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Mark Kennedy in London

Long memory | 31.07.2012 13:45

Further to a recent spotting of the rat Kennedy in Lancaster (see he has been seen today in London advising uniformed police and private security on individuals who were holding a small protest about business disruption during the Olympics.

Police rat Kennedy not content with having sold out a number of activists over the past seven years is now working on Olympic 'security' as a consultant. He was dressed in a suit and tie, was clean shaven and had a short military style haircut rather than his usual long hair and beard but it was him (one person there spoke with him).

A mobile phone pictures was taken and it will be posted here when it is transferred to a computer.

Long memory


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Also seen at Critical Mass

31.07.2012 14:18

This confirms information that we had about Kennedy being seen at the Critical Mass with this same appearance. There he was standing with one of the FIT teams pointing out certain individuals for video recording.


The 'Tamarisk" is moored near the Olympic site

31.07.2012 15:08

Spotted yesterday

Capt Birdseye

Well spotted

31.07.2012 15:13

...but a photo would be useful to confirm this for the rest of us. Also please be aware that he might not live in that boat anymore, but if someone could watch it and confirm he did that would be helpful.



31.07.2012 15:26

For obvious reasons we are not saying here what we are doing with regard to the boat.

Capt Birdseye