New Leeds ABC Leaflet
Leeds Anarchist Black Cross | 30.07.2012 09:57 | Anti-racism | Policing | Repression | Sheffield | World
We live in a time of unprecedented repression, when more people than ever from our class, and from our movement, are going to prison, and for longer. In spite of this, as always, there are still those who are prepared to fight back. Others simply fall victim to the State and end up in jail because of their race or class position.
Leeds ABC are a long-standing and well-respected prisoner support group [link to Leeds ABC 2011 report: ] committed to supporting class struggle and Anarchist prisoners, and to opposing the Prison State and all those who seek to crush our resistance through the blunt instrument of large-scale incarceration and then to exploit us behind bars. We do this in a variety of ways; by writing letters to prisoners and raising funds for them, by publicising their cases, by demonstrating in support of them and against things like forced prison labour or isolation units. We have a bookstall, and we publish a number of pamphlets written by prisoners and ex-prisoners. We hold benefit gigs and info events such as Leeds Antifascist Film Festival. Our work is inevitably unglamorous and requires commitment, but we believe it is essential that we oppose the continued growth of the Prison State, that our comrades behind bars are supported, and that militants from our movements are assured of that support
You can read about our work on the Leeds ABC website, where you will also find a list of some of the prisoners we support and a guide to writing to them. if you would like to get involved with us please get in touch, we are always on the look-out for committed new members. If you can afford it, donations (either of stamps or cash) are always very welcome. We pay ourselves no wages under any guise, have no expense accounts, and all the money raised by us is used for the direct support of Anarchist and class struggle prisoners. We welcome the opportunity to do stalls at suitable events and you can also buy merchandise through our website. We have a low-traffic e-mail list to which you can subscribe.
Please consider supporting us or getting involved. It could be you, or your sister, brother, lover, son, daughter, mother, father, or friend who needs our solidarity next. We hope not, but if that happens we’ll be here for you, and here for them.
We can receive donations as stamps, postal orders, well-disguised cash, or in cheque form (please make cheques payable to ‘The Cable Street Society’).
Leeds ABC are a long-standing and well-respected prisoner support group [link to Leeds ABC 2011 report:

You can read about our work on the Leeds ABC website, where you will also find a list of some of the prisoners we support and a guide to writing to them. if you would like to get involved with us please get in touch, we are always on the look-out for committed new members. If you can afford it, donations (either of stamps or cash) are always very welcome. We pay ourselves no wages under any guise, have no expense accounts, and all the money raised by us is used for the direct support of Anarchist and class struggle prisoners. We welcome the opportunity to do stalls at suitable events and you can also buy merchandise through our website. We have a low-traffic e-mail list to which you can subscribe.
Please consider supporting us or getting involved. It could be you, or your sister, brother, lover, son, daughter, mother, father, or friend who needs our solidarity next. We hope not, but if that happens we’ll be here for you, and here for them.
We can receive donations as stamps, postal orders, well-disguised cash, or in cheque form (please make cheques payable to ‘The Cable Street Society’).
Leeds Anarchist Black Cross
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