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The EDL's Latest Fear: Communistic Ray Guns

Captain Communist | 30.07.2012 13:57 | Anti-racism | Culture | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield

You've all heard of Muslamic Ray Guns, the inter-Stella weapons that gave EDL thickoes the willies, making them spontaneously piss themselves in public, giving rise to the incredibly-fashionable "Damp Denim Look". Since then, the paranoid losers are calling everybody who opposes them, from anarchists to liberal democrats and even Tories, "communists!".

Meet the brand new anti-fascist weapon that is far more effective at stopping EDLers sleep at night than a family-size nosebag of cocaine.....

The Communistic Ray Gun: -

Captain Communist


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Buy Now!

30.07.2012 14:04

Now available from Tommy Robinson's Ebay site at overinflated ego prices.

Please buy generously!



30.07.2012 15:38

your leaders sit around the table at scotland yard and there paid by the state thats a hard fact hypocrits or what. You represent the state stormtroopers your with the police. Blacks & asians hate mid class liberals and you know it.



30.07.2012 16:17

ahum.. like kevin carrol of the failed edl going for police commisioner right now.

stones glass house

Typical EDl "thicko"

30.07.2012 16:33

You should have sat around the table at school "oldboy", then perhaps you wouldn't be so stupid and mangle the English language. They speak better English in Kabul!

And you're a bunch of softies!



30.07.2012 20:15

Remind us what happened when that no borders girl went to the jungle camp? enough said.


this article is racist

30.07.2012 22:16

its obviously there to stoke up racial hatred between muslims and the edl

remove this shit. It is serving no positive purpose. We are just going around in circles going "We're harder than you, yeah" . Pointless and futile. And now its stoked up even more by someone posting a picture of a weapon and going on about how much better they are.


dble standards

30.07.2012 23:02

Indy is racist to white working class. We balance it but indy love afa/uaf so there comments/storys always appear.say it the way it is storys never ever appear they dont like the truth or facts.



30.07.2012 23:38

Can the fascist scum please fuck off from Indymedia and stop trolling this forum. Racist to the working classes my arse, Jeff Marsh (yes, that's you, you big fat and ugly idiot)!!!

And while you are at it, stop trolling Urban75 also.

Bill Hicks

Back again thicko?

30.07.2012 23:38

Since when were Indymedia under any obligation to host the ramblings of morons like you? You don't represent the white working-class, the EDL are a rabble of thick, incontinent wankers, who have achieved nothing, and who wouldn't have lasted 2 minutes against AFA.



31.07.2012 00:21

The only mob u had was red action 70/80s that mob would look and laugh at you these days. Blacks hate you asians hate you white working class hate you. You are mid class tossers now go back to your university and get brainwashed just think in cple of years you could end up as a police inspector.


Stoke up hatred between Muslims and the EDL?

31.07.2012 07:55

Yeah like trying to turn a whole country against the muslim community, vandalising mosques, assaulting asians,marching through towns smashing things up etc is not going to cause any ill-feelings towards the EDL on the part of the Muslim community? Thick EDL fuck.

And stop it with the "all anti-fascists/left wingers/anarchists are middle class" bollocks it just makes you look like an even bigger bigot than you already are. Categorising whole groups of people according to a narrow stereotype is what fascists do and why you are hated. The EDL/far right are not the supporters of the working class, do not represent the working class and most of us think you are wankers. I am white working class and as far as I am concerned the EDL etc. do not represent me, I cannot and will not be represented by anyone who creates divisions between workers along the lines of race, ethnicity, culture etc.and who supports a system that lets a rich parasite family ponce off our hard work and earnings while people are starving, homeless and losing services and jobs on a daily basis because of the greed of the rich. Now do us all a favour and crawl back under what ever stone you had the nerve to venture from in the first place.

And if you have to resort to childish "whose the hardest" pissing contests it wasn't the anti-fascists who were sent packing from Brighton with their tails between their legs twice, outnumbered and afraid in tower Hamlets, chased out of Brum twice or given a bit of a kicking in Bristol just lately was it?


Anarchists/leftists have never spoken out against Islamic extremism!

31.07.2012 10:23

I notice that anarchists and leftists have never spoken out against Islamic extremism, why? You claim it is not a threat well the bombings in Mumbai, Madrid, London, New York, etc prove that Islamic extremism is a threat! Oh wait a minute all you leftists claim that Islamic terrorist attacks are carried out by MI5, the CIA, Mossad or the Illuminati don't you? Idiots!

Neither left nor right but against Islamic extremism

Attn Shit For Brains

31.07.2012 10:43

Red Action were only ever a minority within AFA, and confined to two or three cities. The fact is you are a bunch of soft lard-arses who hide behind the cops. You've got no political analysis because none of you have a brain-cell between you, which is why you follow gormless idiots like Yaxley-Lennon about. As for Jeff Marsh, he's another silly, fat wanker who ought to grow up. If he's one of your 'hard men' it shows how soft as shite the rest of you are. Stick to waving your handbags at the UAF.


@Neither left nor right but against Islamic extremism

31.07.2012 10:49

We have a group here (edl) that goes around headbutting left wing pensioners, throwing fireworks at left wing youngsters, smashing the windows of meetings/gigs held by the left, all fascist activities, the list is endless and I can't be bothered to repeat it yet again. See antifa aren't working with a fantasy here (the mass implementation of sharia law) they're dealing with your kind you fascist twat.

Get out!

anl red action

31.07.2012 15:51

Topboy you live in a fantasy world red action came out of the anti nazi league there old boys have made comments on indy laughing at the uaf the last one said (if you came up against real facists you would shit it) i laughed me head off when i read it. Just one other thing topboy remind us what happend to the no borders girl who visited the jungle camp.


Fuck Off Jeff Marsh!

31.07.2012 17:46


To Stormfront!

in answer to 'leftys' wanting to become cops etc etc in an earlier comment

31.07.2012 18:04

EDL cockhead, sorry, cokehead kevin carroll's drive to become police commisioner. Must read haha

under the floorboards

Run away and join the circus 'oldboy'

31.07.2012 20:51

"Topboy you live in a fantasy world red action came out of the anti nazi league there old boys have made comments on indy laughing at the uaf the last one said (if you came up against real facists you would shit it) i laughed me head off when i read it."

Red Action did NOT come out of the Anti Nazi League (though some of their members were previously allied to it), and EVERYBODY laughs at the UAF. Just like we laugh at the EDL. That's the purpose of this thread, you're being laughed at, because you're a joke. Now you've come on here just to make us all laugh a bit harder. What's a 'facist' by the way?


If you laugh at some one - it means fuck all

31.07.2012 21:31

You can laugh at a tank, but it will still run you over

Theres a lot of big talk, boasting, I'm-harder-than-you, look-at-me-im-so-much-better, your-shit, laughing-at-you, us-boys-showed-you-at-xxxxx, blah blah blah

Who the fuck cares what you lot think. SO you can laugh at someone - big deal.
You can strut around showing your biceps and your little tattoos, and how much better you are - so what?

No one cares. You are just doing it all to look big and tough. Then go on the internet and post up how hard and tough you are. How you laughed at the opposition because you are so hard.

Who cares? No one. You're not tough. Laughing isn't tough. It is all mouth.
On the battlefield, putting your hand in the goo of what is left of your best buddies face, you'd be crying your eyes out and wish you were back home laughing and waving your fist behind the protection of the police line. "Quick! Lets all act hard because the police are here and all my buddies are here so I'm nicely protected from them. I can shout and act all hard as much as i like because im at no risk" Pathetic. Wait until you are on the thick end of a firing line with no idea where its coming from then your be shitting yourself.

troll hunter


31.07.2012 21:42

All four of you are plastics. Now u ask what is a facist look in your universty mirror and youll see one. I was in the only real national socialist movement in this country we took it to the streets we fought real reds on the streets its a bygone era. Why dont you come and visit the real nats in november you know where the boys will be. And as your only a young psudo red topboy trust me on this one red action came out of the anl. And yep the uaf/afa sit with old bill at scotland yard you are the state you are the system.


shame on you

31.07.2012 22:02

"you are the state you are the system" now you're being deliberately hurtful.

Just don't pull your tongue out


31.07.2012 22:02

The EDL is ok....... its mission statement:
"If, like us and the many other tens of thousands of decent patriotic people in the country, you are fed up with Islamic Extremism, Islamism and our governments spineless inability to address the issues, then join the world's biggest protest group and help us to make a positive change for the better."

I mean - who doesn't want to support that?

The issue is, it attracts racists, thugs and hooligans. If they can sort their house out, then i can't see any issue with the organisation. No one wants extremist islam on our doorstep. This is a worthy thing to protest and fight against. Ok, lets shoot the messenger, but the message is sound in its ethos.

support the idea not the people

Nazis Galore

31.07.2012 22:48

Seik Heil Mien EDLers!!!

Nazi Hunter

Don't Be A Spanner.....

31.07.2012 22:53


Or a Nazi Troll Spammer!

Extremely Dense Losers.....

31.07.2012 23:11

Buy Uncle Tommy's tat!

Giz Us Five Hundred Quid

For A Pointy Hat!

To be fair Top Boy

31.07.2012 23:13

As a historical fact the bulk of Red Action did come from the SWP /ANl who went on to form AFA [ with a lot of others from the Left ] ,AFA haven't existed for about 12/13 years so what the fuck Old Boy is on about I haven't a clue ,the pillocks of the EDL wouldn't have stood a chance against the disciplined campaign that was waged aginst the NF/BNP in the 80's and 90's ,There leadership seems to equate drinking stella behind a police cordon as some sort of political victory ,they've run into a brickwall in terms of strategy , they haven't whipped up a serious race riot anywhere which must have been there ultimate aim and even the leftwing lightweights of the UAF have got bored with the whole EDL sideshow.....Looks like the odd bods of the NWI [ Hi Mr Whatmough ] are the latest freak show right wingers to trot out the hollywood nazi sideshow ...

concerned of gipton

Nazis galore

31.07.2012 23:14

Seik Heil

Nazi Hunter

EDLers Abuse Their Uncle Tom

31.07.2012 23:19


Token Black Member! And Support Brevik!

The EDL Can't Be Homophobic

31.07.2012 23:25

They have


gipton swp

31.07.2012 23:48

You are correct red action was part of the swp/anl they were a good mob we had nasty battles in those days. We had everything thrown at us in those days the unions the media the police the whole damn lot. Today we look at the edl we say its a set up to take the youngsters away from the bnp we have no time for the bnp edl. We class them as plastic nats the state want griffin there they want a plastic and hes happy taking the money off his followers. The media bbc etc brainwashed the british the electorate never voted for us they accepted multiculturism and in years to come it will be there downfull. Youve brought it on yourselves.



01.08.2012 10:46

oldnazi rather..


Bye Jeff!

01.08.2012 16:12




01.08.2012 22:23

Goodwood 2.45 horse going called topboy tomorow have a bet you might win you tight liberal leftie ponce save your winnings and come and visit the the boys in november im sure youll get a welcome.


EDL Incontinence Division

02.08.2012 08:21

just in case you forgot!


Oh Lordy

02.08.2012 10:31

The same person on here is STILL obsessed with Jeff Marsh. Is he your ex boyf? Did he break your little heart haha

Zoe Smith

@Zoe Smith

02.08.2012 11:48

The great nazi lump's hardly a heartbreaker is he? haha

no love lost


02.08.2012 19:53

Why don't they just call it the "Bench Press League" and be done with it.
Gorilla bodies on tiny spindly legs. I know the sort at the gym: bench press! bench press! bench press followed by bicep curl. Ever heard of squats?

And you other lot who go on about laughing at ya, and we are tougher........ fuck off
All this big talk of lets meet up if you are tough enough and we saw you off last time with a kicking

fuck off. its not big and its not clever



02.08.2012 21:57

Mid class top boy some advice from old boy. Always deal in facts proof and evidence next time you come on with incorrect statements. Im getting bored humiliating u.


@sherlock holmes

02.08.2012 22:34

sorry yes, I forgot about the "facts proof and evidence". Errr... what is it?


Hands up whose heart was broken by Jeff Marsh

03.08.2012 01:03

EDL "We're not Nazis, guv"
EDL "We're not Nazis, guv"




03.08.2012 12:52

A taxi must have been passing .. honest!

Th£ J0K3R

logic fallacy

03.08.2012 17:47

Isn't that the Welsh Defence League? Last time I checked Wales isn't England. In fact, if you even suggested that in Wales you would be a mouthful.

Any radical group is bound to attract an undisirable element. Come on guys! This is really basic stuff.

I might as well post up a picture of hitler and say "Therefore, all painters are Nazis", because apparently, he was a pretty good painter and a pretty good nazi. Therefore it MUST hold true that all painters are Nazi. Yeah./....... right!!!!

And, of course, the Vegetarian Society is a nazi organisation because Hitler and many other nazis were vegetarians. In fact, your could argue (and some people still do!!!) that if you are German you are a nazi.

You logic is totally flawed and your reasoning could easily be defeated by that of a child.
If it said "Nazi" on the EDL site then I'd understand your argument - but it doesn't. In fact - it sounds very un-nazi. Your mis-interpretation of this is your fault, not theirs.

Paul (the Nazi)

@Paul (the Nazi)

03.08.2012 18:07

I can imagine that the edl would round up all the (edl refs) "muzzy scum, arse bandits and rubber lips cunts" up and put them against the wall given half the chance, at least that's what I've gathered over the years by reading the edl's social networking interaction.


at last!

03.08.2012 18:27

The edl have turned into angels! Oh wait this is from 6 days ago

fuck off paul

8? Is that all

03.08.2012 21:04

yeah and i count 8 people (i think - just a quick count) who commented on it. How that proves that the WHOLE edl is in on it i do not know.

Actually, you will find more people who "hate pak*s" who ARE NOT in the EDL.
So that completely stuffs up your argument doesn't it



03.08.2012 21:44

That's probably right amongst you and your mates hearing it a hundred times an hour but out on the street that just isn't the case, you know it and I know it and you're going to have to accept it inevitably. I guess it pisses you right the fuck off that people get on just ok, shame you've fucked your life up based on someone elses agenda of hatred and intolerance, cos that's where you learnt it.

think for yourself

Piss off EDL

12.08.2012 14:59

As an angry, unemployed, working class white bloke, I can say that at least as far as I'm concerned, I hate the EDL, the thick, moronic, anti-working class racist twats.

Northern A