Breivik the Masonic killer & his EDL mentor Paul Ray protected by Norwegian cops
Tony Gosling | 24.08.2012 12:22 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Policing | World
Breivik in his Masonic religious cult outfit
Paul Ray 'Lionheart' Knight Templar EDL boss who denies meeting Breivik in 2002
This evil man quite clearly had a lot of friends - on Facebook 5000 when the attacks happened
And as a Freemason had at the very least a dozen or so fellow secret lodge or coven members.
Paul Ray says he never met Breivik and the Norwegian police simply believed him.
This trial stinks to high heaven of a masonic cover-up involving the Norwegian police & prosecutor in a 'damage limitation exercise for the far right.
Echoes of Operation Weeting and crimnal Masonic Phone Hacking networks in London covered up by 'Dark Arts' perhaps?
Breivik said he regarded himself as a successor to the medieval Knights Templar, a Christian Zionist group that sought to reclaim Jerusalem from Islamic occupation.
Signing the document as “Andrew Berwick”, an Anglicised version of his name, Breivik boasts of 80 “solo martyr cells” having been recruited throughout Western Europe who were ready to follow his example of trying to overthrow governments tolerant of Islam.
Breivik specifically mentioned meeting members of the English Defence League, and urged “them to use conscious strategies.” However, he dismissed the group as “naive fools” for refusing to sanction violence. ay-terror-attacks/
Anders Behring Breivik trial: the 'real' Lionheart
Anders Breivik has insisted at his trial that he attended a meeting in London in 2002 in which his violent right-wing group, the so-called “Knights Templar,” was founded.
EDL member Paul Ray in Malta, left. He noted similarities between his blog and the manifesto written by Anders Breivik, right Photo: ALLOVER NORWAY / REX FEATURES
By Duncan Gardham 4:23PM BST 18 Apr 2012 ers-Behring-Breivik-trial-the-real-Lionheart.html
When prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh challenged him on whether the meeting had taken place at all, Breivik told her: "There is nothing that is made up, but you have to see what is written in a context. It is a glorification of certain ideals.”
Three days after the Norway attacks, the Daily Telegraph identified and tracked down a British man calling himself Paul Ray, who admitted that he could have been the inspiration for Breivik, although he denied ever meeting him.
British and Norwegian investigators are convinced that Breivik’s Knights Templars do not exist but say it is possible that he was inspired by information he found on the internet. If he was, Ray appears to be the man he modeled himself on.
In his 1,500 page manifesto, Breivik wrote that his “assigned mentor” at the founding meeting was “referred to as Richard (the Lionhearted).”
Ray, who blogged under the name “Lionheart,” wrote in 2007: “God will revive the ancient order of the Knights Templar and count me worthy to die amongst them in service of my God in protection of the Christian and Jewish world.”
He described himself as one of the “founding fathers” of the right-wing English Defence League, which he later abandoned – similarly Breivik wrote: “I wonder sometimes if one of the EDL founders was one of the co-founders of [the Knights Templar], I guess I’ll never know for sure.”
Ray went on to become a member of a group calling itself Order 777 that appeared to advocate a violent struggle against Muslims.
Order 777 posted videos online featuring a depiction of a Templar Knight and footage of a variety of armed gangs, including Serbian nationalists and Liberian fighters such as Charles Taylor.
Breivik wrote that he had attended the founding meeting of the “Knights Templar Europe” in London “after visiting one of the initial facilitators, a Serbian Crusader Commander and war hero, in Monrovia, Liberia.”
Both the videos and the manifesto featured a man called Milorad Ulemek, a former commander of a unit of the Serbian security services who was arrested in 2004 and convicted of the assassinations of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic and former Serbian President Ivan Stambolic.
Mr Ray, who later moved to Malta, is originally from Luton, Bedfordshire, a place that Breivik referred to repeatedly in court.
Lastly, the videos featured a thumping trance music soundtrack, exactly the kind of music Breivik listened to obsessively as he prepared his attacks.
Despite the similarities, Ray pointed out that the right-wing anti-Muslim movement did not begin in Britain until 2006 – which by coincidence is the same date Breivik claims to have started writing his manifesto.
Ray told the Daily Telegraph last July: “I am convinced that I have never met him and I can clear my name, but it does worry me that he got inspiration from my blog and it does look that way.
“I do worry that he has taken what I say and overreacted to it. I worry about that. That is my main worry.”
Mr Ray said he had been “racking my brains about this guy” and that Breivik may have approached him on the Facebook social network site but that he could not be sure.
“He has just taken stuff off the videos and used it for his own gain,” he added.
Tony Gosling
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fuck off
25.08.2012 00:29
What about all the Masons that don't kill people?
25.08.2012 10:55
Its like someone saying "All black people are thugs" just because there are some cases of blacksmugging people.
Or "all Germans are nazis"
Or "all Norwegians are serial killers"
I bet you havn't even stepped into a Mason Lodge before or even met one. Most are doddering old geezers who wont harm a fly.
Now go back to your little hole and carry on writing your hateful thoughts
muppet watch
arm the people
25.08.2012 12:59
The net result will be a better armed policy force to impose the political opinions of whichever politicians or corporations they chose to back.
@the "genius"
25.08.2012 13:24
Lol - I hate to point out the obvious, but when the police got the island, he stopped shooting people and surrendered. Hence, the police did protect the people. I'd also like to point out that at no time did anarchists stop him from killing people and weren't even on the scene to stop the shootings before the police got it under control......... so, you are full of shite.
Also, giving everyone on the island a gun, would mean 300 (?) young people with guns. Is that wise? How many times do young people fight especially on alcohol. Who is going to vett them all to check they are mentally stable? Who is going to pay for that? You?
I personally don't like the idea of everyone having a gun. I reckon i bump into some knobhead about once a week who doesn't like where i've parked, what i said, how i looked. More guns in the public domain means my life will be in more danger thanks to you, so I'm opposed to it.
state the obvious
Was Breivik at Srebrenica?
25.08.2012 15:05
"2083: A European Declaration of Independence"
FBI/DHS Memo on 'Examining Lone Shooters and Small-Unit Tactics'
Virtual Reality and Technologies for Combat Simulation (1994)
DHS Updates Social Media Spying Targets
DHS - Media Monitoring: Analyst’s Desktop Binder
DHS Training Documents/Presentations regarding surveillance practices/procedures
sensor technologies to detect cues indicative of mal-intent
Introduction to Explosives
Improvised Explosive Initiators
Irregular Warfare
FBI files on The Anarchist Cookbook, 1971-1999
DHS Domestic Extremism Lexicon
Domestic Extremism Digest
CIA: US Domestic Intelligence Collection
EU Terrorism Situation Report 2007
OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual
CIA: Sabotage Materials
Countering Violent Extremism in the United States
The Domestic Terrorist Threat
Extremism Definition
@Was Breivik at Srebrenica?
25.08.2012 21:58
You provide no info that he was. It's just some stupid rhetoric question.
The crux of your post all pointing to some conspiracy site
Basically, you are spamming indymedia to try and promote your own site
The first 4 links are to try and camouflage this and make you look ledgit
> Mladics foreign unit
Whats this got to do with Breivik?
> "2083: A European Declaration of Independence"
Fascinating but not sure what it has to do with anything
> FBI/DHS Memo on 'Examining Lone Shooters and Small-Unit Tactics'
More linkbait to try get your post to look ledgit
> Virtual Reality and Technologies for Combat Simulation (1994)
All other links are for your crypto site. Bog off spammer
Trial Run?
26.08.2012 10:52
The fact he was a Freemason is something that should be empahsised as it is relevant to these acts in Norway. Freemasons regard non Masons as inferior beings, cattle is the word they use. Freemasonry has a huge influence in politics and government in the UK as well as globally. The Masons have an agenda that is on the far right politically. They are to be found in many groups such as The Common Purpose, whose aims are very dubious indeed.
Freemasons have infiltrated all the public services in the UK, councils, Police, judiciary and Parliament. Why do they seek to establish a power base in these institutions?
A former, now late, senior MP told me in 2006 that, "Freemasons run the country". Where else do they run in the world?
There are those who say that The New World Order, in which Freemasonry is prominent, has a plan to cull a large part of the global population. Can we take it that there will be more incidents of people being slaughtered on masse?
Beivik was held to be sane. Sentenced to 21 years at least. The test will be to see how long he serves in prison. Could he be freed much sooner?
Ann T Mason
26.08.2012 13:25
I was asked if i want to join. I said no. Its just not my thing. I dont particularly look formal dinners etc and that is all it seems to be about. Basically, a boys dinner and drinking club nothing more.
How do people join? Well you actually just go on the website for contact details and contact your local lodge! Hardly secret. Someone then puts you forward and theres a ballet. If anyone votes with a black ball then you are denied membership. But its really a traditional thing and its only if someone knows the person is dishonest.
At the end of the day, freemasons are statistically more honest and reliable than other people simply because they can't be freemasons if they arnt
Reading vague fictional books like those by Dan Brown about freemasons and conspiracies is fiction.
not a mason but been asked
Srebrenica cover-up!
26.08.2012 14:18
That 2002 London meeting was a fancy dress WW2 reinactment summercamp, which MI5 was monitoring. A Norweigen resistance fighter would of stood out like a sore thumb.
The real character of Freemasons.
27.08.2012 16:20
Your comments are very pro Masonry considering you claim not to be in The Brotherhood.
Freemasons are not honest as you claim. Kenneth Noye, Brinksmat robber and murderer, was Worshipful Master of his Lodge. There are many more Masons whose allegiances are to fellow Brothers, rather than honesty, upholding the law and speaking out about the criminal acts of their Brothers..
I suggest you look at to see what activities the Freemasons have got up to in North Wales. One of their predilections is for paedophilia, they were invloved in the child abuse that was conducted in the North Wales care homes for decades.
It has been established that Freemasons have been involved in organised paedophilia for decades at least. I suggest you see the site of Stuart Syvret in Jersey, also for Hollie Grieg in Scotland.
Then look at and the sister sites and There are more.
No, Freemasons are not a bunch of eldely do gooders and amiable chaps. They are evil, perverse, scum.
Ann T Mason
27.08.2012 17:14
Fascinating but not sure what it has to do with anything
I despair, I really do.
Cryptome and Cryptogon are run by separate people, neither of whom are likely to waste time posting on indymedia, and they are invaluable resources for leaks and obscure information from official sources without conspiracy theory of any kind. Rather like wikileaks.
Not sure what to make of r's list of links and rhetorical question, not sure I even care, but your comment really did need a rejoinder.
What a load of shite
27.08.2012 19:37
I've known a couple of masons for years, eaten at a lodge a couple of times and observed their accounts and all I can say is that they are shady bastards at the best of times.
They hide when they talk to each other when there are non members around.
They never give a straight answer.
They spend most of the time talking about how great they are and how much money they donate to charity (which is precisely fuck all per lodge compared to their fucking bar tabs looking at their accounts). This is a ploy to hide something with happy smiley PR
Their finances are neatly divided into impenetrable off-shore funds.
They also have a sworn oath to each other over anything, which is a big big problem when senior legal, financial and police are members of the lodge. Brothers in arms, over law.
They have something to hide.
As for Breivik. I do not agree with his ideas or actions on this matter, however people need as much conviction and determination as his to change this world for the better. If only he chose that path.
Silent Observer
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