
Were there any policemen or judges in Breivik's masonic lodges?
Why did he only attend Oslo masonic temple for initiation ceremonies and not the rest of the year?
How many lodges was he a member of?
Discussion of Breivik's peculiar ideological blend of Zionism and Nazism. Torstein's flat in central Oslo is only 200 yards from the bombed government building and that day he was out taking pictures

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Very interesting

22.09.2012 00:52




22.09.2012 06:37

Breivik was a zionist who attended pro israel/zionist demos in london, and this was from a reliable source, also as this article has rightly pointed out Breivik was a freemason, so why hasn`t the freemason connection been questioned by the police? and why did most of the mass media ignore the freemason link?



22.09.2012 11:19

Anders Breivik sounds confused because he was pro-Zionist and also anti-Marxist.
This is incompatible because the Zionist mafia based in Israel are the protaganists of
Marxist multi-culturalism, as long as it only happens in everyone else's culture and not
in their racist sub-culture.
If you are anti-Marxist then it follows that you would have to be anti-Zionist too.



22.09.2012 14:07

i think no-one is quite as confused as you, dear oswald.


strange bedfellows

23.09.2012 09:38

Its not a blend of Zionism and Nazism. Its nationist anti-nazism, i.e. the British position in ww2. The same attrocities we condoned in ww2 reproduced in this war. It unites former british war crime "allies" of American extremists (Banes, Page), Charles Taylor, Serb Socialists, Greek skinheads and even Russian Chechnya troops.

That ignorant blogger has never understood how they communicate online, via MMORPG servers. And at in the real world at WW2 war reinactment summer camps. They might of arrested some German & Cech extremists, but not the alleged 25 Brits.

For years crackpot Bin-Laden claimed there was a crusader gang flying round the world slaughter muslims. This criminal conviction is the first ever evidence for his extreme claim.


The dark side.

23.09.2012 10:02

The silence about the connection with Freemasonry in the mainstream media is only to be expected. This is typical of the failure to acknowledge the sinister practices of this outfit. The media is gagged on the Freemasons and anyone who campaigns against them to expose them, is subjected to a vile vendetta.

Brevik had connections to the UK. It is likely he was a member of Masonic Lodges in the UK. The indications are that he was in high level Masonic Lodges, more than likely he belonged to one, or more, in London. No doubt these would have Police and judges in their members.

The Masonic link would not be pursued by Police, either here or in Norway. Police are usually Freemasons and will not act against a fellow brother. Don't forget, there were some odd features of the killings and aftermath of the killings in Norway, which were never explained. The time it took Police to arrive on the scene and their bizarre actions when they knew what was happening. Were they complicit?

As in the child abuse cases in North Wales, where Police were perpetrators of perverse acts of abuse against children in the care homes, it all gets covered up by a system which is Freemason controlled and governed. See Rebecca Television online

In essence, Police and Freemasons can break the law, no matter how serious the offences, their Brothers will help them and cover up. In the future it may be discovered that their were closer links to Freemasonry and the killings than is known at this point in time. The Dark Side of Freemasonry.

Also, bear in mind that Grand Lodge and Freemason Lodges elsewhere are given charitable status. This helps them to shield their activities as well.

Ann T Mason.

Freemasons are Zog gophers

24.09.2012 10:49

The Zionist agenda is to get the white man to fight the muslims on their behalf.
Instead of shipping the white man round to the holy land to do their dirty work in the crusades, they are shipping the muslims to Europe to produce the same conflict in Europe.
Freemason Anders Breivik is simply a sympton of this agenda, because Freemasonry has
always been pro-Zionist at the top level.
Its the same with the EDL, the Zionists want the white man to fight the muslims.
The real enemy of the white man are the Zionist scum who want to destroy European identity
with third world immigration.
Israel wants everyone else to fight each other, as long as you don't attack them!
