Compare and contrast.
Anonymice | 19.09.2012 10:12
Two Policewomen were killed in Manchester yesterday. They were working at the time and deliberately killed, or so it is reported. This was followed by a media outcry over their deaths.
In recent years, Police have killed very many people, either in custody, or going about their day to day business. Some people have been killed whilst engaging in what has been alleged to be criminal acts but the circumstances of their deaths indicate there was no valid reason for them to be killed. Media coverage is never hostile to the Police. It is the norm for the Police to have their actions, or conduct, justified however suspicious this looks.
In cases where Police have killed people, the media has a tendency to be pro Police, their conduct is never questioned, let alone criticised.
Inquests that are held into the deaths of people killed by Police are always biased in the favour of the Police.
Despite the numbers of people killed by Police, one way or another, to date no Police officer has been charged with manslaughter, or murder. This says it all.
In recent years, Police have killed very many people, either in custody, or going about their day to day business. Some people have been killed whilst engaging in what has been alleged to be criminal acts but the circumstances of their deaths indicate there was no valid reason for them to be killed. Media coverage is never hostile to the Police. It is the norm for the Police to have their actions, or conduct, justified however suspicious this looks.
In cases where Police have killed people, the media has a tendency to be pro Police, their conduct is never questioned, let alone criticised.
Inquests that are held into the deaths of people killed by Police are always biased in the favour of the Police.
Despite the numbers of people killed by Police, one way or another, to date no Police officer has been charged with manslaughter, or murder. This says it all.
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On Top Of Which...
19.09.2012 10:55
This will now be used to whip up the predictable public outrage required for this régime of extreme rightists to be able to shove through - with, no doubt, the craven acquiescence of NuNu Labour - even more draconian changes to the regulations regarding bail, so that tens of thousands more people will be imprisoned without trial every year for months on end (with everything that that implies regarding loss of jobs, loss of homes, even loss of family), only to end up with the charges being dropped at the last minute by the Clown Persecution Service, or to their being acquitted, or to being given a non-custodial sentence on conviction. Such measures would almost certainly be used against all activists as a convenient way of 'neutralising' them.
Media not legit
19.09.2012 10:58
the media, police and politicians are all bent anyway.
ignore and let them fail naturally. be more concerned with their replacements.
Their families
19.09.2012 17:14
19.09.2012 20:25
Lured to a house under a pretext that they were there to deal with a burgler and get gunned down and a hand grenade thrown at them?
So because they were cops they deserve to be killed?
You know nothing about these people but your knee jerk, witless reaction is "good".
So two wrongs are right are they, if so you need to seek professional help, or maybe get a girlfriend you dont have to inflate.
your a very silly little man hideing in a self important world where you are a victim of big nasty corporations and the new world order.
Well I am a member of the real working class and you a pompous twit.
Lets get some perspective here
19.09.2012 20:48
The big problem is we're going to get a media fanfare for weeks about this which will undoubtably end up with some new legislation or draconian security measures put in place.
Also at the end of the day, much like the armed forces, sorry but it can be a very dangerous job. Expect to get hurt or killed.
The nutbag who shot them and tried to blow them up will spend the rest of his life locked up.
However the numerous unjustified and immoral* police shootings and overseas murders by our forces will never go punished.
* I say immoral as I do not believe the word illegal is applicable as it has so many written exclusions. The golden rule should be golden and not subject to interpretation based on politics and policy.
19.09.2012 23:01
the state the state the state
20.09.2012 09:10
Personally, I agree with anon's statement, that we should be 'more concerned with their replacements.'
remembering the dead
20.09.2012 12:52
liberal shit
Hey, a moments silence
20.09.2012 21:18
Thank You
Not just murder...
21.09.2012 15:44
They are involved in paedophila:
Do they catch criminals or just engage in crime themselves?