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DEMO @ South Africa embassy Monday 1pm

solidarity with lonmin strikers | 19.08.2012 11:52 | Policing | Repression | Workers' Movements

Demo/picket at the South African High Commission (embassy) in solidarity with the Lonmin strikers. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

Show Lonmin (London-based mining corporation with a bloody history) and their stooges in the South African government that we will not forget or forgive the massacre of 34 striking miners. Back in the days of apartheid,
the SA embassy, and UK corporations who profited from one of the world's most disgusting examples of blatantly racist class exploitation, were regularly targeted by pickets, demos, and other actions. 20 years on, and
what's changed? Economically the country is more unequal than ever, London-based mining corporations still call the shots, and South African killer cops do their dirty work.

There was a first demo at Lonmin HQ on Saturday. with about 70 people. And lots of energy to do more, with people talking of ongoing pickets and actions against Lonmin and the SA embassy until the strikers' demands for
justice and a living wage are met.

solidarity with lonmin strikers


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  1. SA embassy address — solidarity