Residents fight Mcr Airport 'World Logistics Hub' (Stop Expansion at Manchester Airport) | 21.09.2012 18:55
Local residents and environmentalists have began organising to oppose Manchester Airport's plans to concrete over former greenbelt land to build a 'World Logistics Hub'. If given the go-ahead, the proposals would involve the construction of around 43 warehouse and office units plus over 1400 carparking spaces. This would require the eviction of residents, the destruction of greenspace for local people, an increase in traffic congestion, carbon emissions and noise pollution from the Airport's cargo services.
The plans are part of George Osbourne's 'Airport City Enterprise Zone'. Residents are preparing a objections to the planning application and have begun an online petition here:
The area to the south of the Airport is currently home to residential houses and greenfields and also borders onto Cotterill Clough - a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The Airport 'anticipate' that 1800 jobs will be created over a 15 year period. However, a report on the wider Airport City proposals in Autumn 2011 by the Campaign to Protect Rural England found that many of these job creation projections actually involved displacing pre-existing jobs from elsewhere in Manchester, as firms relocate to take advantage of the cheap business rates on offer.
The land around Sunbank Lane was recently taken out of the greenbelt in Manchester City Council's 'Core Strategy' which was approved in July 2012. Many residents say they were not informed or consulted of these plans. Audrey O'Donovan said, "As a resident and chairman of Ringway Parish Council, I am appalled at the lack of consultation by Manchester Airport when removing Oak Farm and surrounding area out of the green belt and changing the planning status enabling them to once again encroach on our countryside. All in the name of so-called progress."
On 5th September 2012, Ringway Parish Council members were joined by members of the A556 Lobby Group, campaigners from Stop Expansion at Manchester Airport (SEMA) and over 80 local residents to voice their opposition to the planning application submitted by Manchester Airports Group (MAG).
Members of the A556 Lobby Group explained that the recent planning application has shed light on how the Airport’s plans fit in to a broader picture of development in the area. Matt Parkinson, who attended the meeting, said:
"We have long suspected that the proposed A556 bypass has more to do with facilitating Government plans for the massive expansion of Manchester Airport, than to provide an "environmental improvement" to the people living alongside the current A556.
"We feel the time has come for all local groups fighting to save their villages, countryside and way of life to join together, to realise the bigger picture and to oppose the notion of 'growth' at any cost. We believe the vast majority of people would prefer to see targeted investment in sustainability in order to create jobs which genuinely benefit society, human well-being and our environment rather than local MP, George Osborne's obsession with growth for growths sake."
The planning application will be considered by the Councillors on the Wythenshawe Area Committee on 25th October 2012.
Residents living at the La Saulce squat at the ZAD, (Zone A Defendre, meaning ‘Zone to Defend’), near Nantes in France, who have been opposing a massive airport project for over 40 years recently sent a message of solidarity:
"We want to send a message of solidarity to those standing up to airport expansion in Manchester and let you know that there are many communities worldwide involved in the same struggle. Together, we can learn from each others experiences and be part of a movement fighting not just against useless and destructive projects but for a world where we're not ruled by profit and where communties are able to take control of their lives".
Click here to sign the petition against the World Logistics Hub.
The planning application documents can be downloaded from the Manchester City Council planning website (Search under A538). Letters of objection can be emailed to (Stop Expansion at Manchester Airport)
Original article on IMC Northern England: