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EDL return to Walthamstow Oct 27

E17 | 08.09.2012 22:07 | Anti-racism | Policing | Social Struggles

The on-line anti-fascist group EDLNewsXtra have re-posted a video by EDL leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson, in which Stephen / Tommy clearly says the EDL will return to Walthamstow on 27 Oct 2012. Here's the video -

EDL Nazi in Walthamstow 1st Sept
EDL Nazi in Walthamstow 1st Sept

Anders Breivik wannabe prepares for EDL Walthamstow
Anders Breivik wannabe prepares for EDL Walthamstow

EDL thug prepares for Walthamstow
EDL thug prepares for Walthamstow

OK, this might be some sort of EDL misdirection stunt, but the on-line anti-fascist news feed EDLNewsXtra has re-posted a video by EDL leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson, in which Tommy says the EDL will return to Walthamstow on 27 Oct 2012.

Here's the video -

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon says "everyone's welcome back, we need every man that's game, going into East London on the 27th October". The far-right will also be marching in Walsall on Sept 29.

What Stephen means is that, after the humiliating defeat the EDL suffered on Sept 1st, the EDL will try to re-engage former EDL activists, who, disillusioned by the main organisation pretending they're not far-right, had split-off from the EDL to join rival groups like the North West Infidels, North East Infidels and Combined Ex-Forces etc, who publicly welcome Nazis from the National Front and from Kevin Watmough's Redwatch group and so-called British Peoples Party (as opposed to privately welcoming Nazis like the EDL themselves do). Maybe the renewed threat will blow over, maybe it won't, but forewarned is forearmed, and we need to get cracking on organising a welcoming party right now. Spread the word!



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Anarchist Bookfair

08.09.2012 23:14

Same day as the London Anarchist Bookfair. Time enough in the day for both I suspect.


nazi salute, guns and knives?

09.09.2012 01:08

lets not get carried away by these photos, think about the context!

I got a strong feeling that idiot is doing a nazi salute AT the police in a sort of "you police are like nazis, and I don't agree with that sort of way" which you got to admit, you've proberly seen just as many left wing student types doing the same on any anti-war/student march... its all about context.
I have seen photos of nazis at EDL marches, doing salutes, but this i'm not too sure..
one of the other photos, is a nutter with an airsoft gun... true thats geeky. but i don't prove shit, wasn't there an anarco kid arrested with a load of airsoft guns in his house a few years back?

and the bloke with the knives/hammers... yeah it looks fucking scary, but i'm sure its the type of geezer who hangs out down your local pub whos actually a laugh. and he's proberly having a laugh, he's proberly an idiot who doesn't really how much of shit storm his irony can cause.
Still he looks fucking scary.

Its the bookfair on same day, good, go to the bookfair, let the locals and vast numbers of police deal with them, do somthing with your time more proactive.


The context

09.09.2012 10:20

What disproves the idea that this "idiot is doing a nazi salute AT the police in a sort of "you police are like nazis, and I don't agree with that sort of way"" IS the context - the historic context of many dozen photos of EDL supporters making Nazi salutes, showing-off Nazi tattoos and posting on Facebook about their support for the BNP, NF, Combat 18 and KKK etc (use Google), and the specific context of other EDL supporters turning up on this demo wearing a Panzer T-shirt and showing tattoos of South African white power groups (see earlier Indymedia threads).

No I've not seen "just as left wing student types doing the same on any anti-war/student marches" - that did happen a bit in the 1970s, but seems to have stopped as it sent out the wrong messages. As for Plymouth, that guy was a nut-hatch, but the bottom-line is that the only charges were one woman receiving a warning for possession of cannabis and the man in question being cautioned for spray-painting an underpass.

As for, in contrast, the bloke with the knives, and how the "nutter with an airsoft gun... don't prove shit", Polish intelligence were warning the Norwegian police about Anders Breivik stockpiling chemicals for a long time before he went on a murder rampage - Norwegian plod seem to have ignored the warnings because maybe they didn't prove shit?! As for the EDL knife merchant, this goon was identified by his Facebook posts as Darren Mann, who was also identified by his (huge and distinctive) tattoos as having turned-up in Walthamstow with a flag of the Stockton Wrecking Crew (30 seconds on Google will tell you who they are).

It's the bookfair on same day, tough luck, go to the bookfair afterwards, this is more important.



09.09.2012 10:51

32 people a week are dying after being put through the Govt's brutal benefit assessments with many committing suicide, yet the last protest against ATOS had about 300 on it, a tenth of that present at the EDL protest. It speaks volumes about the state and priorities of the left and activism and its obsession with certain issues and tiny groups. UK Uncut have recognised this and are a consistent ally of disabled claimants and their activities against the welfare reforms, fighting for basic issues is not(usually) exhilerating or dare i say glamerous, but it is important, time for more to have a rethink?



09.09.2012 11:35

If "exasperated" can show there are ATOS or UK Uncut events on the same day then people should consider which actions they feel it's best to support. The deeper issue is that while the activist movement may not (unfortunately) be strong enough to defeat the government, it's thru defeating the BNP and EDL that the left and anarchists etc prevent the far-right from exploiting people's grievances about cuts and austerity etc. The mainstream left mostly ignored the far-right in Greece, now Golden Dawn support's shot up to the point where some reports say the Nazis are the 3rd largest political party, "the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party has jumped into third place in popularity among Greek political parties, overtaking the once-dominant PASOK Socialists"

As for the anarchist bring-and-buy, Freedom reckon 3,000 people show-up each year, and 3,000 extra will make a massive contribution to an effective blockade against the EDL. If people don't want to take a few hours out of their pamphlet collecting to schlep up to Walthamstow, if they're going to London anyway, they can spare an hour or so to meet and greet the EDL in huge numbers when the Fascists assemble in Kings Cross


The Invisible Ghost.

09.09.2012 16:31

"32 people a week are dying after being put through the Govt's brutal benefit assessments with many committing suicide, yet the last protest against ATOS had about 300 on it, a tenth of that present at the EDL protest. It speaks volumes about the state and priorities of the left and activism and its obsession with certain issues and tiny groups."

Thats because Labour do not want to govern at the moment...why would they?

The left go where their party tell them to go. Its a question of doing just enough to be convincing while also not doing anything that might actually turn into something.

When the time comes and Labour feel that time is right, then you will see movement and then you will see the hierarchy act. Parliament will pass power back to Parliament and you can all slap each other on the backs at a job well done...before going home.

You may as well be living in Burma!

EDL piss-pot.

Just saying

09.09.2012 19:55

The brain dead idiots that comprise the EDL are used by both the tory cunts in office (for distraction purposes) and the filth that serve them (for evidence gathering purposes) they are of much use to the state that they readily support/endorse and need to be treated in that context, they are part of the state's aggression.

Perhaps if groups like UK Uncut and other leftist groups had shown something else rather than peaceful pantomime protest in the past they would now be a force to be reckoned with garnering more support from other areas of resistance, saying that the ATOS protest showed courage and balls, something different. If future protests are in the same vane then they should of course be supported and their numbers swelled.

The EDL are a rancid entity suffering from both lack of finances and willing members to put feet on the street, however small they become they still represent a nucleus of something very nasty that needs to be stamped out at every available opportunity, so maybe UK Uncut could learn a lesson or two in 'real street opposition' by attending Walthamstow and take away with them the nature of the fight and incorporate that into their own protests, whilst networking on the way.


EDL finances

09.09.2012 20:36

The background to Yaxley's whinging about EDL finances on YouTube is that quite early on the EDL adopted their fake Zionism, not because, as a group that's largely made up of covert BNP and NF types, they give a damn about Jews or Israel, but because, like most Fascists, they refuse to acknowledge the existence of the Jewish working-class, they simplistically equate Jews with wealth, and figured a pro-Zionist stance would bring them funding.

So far as I can tell that worked, for a while, but now the backers have realised the EDL are more of a liability than an asset, the money seems to have dried up, leaving the EDL isolated, cornered and frightened, and a cornered animal is often the most dangerous.


Golden Dawn attacking migrant traders in Greece

09.09.2012 20:44

This is what'd happen if Walthamstow if the EDL march unopposed


EDL discuss Anarchist bookfair & call all football hooligans to Walthamstow

09.09.2012 21:26

EDL call to "Unite the Right" & welcome all football hooligans to Walthamstow
EDL call to "Unite the Right" & welcome all football hooligans to Walthamstow

Influential ex-EDL Diddyman declines Tommy's invitation to Walthamstow
Influential ex-EDL Diddyman declines Tommy's invitation to Walthamstow

Scottish Defence League commemorate 9.11 on the WRONG DAY ;)
Scottish Defence League commemorate 9.11 on the WRONG DAY ;)

EDL discuss Anarchist bookfair (click to enlarge)
EDL discuss Anarchist bookfair (click to enlarge)

Screen grabs from various EDL Facebook pages


New photos of EDL Breiviks brandishing guns

09.09.2012 21:36

EDL - guess who's coming to Walthamstow?
EDL - guess who's coming to Walthamstow?

EDL psycho Shane Brian + mates - OK they may be a bunch of rusty old air-rifles but they could still easily kill someone at close range...... oh yeah, plus racist comments from these supporters of the famously "not racist" EDL

chalk owl

We stopped them before

10.09.2012 09:51

....we will stop them again. WEaltham Forest is our home, and we will NOT allow this bunch of scumbags to strut around in our home, damnaging our harmonious community

mail e-mail:


11.09.2012 14:02

batter the inbred bastards then they wont b bak ina hurry
