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take back london oct 20

smashy | 22.08.2012 12:34 | London

time to fight

take back london aims to mobilise millions of people into unprecedented mass action and the tuc demo is it..for unless and untill the poor the youth an workers join as one nothin will change..but everything is possible..our history is begining now..the people have awoken the world over and now is the time to convince everyone that the rotten root which is london has to be taken and held if we are ever to change the rots police state order.we can. we just need to convince all the dispossed and oppressed to turn up the same day..after all thats most of us...MOBILISE MILLIONS MARCH ON THE MANSIONS AND PALACES DECOMISSION THE POLICE AND THEIR SPYMASTERS..HOUSE THE HOMLESS FEED THE POOR AND FUCK THEIR FILTHY ROTTEN AND CORRUPT LAWS..WE ARE THE PEOPLE AND WE ARE COMING...LONDON BELONGS TO EVERYONE EVERYONE IS LONDON BUT FIRST LONDON MUST FALL..ROME N ALL...THIS IS MY CALL..spread to all



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22.08.2012 12:41

Dream on Sparty, now get back to Grand Theft Auto, it's school on Monday and the holidays are almost over.


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22.08.2012 15:28

That's the spirit! See you there!


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22.08.2012 18:20

"mobilise millions of people into unprecedented mass action " exactly do you make this happen?


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22.08.2012 20:20

The answer may lie with yourself and every other person who knows about this event. I think the poster is referring to the millions, yes millions of pissed off people surviving under these scum but mobilising them is another matter. Spread the word!


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22.08.2012 20:42

Offer free ben n jerries? that would get the millions out on the streets :)


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Troll hunter

22.08.2012 20:50

First London must fall ....?

My ass

This demo is about sticking up for Londoner's rights, not wrecking their city, fuck off back to the Daily Mail


Heard it all before

23.08.2012 09:57

Sorry but we have heard it all before. How many demos have there been in London where you have said lets take over London? There must have been tons of them and they all failed, just like last years Occupy movement failed.

Big Fail


23.08.2012 14:00

That's the spirit! See you there! Ps, moderaters, why did you remove this comment the first time while leaving up the losers post. Whose side you on?


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24.08.2012 18:08

The moderators have got shit for brains


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