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4,000 Oct 20 leaflets handed-out at Durham Miners Gala

Roy | 15.08.2012 21:15 | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements

4,000 Oct 20 leaflets handed-out at the Durham Miners Gala

4,000 Oct 20 leaflets handed-out at the Durham Miners Gala (plus our lot did a couple of hundred stickers on the high-street coming back from the pub last night)



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TUC officials are ripping off their members by paying themselves massive salarys

16.08.2012 18:11

How about organising a protest aagainst the TUC whose officials get paid massive salaries! High paid TUC officials are just as bad the MPs involved in the expenses scandal. Remember these are also the same sell out scum who refused to organise a general strike during the 1984 miners strike leading to the defeat of the miners and the loss of tens of thousands of mining jobs. The TUC are as bad as the government!

TUC hater

TUC hater rubbished

16.08.2012 18:34

Yes TUC bosses get huge salaries, but Indymedia is financed by multi-billionaire George Soros. That doesn't mean you passed over the chance to use Indymedia to make your point, and, by your example, that doesn't mean people who oppose the cuts should pass over the TUC protest as an opportunity to make our point


Stop lying

16.08.2012 19:00

They're NOT "the same sell-out scum".... unless you're suggesting the same senior officials who ran the TUC nearly 30 years ago are still in-post working at the same jobs now?

Either way, what's your alternative?

Like how is you trolling thick-as-pigshit comments on Indymedia going to stop the cuts?

Expanded metal

Spending cuts need to be made

16.08.2012 19:36

Spending cuts need to be made because this country is in debt! And the only way to clear that debt is to reduce government spending so that the debt can be paid off. What is your solution carrying on spending and bankrupt the country so it ends up like Greece or even worse?


Indymedia Finances

16.08.2012 19:56

Indymedia UK is currently being financed mainly by the people who run the site. George Soros is most emphatically not financing Indy UK! (Please!!!)


tube boss

16.08.2012 22:59

Hes on 60 grand a year his partners on 40 fuck the unions waste of time these days.



16.08.2012 23:07

Head in the sand "conservative" believes the tory spin of course because it suits their corporate welfare policies of privatisation of human services and forced labour. Its private debt that's created this so called recession not the public debt created by the too big to jail banker fraudsters and their neo-liberal prophets and preachers in the failed neo-classical economics

The Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model is dead you idiot.



17.08.2012 18:49

It's not about union bosses, it's about ordinary people - the half million working people who will hopefully be attending this march, it's for them that we need to support Oct 20



17.08.2012 20:06

Carry on paying ya union bosses big wages plus benifits lab/cons/libs/ ya all the same. . None of ya a real working class. U lost the working class and u know it.


You lost the working class?

19.08.2012 23:00

You lost the working class? Who lost the working class? The last time the Anarchist movement mobilised significant numbers of working class people was in the 1930s, and even then never in Britain
