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another corrupt housing association

sal | 02.08.2012 17:03 | Analysis | Public sector cuts | Repression

the fifteen pound shuffle

this is a recent letter from a housing group that works with oap,s disabled people people with mental health problems ect ect i have been subject to an awfull lot of harrasment from them but this looks more like a letter from a banker? evict people for fifteen pound? is that fukin pro social? or wot who are a social housin group targeting with this letter? i hav way mor stuff to upload but for now will people plees leave their comments on this letter ect and forward to any anti corruption websites thankyou



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03.08.2012 09:34

They may or may not be corrupt, but you have shown only the first page. The second page has the text from "Why we want to do this". Perhaps there is a good reason we cannot see? Please give us all of the information, not just the headline grabber.


Anti Social Housing

03.08.2012 09:56

The providers of so called social housing, are now quite the reverse. They are unaccountable (please don't mention the Housing Ombudsman who exists to assist them in their often criminal acts) and serve to make money for those who run them, rather than to provide decent low cost housing for those in need.

Housing associations are now bodies who operate like a outfit more fitting in thw Wild West. People are harassed by them and with their collusion. Money and profit rule the day. Laws relating to disabled people are flouted regularly. Anyone unfortunate to rent from them is treated like s**t. The chief executive of one provider of social housing referred to their tenants as "The Underclass".

Rosemary Simmons Memorial Housing Assocation and The Fellowship Houses Trust are typical in their abusive, unalwaful and downright criminal conduct.

Ann Archist

this ,group, ie afinity sutton

03.08.2012 15:36

this group affinty sutton arnt just corrupt but way way worse than that b sure and in time i shall give some names of their staff but just now i am only giving a taster of a two year paper trail and more iv collected which puts afinity sutton the local council attos ect all in it together. combined they hav tried to destroy my life. many victims of attos ect are dead unable to speak as is one old lady who comited suicide because afinity sutton tried to force her out of her flat i remember her here.. a tenant dead because of afinity sutton and the council.. i will show the other page of their filthy letter as requested tommorow i wil upload it... its pretty good anti social this anti social that it go,s ect ect anyway what kind of mind comes up with the idea and the sum of fifteen pounds to penalise those it profers to help? C MY POINT


Paul Trummel, Professor Emeritus

05.08.2012 07:05

For similar examples of harassment and bullying of tenants in social housing also outrageous and unlawful gas servicing behaviour that puts tenants at risk of injury or death at:

See a similar threat to the one described in this post at:

Paul Trummel
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