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East London, "Lutfur Council" bullying Bangladeshis, EDL will be happy

Lutfurcouncildoesit | 31.08.2012 03:43 | Analysis | Social Struggles | World

Tomorrow's threatened EDL demos in Walthamstow, E17, will pale into insignificance when compared with the "achievements" of Tower Hamlets Council. Also known as the "Lutfur Council", thanks to the work of Andrew Gilligan, Tower Hamlets Council has not dropped any of its sub-fascist traits despite the over-promotion of the Council as one “friendly” to the “ethnics” generally and to alleged Islamic Fundamentalist in particular.

So what is the truth?

Tomorrow's threatened EDL demos in Walthamstow, E17, will pale into insignificance when compared with the "achievements" of Tower Hamlets Council. Also known as the "Lutfur Council", thanks to the work of Andrew Gilligan, Tower Hamlets Council has not dropped any of its sub-fascist traits despite the over-promotion of the Council as one “friendly” to the “ethnics” generally and to alleged Islamic Fundamentalist in particular.

So what is the truth?

The truth is that in Tower Hamlets, the EDL has it agenda being implemented by the Lutfur Council in a most bizarre and telling way

The harassment of activists members of the vocal community of critics of elected councillors is going on Tower Hamlets in a most alarming way.

Lutfur is aware of the harassment. As are his allies the councillors Alibor Chowdhury and Rabina Khan.

Unlike the tacky [Takki!] Strategists’ false image built entirely on rampant theft of choice slogans from all over the place suggesting that Lutfur writes his blogs and that Lutfur thinks independently about anything, the reality is that Lutfur Council is a disaster from end to end. Lutfur has a rubber stamp name that he sticks on every known kind of petty propaganda claiming all credit for all things...

Take Housing.

In the Spitalfields ward [Ooops! “Spitalfields and Bangla Town”] there are posters declaring that “Housing is my priority” next to a beaming photo of Lutfur.

But back at the Mulberry Place where Lutfur’s "Stazi army"-like "establishment” is based, the environmental health paramilitary-type zealots are intent on harassing the vulnerable from their homes and communities.

Just how widespread has been the abuse by Tower Hamlets Council of the statutory powers available to environmental health is about to be shown in a shocking news video scheduled of the weekend.

The video has been produced by the London Community Audit Network who have monitored “Lutfur Council” for years.

Their findings show that far from being a token for fairness, the Lutfur Council regime is engaged in some of the worst Third World practices. Against Lutfur’s “own voters”.

And the licence for bullying is being “found” in environmental heath hot spots!

What are the hot spots?

Why among or near the most “vulnerable” of the borough’s residents.

So what is the Lutfur Council up to here?

The Lutfur Council is doing what Isabella Freeman, its self-appointed monitor and head of legal, considers the Council’s priority: tolerate misuse or abuse of the powers so long as the misuse and the abuse do not point the finger at the boss.

One family that has suffered years of bullying by Tower Hamlets Council staff has spoke on the video about its experiences.

They make very disturbing viewing.

Frightened children cower under the make-shift beds to escape the bullying arrival of Council-‘licensed’ heavies, ransack the place and to destroy every known furniture in the place.


Because the furniture has got cockroaches on them!

They are lethally infected; say the Tower Hamlets Council-linked ENVIRO Stazi

That can only be described as semi-fit for human habitation.

The previous chief exec Kevan Collins falsified his ID on the Undercover Boss [C4] just over 2 years ago as he paraded himself as “Colin” while he brazenly stood next to the real Colin and the both of them faked furiously about how they were helping the peasants with their housing needs.

The real Colin whose name Kevan Collins falsified and faked has been engage din messing up the Council’s Housing service [!]the extent that he can do for years.

In the video, there is a claim that Colin Cormack [for it is he!] made several visits to an address in Parfett Street, next to the Settles Street in London E1 about the threats posed in 1993 to a number of voluntary groups that faced losing the very unique libraries of resources.

Cormack visited the address under orders from Sylvie Pierce, then the Council’s Chief executive.

Sylvie pierce was forced to instruct Cormack to act on an unintentionally homeless

Man at that time following Legal action notices.

In the course of Commack’s investigations
He was staggered to discover that the homeless man who had been overdue for housing, had in fact built up a huge library of resources a sociological research.

For the past almost 20 years that library has been part of the resources that have been protected eat cost by the man.

And Cormack has neglected to honour the promise he made in 1996 when he said to the man that he, Cormack, would do his best to find suitable accommodation.

What he found was a nightmare estate in one of the Borough’s worst estates.

The homeless man was presented with then hard to let flat as the only available offer.

That offer was falsely made one in order to get rid of the liability.

That resulted in the man accepting the offer on cindion that Cormack would find proper suitable and crime-free alternative accommodation within weeks.

Cormack promised that he would

But he dropped the duty and forgot thepromnsie as soon as the man moved into the problem estate.

There he faced permanent occupation of the corridor by anything between 15 to 30 very distributed youngsters, all of them Bangladeshis and all produced by the failing council.

Years of loss followed before the same failing Council was forced to offer a flat to the man.

And where did they put him?

In another flat surrounded by stairs filled with very disturbed Bangladeshi youths born and brought up in Tower Hamlets and socially dysfunctionally produced by the falling council’s falling programme!

Later this morning, Friday 31 August 2012, the same homeless man is being attacked again by Lutfur Council.

No wonder that Lutfur’s face declares “Housing is one of my top priorities”!

These are fictitious words as far as the long term homeless man knows.

Lutfur is the first one to recognise the homeless man’s contributions

He told the homeless man that he, Lutfur, was privileged been one of the man’s most junior pupils!

How come?

See the video!

And you will be scared of ever trusting that smile on the Lutfur mayor poster again.

The EDL need not bother to visit Tower Hamlets again.

Lutfur mayor is doing the job for them. He is attacking the most active members of the East End community who have created the secure political career environment fur has enjoyed.

Lutfur has taken that environment for granted

And it is showing in the ferocity f abuse of the Environmental powers by the Lutfur Council staff bent on terrorising vocal critics of the failing Tower Hamlets Council.



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Altab Ali Park Friday 31 August 2012 Made homeless by Tower Hamlets

31.08.2012 05:58

The Homeless in Tower Hamlets Campaign has organised a solo performance at 2 PM today Friday 31 August 2012 at the Altab Ali Park.

The main speaker will be a man who has been made homeless by Tower Hamlets Council for almost 40 years.

The man is known to Lutfur Rahman who is also aware of the man’s latest eviction caused by Tower Hamlets Council’s very own, in-house, social cleansing policy.

So what has Lutfur Rahman to say about his Housing priorities?



31.08.2012 10:12

If you assembled this article into actual paragraphs it'd be alot easier to read


T should tell us what the letter spells out: Takki ?

31.08.2012 19:43

Lutfur Council has stayed silent. That is for sure.

We need Lutfur's advisers to speak up for the community.
