In Defence Of Racism
Oakenshield | 06.08.2012 18:49 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Migration | World
"Many who join the far-right are essentially low middle-class. If we are to be brutally honest, most lack a proper education and live in poor areas with lower prospects of securing an acceptable standard of living then the rest of the population...."
In Defence Of Racism
Yes, you did read the title of this article right, and if you have come here to read then it has served its purpose at grabbing your attention.
Is this article really going to be a defence of racism? No, but hold on one second as I want the chance to discuss politics with you from a logical, open-minded perspective, and not through the usual polarisation we often see which is essentially Liberalism Vs Nationalism.
The last few years have been pretty turbulent for everyone within British society and indeed the world. What with recession, Government cut-backs and relentless abuses of power from our Parliament, quite often these bad times lead to people coming up with 'extreme' views whether they be of the left persuasion or right. At this point it may be pertinent for me to explain my own views which is actually rather difficult. For a while I helped far-left activists because of the attention they raised about the banks, and then I came to a conclusion that they had no relevant solutions so then began helping a far-right group (which I later left when I realised that there were a lot of 14/88 types.)
Now some may think this rather odd behaviour, it probably was, but my mentality at the time is that something has to change within society, unfortunately because of the separation between the left and the right, all those common people who care enough to protest and join activist groups end up going to war with each other instead of actually addressing the real issues that could be solved using common-sense logical approaches (instead of yelling Nazi-scum/dirty bastards across the street at each other.)
This polarisation between the left and right has kept the state essentially mugging both sides of society off whilst we point the fingers at each other.
Back to the title of this article. I was originally going to post 'In Defence of Liberals' on a far-right website but decided I may get better responses if I went the other way. By this I do not mean to say that racism is right, or should be acceptable within our society, but at the same time I believe for too long the word 'racist' has been a useful tool for political censorship. What I would like to explore is why people are racist.
Many who join the far-right are essentially low middle-class. If we are to be brutally honest, most lack a proper education and live in poor areas with lower prospects of securing an acceptable standard of living then the rest of the population. Due to living on estates (or on the terraces with various football links) the idea of tribalism is a way of life to them, which is actually no different to many areas in the world. To say that their opinion on migrants is inherently wrong is not the point here, the point is that their frustration boils over when they see their local area changed beyond recognition in just a decade or so.
In contrast, most left-wingers are well educated, come from average to good areas and from families devoid of the social issues such as alcoholism etc. And the aspect of being educated is why I have appealed to this website for discussion on this subject in the hope that someone will understand the sociological and psychological issues at play here. The downside to being 'well-educated' is that our education system is no longer unbiased and deliberately preaches far-left views to our youngsters, so again, this comes down to environmental impacts skewing our political, moral and philosophical beliefs.
I'm sure by now some of you are wondering why am I trying to start this conversation.
I'm glad you asked!
I don't pretend to have even half the answers, I may have none at all, but I believe if 'political activists' are to actually achieve anything in the near future, we need numbers as it seems as time goes on people are becoming more and more apathetic to the troubles we face. Obviously I have chosen immigration as being the key topic which divides activism and I want to hopefully lay an idea on the table which transcends the left/right divide.
And this is where I'm likely to gain enemies now:
Before I lay it down I would like to reiterate my own political beliefs before you go jumping to conclusions about my intentions. These are my beliefs based on what I believe to be occuring currently (again this is my take on the world events, and I could be talking complete bullshit.)
My political persuasion is libertarian, but I also respect English culture and identity which is currently being deliberately stripped away so that our society will more easily flow into a global super-state. I do not hate anyone else, Id like every culture on Earth to be able to survive into the future so that we remain a 'multi-cultural' world.
There is pretty much irrefutable proof that migration into the UK and the EU in general has been allowed to go on in an industrial scale to 'aid our economy'. This is a misdemeanour, as its real purpose is to lower living standards for everyone, to lower wages to the minimal possible. And whom dicates these rules and regulations? The UN, the organisation which wants to take the world as its prize, to rule undemocratically and without any accountability to the citizens on Earth.
Don't believe me?
People who own unimaginable wealth dictating the destruction of entire continents cultural influence for the sole purpose of A) The creation of a world state by stealth, and B) The accumilation of more wealth for the mass coroporations (due to us all being on lower wages) which the UN then uses presumerably to fund politicians and political parties who will do their bidding.
The entire system is corrupt, and until people begin to work together on a global basis against the men behind the curtain, all we will ever do is shout profanities at one another at another demonstration (which ultimately gets about one minutes notice on the local news if you're lucky.)
Im not especally against a world state so long as it is equal, fair and democratic. All our politicians at the moment however support a globalism which is about slavery and greed for the top 0.1%.
As I say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Both the left and the right do not like the status quo. Is it time we actually stopped the pettiness and actually went for the puppet master?
Yes, you did read the title of this article right, and if you have come here to read then it has served its purpose at grabbing your attention.
Is this article really going to be a defence of racism? No, but hold on one second as I want the chance to discuss politics with you from a logical, open-minded perspective, and not through the usual polarisation we often see which is essentially Liberalism Vs Nationalism.
The last few years have been pretty turbulent for everyone within British society and indeed the world. What with recession, Government cut-backs and relentless abuses of power from our Parliament, quite often these bad times lead to people coming up with 'extreme' views whether they be of the left persuasion or right. At this point it may be pertinent for me to explain my own views which is actually rather difficult. For a while I helped far-left activists because of the attention they raised about the banks, and then I came to a conclusion that they had no relevant solutions so then began helping a far-right group (which I later left when I realised that there were a lot of 14/88 types.)
Now some may think this rather odd behaviour, it probably was, but my mentality at the time is that something has to change within society, unfortunately because of the separation between the left and the right, all those common people who care enough to protest and join activist groups end up going to war with each other instead of actually addressing the real issues that could be solved using common-sense logical approaches (instead of yelling Nazi-scum/dirty bastards across the street at each other.)
This polarisation between the left and right has kept the state essentially mugging both sides of society off whilst we point the fingers at each other.
Back to the title of this article. I was originally going to post 'In Defence of Liberals' on a far-right website but decided I may get better responses if I went the other way. By this I do not mean to say that racism is right, or should be acceptable within our society, but at the same time I believe for too long the word 'racist' has been a useful tool for political censorship. What I would like to explore is why people are racist.
Many who join the far-right are essentially low middle-class. If we are to be brutally honest, most lack a proper education and live in poor areas with lower prospects of securing an acceptable standard of living then the rest of the population. Due to living on estates (or on the terraces with various football links) the idea of tribalism is a way of life to them, which is actually no different to many areas in the world. To say that their opinion on migrants is inherently wrong is not the point here, the point is that their frustration boils over when they see their local area changed beyond recognition in just a decade or so.
In contrast, most left-wingers are well educated, come from average to good areas and from families devoid of the social issues such as alcoholism etc. And the aspect of being educated is why I have appealed to this website for discussion on this subject in the hope that someone will understand the sociological and psychological issues at play here. The downside to being 'well-educated' is that our education system is no longer unbiased and deliberately preaches far-left views to our youngsters, so again, this comes down to environmental impacts skewing our political, moral and philosophical beliefs.
I'm sure by now some of you are wondering why am I trying to start this conversation.
I'm glad you asked!
I don't pretend to have even half the answers, I may have none at all, but I believe if 'political activists' are to actually achieve anything in the near future, we need numbers as it seems as time goes on people are becoming more and more apathetic to the troubles we face. Obviously I have chosen immigration as being the key topic which divides activism and I want to hopefully lay an idea on the table which transcends the left/right divide.
And this is where I'm likely to gain enemies now:
Before I lay it down I would like to reiterate my own political beliefs before you go jumping to conclusions about my intentions. These are my beliefs based on what I believe to be occuring currently (again this is my take on the world events, and I could be talking complete bullshit.)
My political persuasion is libertarian, but I also respect English culture and identity which is currently being deliberately stripped away so that our society will more easily flow into a global super-state. I do not hate anyone else, Id like every culture on Earth to be able to survive into the future so that we remain a 'multi-cultural' world.
There is pretty much irrefutable proof that migration into the UK and the EU in general has been allowed to go on in an industrial scale to 'aid our economy'. This is a misdemeanour, as its real purpose is to lower living standards for everyone, to lower wages to the minimal possible. And whom dicates these rules and regulations? The UN, the organisation which wants to take the world as its prize, to rule undemocratically and without any accountability to the citizens on Earth.
Don't believe me?
People who own unimaginable wealth dictating the destruction of entire continents cultural influence for the sole purpose of A) The creation of a world state by stealth, and B) The accumilation of more wealth for the mass coroporations (due to us all being on lower wages) which the UN then uses presumerably to fund politicians and political parties who will do their bidding.
The entire system is corrupt, and until people begin to work together on a global basis against the men behind the curtain, all we will ever do is shout profanities at one another at another demonstration (which ultimately gets about one minutes notice on the local news if you're lucky.)
Im not especally against a world state so long as it is equal, fair and democratic. All our politicians at the moment however support a globalism which is about slavery and greed for the top 0.1%.
As I say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Both the left and the right do not like the status quo. Is it time we actually stopped the pettiness and actually went for the puppet master?
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06.08.2012 20:47
Not from where I'm standing. All the public spaces, train stations etc in London are currently covered in Union Jacks. It seems to me like "English" culture (I'd like to see someone come up with a convincing objective definition of it, BTW!) is being forced down our throats more than ever.
"I do not hate anyone else, Id like every culture on Earth to be able to survive into the future so that we remain a 'multi-cultural' world."
That's a good starting point. There wouldn't be much point having a dialogue with you otherwise :)
"There is pretty much irrefutable proof that migration into the UK and the EU in general has been allowed to go on in an industrial scale..."
Have you missed the huge amounts of taxpayers money being spent on locking up and deporting migrants?!? The cutting of legal aid so that it is harder than ever for migrants to get good legal advice? The millions handed over to the French govt by the UK to spend on beating and harrassing migrants in Calais?
"...its real purpose is to lower living standards for everyone, to lower wages to the minimal possible..."
If half the world weren't living in poverty it wouldn't have that effect. Do you believe people from other country deserve a decent standard of living?
"The UN, the organisation which wants to take the world as its prize, to rule undemocratically and without any accountability to the citizens on Earth."
Again I find that I seem to be inhabiting a different planet. The UN is pretty much powerless as far as I can see, compared to large governments (US, China) and large corporations.
Yesh, really.
06.08.2012 21:15
The Union Jack isn't representative of England at all actually, the British flag represents the imperialistic union of the four nations, something which the people of these Isles were never given choice of joining at the time, rather like the EU continues to be. Do not get confused between patriotism which people drag out at events such as the World Cup or the Olympics with real patriotism.
And English culture does exist. I would have thought you would never dare to question Indian culture, or Chinese culture. English culture was originally anglo-saxon and had been influenced somewhat by Scandinavian settlers during the Anglo-Danish wars. The political structure of course was entirely altered by the Norman conquest, but generally speaking not much had changed within English society until the Imperialism of the mid 1700's.
"Have you missed the huge amounts of taxpayers money being spent on locking up and deporting migrants?!? The cutting of legal aid so that it is harder than ever for migrants to get good legal advice? The millions handed over to the French govt by the UK to spend on beating and harrassing migrants in Calais?"
The trouble is why these people are coming here to live in the first place. I do not blame the migrants themselves for wanting to come here for a better life, but our leaders must balance that with the need to secure enough resources for the people already present in this country. We already have far too many people (regardless of colour or creed) on this tiny island and our infrastructure simply cannot cope. That is not to mention the fact that many migrant cultures insist on having large families which is also going to cause problems long term.
Maybe if the west stopped pepper-bombing random villages, funding 'rebel' forces worldwide and generally stopped ripping off the poorer countries, they could rebuild their own nations. And thats the point of me making this article - getting to the root of the problems, not just keeping the status quo going.
"If half the world weren't living in poverty it wouldn't have that effect. Do you believe people from other country deserve a decent standard of living?"
And why are they in poverty? Because our Governments continue to shaft them over with bum-deals and paying off their leaders. We have the technology to sort out the third world relatively cheaply (at least to cater for their base needs) but once again it comes down to world leaders and their corporations which fund them and keep the current greed system in place.
"Again I find that I seem to be inhabiting a different planet. The UN is pretty much powerless as far as I can see, compared to large governments (US, China) and large corporations."
I think you misunderstand just how much influence the UN has by proxy. The WHO, WTO, NATO, G20, G8 etc, are all the same thing. Officially at present the UN has little influence, but the same people who run the UN also run the major monopolies.
disagreement and common ground too
06.08.2012 22:26
I disagree. Certainly there are cultural norms, tendencies etc that vary from one country to another, but I think the idea of an all-encompassing "English identity" is over-simplistic and only serves the interests of those who want to divide us against one another. It sets up the idea of some people being "more English" than others, and we are then encouraged to scapegoat those considered "less English".
And actually I WOULD question the idea of there being a single "Chinese culture" or a single "Indian culture". I think the same analysis applies; governments and elites in every country benefit by encouraging this kind of nationalism, because it encourages us to fight amongst ourselves instead of fighting them.
As for migration, it seems that we agree that the root problem is our Goverments propagating war and poverty all over the globe. I'd love to see an end to that as much as you would. One result would clearly be a reduction in migration.
Where we disagree is that you seem to see migration itself as a problem. I disagree that there isn't enough room and resources for more people. The problem isn't numbers. The problem is that the rich are monopolising all the resources.
For instance, about 70% of Britain is owned by 0.6 per cent of the population:
So the rich and powerful control all the wealth and land, and then play "divide and rule" by encouraging us to think that the reason we're living in shit conditions is because of migration. Scapegoat time again folks.
I agree with you that a tiny minority dominate the world, at the top of corporations, govts, and the UN. You can call them the rich and powerful, or the ruling class, or the elite. But I don't think the UN are calling the shots. I think they just happen to be one of many organisations co-opted by that corporate agenda.
Actually, to be less simplistic, I think they co-opt some parts of the UN, and then make sure that the bits they can't co-opt don't have any funding or power.
Anyway, it seems like we both agree that they are the main enemy, even if we disagree about a lot of details!
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