Complaint laid against Helen Clark as United Nations Administrator
Beefhooked | 03.08.2012 02:11 | Technology | World
This complaint is against the Rt Hon Helen Clark as Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme for using an artists reconstruction or avatar to represent her on the United Nations website. Ms Clark was recently in the news after her organisation's highest award to India's largest tobacco company.
This complaint is against the Rt Hon Helen Clark as Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme
1) The image provided by Ms Clark for use on the United Nations website is an artists reconstruction of her face, first used in a political campaign some years ago. It seems a clear misrepresentation by a member of your organisation. Why should an airbrushed ,new chin, no jowls campaign image of her,that wouldn't be permitted as a passport photograph, be considered suitable for the United Nations website?
2)Should Ms Clark have been aware of the background of the company who received the highest prize for improving the environment and removing poverty?
3) As Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark ignored the following allegations of perverting the course of justice against a close acquaintance, Denis Selwyn Callesen. This referral to your United Nations Office -among others, results from domestic remedies being exhausted in New Zealand and the inspiration from Helen Clark's own lectures on corruption & fraud in developing nations.
The following is a summary of the case put to the New Zealand Government and recorded in Hansard as Parliamentary Question 10848
The Minister for New Zealand Police, Jack Elder was asked what the Police's response was to an allegation of theft and perverting the course of justice made against Clark's associate Denis Selwyn Callesen,
The Minister incorrectly answered the question by stating "that the complainant had waited seven years to report relatively minor theft."
In 1987 I was working for the government owned (THC)Tourist Hotel Corporation of New Zealand Limited.On 15 June 1990 the Government sold the Tourist Hotel Corporation of New Zealand Limited (THC) to Southern Pacific Hotel Corporation (NZ) Limited for the sum of $73.85 million.
As a prior condition of sale, the Crown assumed THC's term liabilities which had a book value of about $73 million at the time and included a $100 million zero coupon bonds issue maturing in June 1993. The $100,000,000 debt was the result of the THC management borrowing around $30 milllion, 14m of which was spent on building a hotel in Queenstown and some of the change invested and lost in the sharemarket crash of 1987. Among other things, I had been given information by other former employees about "premiums" paid to several executives for securing the loan, but the corporation was allowed to withhold numerous documents that could have exposed financial mismanagement.
After notifying internal affairs about illegal gambling events at the Waitangi Hotel I became involved in a employment dispute. ""]
The Northern Clerical Workers Union (NCU) became involved on my behalf and I traveled from Whangarei to Wellington to file papers with the Labour Court and serve witness summonses on (THC) executive Denis Selwyn Callessen ( now a Justice of the Peace) and his secretary Robin Morris husband of Robin Morris, He has confirmed this theft, although he could not understand why I would pursue a matter involving items of little cash value.
Perverting the course of justice/theft
On the 13th of May 1988, just days away from a Labour Court hearing in Whangarei, I arrived in Wellington and personally issued summonses against Mr Callesen & his secretary Robin Morris to bring and produce certain documents. They were served at the THC head office, located in the Williams building just off the Terrace in Wellington. I then returned to the Wellington Railway Station on foot and deposited my bag at coat at the coat check before heading over to Parliament to deliver documents confirming that senior management of the THC were running" casino gambling evenings" etc.
It suddenly became a very cold day, as it often does in Wellington, and several minutes later I returned for my coat, only to find that a woman matching Robin Morris's description, had just identified the bag as hers, and removed it, after claiming to the confused Samoan woman at the baggage counter that it had been stolen from her. I then laid a complaint and produced the receipt from the baggage attendant ticket to NZ Rail, and immediately reported the bag and its contents as stolen to the New Zealand police. My file of notes for the case,evidence and tape recordings of numerous conversations I'd had with NCU representatives were in the bag, it was not recovered, NZ Rail reimbursed me for its loss.
The matter was never investigated because the NZ Police viewed the matter as a relatively minor theft, without taking account of the evidential nature of the bag's contents. I contacted Wellington law firm of Rainey Collins and discussed the events with the late Jock Hobbs. In the course of this discussion, he phoned & discussed the matter with THC lawyer (now a High Court judge) Kit Toogood. Mr Hobbs no doubt discussed all my concerns with Judge Toogood before the hearing.
At the subsequent Labour Court hearing, Robin Morris was excused from being called to give evidence after an application by the THC's lawyer, Kit Toogood to excuse her from giving evidence. Several private prosecutions were taken against the parties named herein, but they were quashed after solicitor general D P Neazor ordered stay of proceedings without the evidence being put to the court. Another case against the union for breach of union rules regarding my membership & representation was eventually won by me in the Court of Appeal, but any practical effect of that decision was lost because both the NCU & THC had ceased to exist.
Seven years after the original theft, I obtained new evidence and received an affidavit from broadcaster Bryan Staff, who confirmed that Ms Morris & Mr Callesen were involved. I handed this material over to the police and once again, made a formal complaint to the NZ Police, with the expectation that they would at least investigate and interview the parties named.
Unfortunately,the police took no action and the explanation given by Police Minister Jack Elder to Parliament was; "that it was a relatively minor theft that I'd waited 7 years to report". I believed the answer to be incorrect on both points, first,the theft had been reported to police on the day it occurred, and because it involved theft of evidence between parties to a court proceeding, it ceased to be relatively minor.
I then asked the MP's representing me to challenge Mr Elder's answer to Parliament as being misleading. This is done by way of a complaint to the privileges committee, however both proponents of the question, declined to do this after Labour MP's Graeme Kelly & Peter Dunne appeared to pre-judge the matter by stating there would be no challenge Mr Elder's answer because " the case had no possible chance of success before the committee."
Now that all domestic remedies seem to have been exhausted, and my access to the Courts barred by the government, I'm referring this complaint to the United Nations consideration as clear example of why Helen Clark is unfit to remain in her current post, and to be referred if necessary to the appropriate United Nations tribunal for resolution.
Helen Clark will no doubt be familiar with this complaint, given that over a period of eight weeks, my flyer's were affixed to her election posters throughout the North Island, the entire fence around Eden park- opposite her electorate office, the ground & first floor exterior of her offices Bowen House in Wellington, including the fence outside the Prime Ministers residence at Premier House. This protest action resulted in an unsuccessful prosecution for alleged disorderly conduct, the Court accepted that it was not illegal to attack parliament, Helen Clark & Denis Callesen with paper and sellotape.
Confirmation of the poster campaign can be found below in the only statement made to police by Cark's associate Denis Callesen in response to the allegations levelled against him. The complete file is available with all the documents to confirm the above if required.
Statement made to New Zealand Police by Helen Clark's associate Denis Selwyn Callesen
My full name is Deni Selwyn Callesen. I am the General Manager of the Hermitage Mt Cook
I am talking to Senior Constable Swanson in my office at the hotel.
I can say that I have been hounded by Creser since September 1987.
I handled a personal grievance of his dismissal on behalf of his former employer in 1987
During that time there have been numerous occasions when Creser has taken private prosecutions against me and attempts to discredit my reputation.
None of those prosecutions have been successful he has failed on each and every occasion. ( The prosecutions were not allowed and were unsuccessful because there was no court hearing proceedings were halted by way of a stay or nolle-prosequi issued by the Solicitor-General)
The last circular campaign was in May1996 and the current campaign was started in May this year.
I first became aware of the malicious billsticking in August this year.
I started to receive numerous faxes and phone calls from people in Wellington about the circular. He Had in July just prior to the bill sticking campaign completed a letter box drop all over Wellington. The Bill sticking campaign covered an area from Porirua to Wellington to Island Bay. During the bill sticking campaign, I was receiving a phone call every two hours from someone in Wellington who knew me.
A general consensus of all the people who rang was that they were horrified with what he was doing.
When I saw my first copy of the notice it had "Wanted for Conspiracy, Denis Selwyn Callesen AKA Penis Calloused Hands-my first reaction was horror and shock. When I saw the modified notice I was appalled to see he had changed it to "Beware of the Thief" and it identified my place of employment. Ii am upset because it defamed my honesty and credibility. It also could have affected my employment.
I am especially upset as I am a Justice of the Peace and a Marriage Celebrant.
In general I found the bill sticking thing offensive and distasteful. I considered taking Creser to Court over the issue, but in the past I have found him to be a man of straw so I will not do so.
I have read this statement and it is true and correct, 23 October 2002.-D.S Callesen
To summarise; The New Zealand Police, Parliament, a private prosecution and poster campaign have all failed to get this matter before the New Zeaand courts where it belongs. Helen Clark has been made well aware of these allegations, therefore it now becomes an issue which I submit complies with United Nations directives which require internal justice remedies to be exhausted before referral to tribunals constituted under the United Nations Charter.
Sent to:
1) The image provided by Ms Clark for use on the United Nations website is an artists reconstruction of her face, first used in a political campaign some years ago. It seems a clear misrepresentation by a member of your organisation. Why should an airbrushed ,new chin, no jowls campaign image of her,that wouldn't be permitted as a passport photograph, be considered suitable for the United Nations website?
2)Should Ms Clark have been aware of the background of the company who received the highest prize for improving the environment and removing poverty?

3) As Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark ignored the following allegations of perverting the course of justice against a close acquaintance, Denis Selwyn Callesen. This referral to your United Nations Office -among others, results from domestic remedies being exhausted in New Zealand and the inspiration from Helen Clark's own lectures on corruption & fraud in developing nations.
The following is a summary of the case put to the New Zealand Government and recorded in Hansard as Parliamentary Question 10848
The Minister for New Zealand Police, Jack Elder was asked what the Police's response was to an allegation of theft and perverting the course of justice made against Clark's associate Denis Selwyn Callesen,
The Minister incorrectly answered the question by stating "that the complainant had waited seven years to report relatively minor theft."
In 1987 I was working for the government owned (THC)Tourist Hotel Corporation of New Zealand Limited.On 15 June 1990 the Government sold the Tourist Hotel Corporation of New Zealand Limited (THC) to Southern Pacific Hotel Corporation (NZ) Limited for the sum of $73.85 million.
As a prior condition of sale, the Crown assumed THC's term liabilities which had a book value of about $73 million at the time and included a $100 million zero coupon bonds issue maturing in June 1993. The $100,000,000 debt was the result of the THC management borrowing around $30 milllion, 14m of which was spent on building a hotel in Queenstown and some of the change invested and lost in the sharemarket crash of 1987. Among other things, I had been given information by other former employees about "premiums" paid to several executives for securing the loan, but the corporation was allowed to withhold numerous documents that could have exposed financial mismanagement.
After notifying internal affairs about illegal gambling events at the Waitangi Hotel I became involved in a employment dispute. "

The Northern Clerical Workers Union (NCU) became involved on my behalf and I traveled from Whangarei to Wellington to file papers with the Labour Court and serve witness summonses on (THC) executive Denis Selwyn Callessen ( now a Justice of the Peace) and his secretary Robin Morris

Perverting the course of justice/theft
On the 13th of May 1988, just days away from a Labour Court hearing in Whangarei, I arrived in Wellington and personally issued summonses against Mr Callesen & his secretary Robin Morris to bring and produce certain documents. They were served at the THC head office, located in the Williams building just off the Terrace in Wellington. I then returned to the Wellington Railway Station on foot and deposited my bag at coat at the coat check before heading over to Parliament to deliver documents confirming that senior management of the THC were running" casino gambling evenings" etc.
It suddenly became a very cold day, as it often does in Wellington, and several minutes later I returned for my coat, only to find that a woman matching Robin Morris's description, had just identified the bag as hers, and removed it, after claiming to the confused Samoan woman at the baggage counter that it had been stolen from her. I then laid a complaint and produced the receipt from the baggage attendant ticket to NZ Rail, and immediately reported the bag and its contents as stolen to the New Zealand police. My file of notes for the case,evidence and tape recordings of numerous conversations I'd had with NCU representatives were in the bag, it was not recovered, NZ Rail reimbursed me for its loss.
The matter was never investigated because the NZ Police viewed the matter as a relatively minor theft, without taking account of the evidential nature of the bag's contents. I contacted Wellington law firm of Rainey Collins and discussed the events with the late Jock Hobbs. In the course of this discussion, he phoned & discussed the matter with THC lawyer (now a High Court judge) Kit Toogood. Mr Hobbs no doubt discussed all my concerns with Judge Toogood before the hearing.
At the subsequent Labour Court hearing, Robin Morris was excused from being called to give evidence after an application by the THC's lawyer, Kit Toogood to excuse her from giving evidence. Several private prosecutions were taken against the parties named herein, but they were quashed after solicitor general D P Neazor ordered stay of proceedings without the evidence being put to the court. Another case against the union for breach of union rules regarding my membership & representation was eventually won by me in the Court of Appeal, but any practical effect of that decision was lost because both the NCU & THC had ceased to exist.
Seven years after the original theft, I obtained new evidence and received an affidavit from broadcaster Bryan Staff, who confirmed that Ms Morris & Mr Callesen were involved. I handed this material over to the police and once again, made a formal complaint to the NZ Police, with the expectation that they would at least investigate and interview the parties named.
Unfortunately,the police took no action and the explanation given by Police Minister Jack Elder to Parliament was; "that it was a relatively minor theft that I'd waited 7 years to report". I believed the answer to be incorrect on both points, first,the theft had been reported to police on the day it occurred, and because it involved theft of evidence between parties to a court proceeding, it ceased to be relatively minor.
I then asked the MP's representing me to challenge Mr Elder's answer to Parliament as being misleading. This is done by way of a complaint to the privileges committee, however both proponents of the question, declined to do this after Labour MP's Graeme Kelly & Peter Dunne appeared to pre-judge the matter by stating there would be no challenge Mr Elder's answer because " the case had no possible chance of success before the committee."
Now that all domestic remedies seem to have been exhausted, and my access to the Courts barred by the government, I'm referring this complaint to the United Nations consideration as clear example of why Helen Clark is unfit to remain in her current post, and to be referred if necessary to the appropriate United Nations tribunal for resolution.
Helen Clark will no doubt be familiar with this complaint, given that over a period of eight weeks, my flyer's were affixed to her election posters throughout the North Island, the entire fence around Eden park- opposite her electorate office, the ground & first floor exterior of her offices Bowen House in Wellington, including the fence outside the Prime Ministers residence at Premier House. This protest action resulted in an unsuccessful prosecution for alleged disorderly conduct, the Court accepted that it was not illegal to attack parliament, Helen Clark & Denis Callesen with paper and sellotape.
Confirmation of the poster campaign can be found below in the only statement made to police by Cark's associate Denis Callesen in response to the allegations levelled against him. The complete file is available with all the documents to confirm the above if required.
Statement made to New Zealand Police by Helen Clark's associate Denis Selwyn Callesen
My full name is Deni Selwyn Callesen. I am the General Manager of the Hermitage Mt Cook
I am talking to Senior Constable Swanson in my office at the hotel.
I can say that I have been hounded by Creser since September 1987.
I handled a personal grievance of his dismissal on behalf of his former employer in 1987
During that time there have been numerous occasions when Creser has taken private prosecutions against me and attempts to discredit my reputation.
None of those prosecutions have been successful he has failed on each and every occasion. ( The prosecutions were not allowed and were unsuccessful because there was no court hearing proceedings were halted by way of a stay or nolle-prosequi issued by the Solicitor-General)
The last circular campaign was in May1996 and the current campaign was started in May this year.
I first became aware of the malicious billsticking in August this year.
I started to receive numerous faxes and phone calls from people in Wellington about the circular. He Had in July just prior to the bill sticking campaign completed a letter box drop all over Wellington. The Bill sticking campaign covered an area from Porirua to Wellington to Island Bay. During the bill sticking campaign, I was receiving a phone call every two hours from someone in Wellington who knew me.
A general consensus of all the people who rang was that they were horrified with what he was doing.
When I saw my first copy of the notice it had "Wanted for Conspiracy, Denis Selwyn Callesen AKA Penis Calloused Hands-my first reaction was horror and shock. When I saw the modified notice I was appalled to see he had changed it to "Beware of the Thief" and it identified my place of employment. Ii am upset because it defamed my honesty and credibility. It also could have affected my employment.
I am especially upset as I am a Justice of the Peace and a Marriage Celebrant.
In general I found the bill sticking thing offensive and distasteful. I considered taking Creser to Court over the issue, but in the past I have found him to be a man of straw so I will not do so.
I have read this statement and it is true and correct, 23 October 2002.-D.S Callesen
To summarise; The New Zealand Police, Parliament, a private prosecution and poster campaign have all failed to get this matter before the New Zeaand courts where it belongs. Helen Clark has been made well aware of these allegations, therefore it now becomes an issue which I submit complies with United Nations directives which require internal justice remedies to be exhausted before referral to tribunals constituted under the United Nations Charter.
Sent to:
