Save Council Care Homes & Day Centres
info@bristolanticutsalliance | 24.07.2012 10:55

On Thursday 26th July, the LibDem Cabinet meets to discuss their final proposals for the closure and privatisation of the remaining council-run care homes and day centres for the elderly and vulnerable, cutting over £3 million from the budget. 200 people will lose their homes. 130 jobs will go. The council has alreadyprivatised the home care service and drastically cut grants to the voluntary sector. These plans will further undermine services and are totally unacceptable. Bristol City Council should retain all these care homes and day centres 'in-house', giving a proper publicly provided and publicly accountable service to users and their families. The G4S Olympic security shambles shows the reality of privatisation and outsourcing - poor wages, poor service, and huge profits. Join the lobby on Thursday. Support our petition and questions at the meeting.
An Evening Post article outlining the cuts can be seen here. The two council reports can be read here (Care Homes) and here (Day Centres)
Bristol & District Anti Cuts Alliance along with others will be lobbying councillors at the meeting, asking questions and submitting a statement and petition calling for a properly funded, publlcly run and accountable service.
Join us at the Council House from 5pm on Thursday 26th July
Original article on IMC Bristol: