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Nottingham MP's vehicle sabotaged (FTP) | 08.09.2012 18:30

In May the Labour MPs wife, Labour councillor Jo White, was sent a dead bird through the post. In August, MP John Mann for Bassetlaw in North Notts nearly crashed his car after anonymous sabotage of his car. A car wheel nearly fell off after it was loosened and the hub cap was screwed back on to hide the sabotage.

The number of people pissed off enough by the politicians to make an attempt on one of their lives is uncountable.



BBC report (FTP)


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08.09.2012 19:01

shouldn't that read:
due to sabotage, he nearly lost control of his car and killed an innocent pedestrian

fuck u


08.09.2012 21:17

Nice though it is to slag off politicians, doing anything random like this that's likely to cause a road accident is as likely to cause collateral damage to other road users as it is to maim the MP (even if you think that's ok). Not every kick against "the system" is to be uncritically applauded, however much we might hate "the system" ....


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Why the FUCK do IMC mods allow Indymedia to be exploited like this?!

08.09.2012 21:28

Who the fuck is it that posts this bollocks on Indymedia? Oh, sorry, I forgot, the only people who are dumb enough to think endangering the lives of innocent road users has anything to do with radicalism MUST be police / right-wing agent-provocateurs.

Why the FUCK do IMC moderators allow Indymedia to be exploited like this?!


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08.09.2012 22:40

Lost the plot. Author and perps need to look in a mirror and then take a long walk.


This is such bollocks

09.09.2012 10:32

An implication built on speculation built on speculation


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09.09.2012 12:26

Why have the comments been censored?

This isn't trolling. This is disapproval. The moderators have no right to use this site to tout their own brand of poison (FTP -- is that you!?)

Let the people say what they want to say without The State or Moderators acting like self appointed grown ups.

This is important. Grow up and stop trying to be God


stupid... and a question

09.09.2012 13:12

Pretty stupid thing to do; even leaving aside the ethics of killing an MP, someone else could have been killed in the ensuing accident.

But here's a question: why are we assuming this attempt came from an anti-politician feeling?

After all, according to the BBC article: "Mr Mann is an outspoken member of the Treasury Select Committee who has grabbed headlines in recent months with his robust questioning of senior bankers and government ministers."

I know it's wild speculation, but if he's happened to have made a few powerful people uncomfortable with his questioning, wouldn't it make sense for them to either bump him off, or at least scare him a bit. And then the icing on the cake would be to post an article on IMC glorifying the whole thing, to imply it was a radical that did it.


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10.09.2012 21:49

And dangerous. Should be reported to the police



14.09.2012 10:45


Darren Sweep

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