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"Liverpool 1, Fascists F****g Nil!"

pinkolady | 22.07.2012 04:13 | Anti-racism | History | Workers' Movements | Liverpool

This was the phrase with which Alex McFadden, long time trade union and anti-racist organiser, summed up the result of this year's James Larkin march in Liverpool.

The march is an annual event and has been part of the Liverpool scene for some years. It celebrates the life and legacy of James Larkin, a trade union organiser and socialist, who was born into an impoverished Irish family in Liverpool in the 1880s. He went on to organise trade unions, and successful strikes, among dockers and labourers in England, Ireland and the United States. However, since the march which is named after him has recently attracted hostile attention from the far right , it has become as much about promoting the values of anti-racism and anti-fascism as celebrating the achievments of trade unions.

Last year, the march was attacked by neo-nazis, and they threatened to do the same again this year, putting messages online for people to 'mobilise' to attack the march. From what I saw, the 'mobilisation' produced about 50 assorted nazis and Orange Lodge members, of whom only five were female. The marchers far outnumbered them.

Clearly, Merseyside Police were worried about the possibility of trouble kicking off. For a 300-strong march, they mustered more officers than they do for an Everton-Liverpool derby match. But they still allowed a contingent of right-wing yobs to walk along the pavement within a few feet of the march and shout racist and anti-Irish abuse. There was a very thin line of police officers between them. When one of the marchers was provoked enough to shout back, two police officers pounced on him. He was very quickly de-arrested by a group of people who dragged him back into the crowd and blocked the police's way.

To be sure, the police did arrest some of the nazis, including one Peter Tierney. He is known locally for being the former owner of Quiggins, an alternative shopping venue. Once a member of the BNP, he has since joined the National Front and was their local candidate for the mayoral elections. I have encountered Mr Tierney on a previous demo. Let's just say he's a man who doesn't mince words; and that's what gets him arrested.

The march reached its destination outside the Catholic Cathedral without being disrupted or any of the marchers being attacked, which prompted Alex McFadden's succinct summing up of the event: a victory for the supporters of anti-racism. Except that, when the speeches were over, the anti-racists had to get on a specially hired bus to get away from the area safely. The real vicrtory will be when the racists don't bother to show up at all.

(Photos to follow)

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22.07.2012 12:58

There were far more than "antifa" on the march. As always, it was a mixture of trade unionists, Irish and Liverpudlian-Irish, and a few left-wing parties, as well as the Liverpool anti-fascist group. If you read the article again, you will notice the police allowed the right wing yobs to get within a few feet of the march - literally within spitting distance. Nobody was relying on them for protection. They allowed the yobs to provoke the march and then took advantage of any excuse to arrest one of the marchers. They were also not above attempts at provocation themselves. When I first tried to join the march by falling into step as it passed, one (female) copper shoved me back on to the pavement - twice. I do not in any way resemble a right wing yob (who are mostly male in any case), and it was clear I was not attempting to disturb the march. So, it was not a justified action, she was simply trying to cause trouble. (I declined to give her the satisfaction, backed off, and dashed through a gap in the police line further along the street.)
There is also an account of this march on the James Larkin Society's website, posted today.


How is this supposed to have been a success?

22.07.2012 13:13

During the march a James Larkin Society steward removed the hoodie of an Anti-Fascist who was involved in a scuffle with police - thereby exposing that person to being photographed and identified by the police and by the Nazis from Redwatch, while several other protestors stopped fellow protestors from defending themselves against attack by Fascists

So, let's say that 300-odd (almost exclusively white) working class people (and, hey, maybe a few middle-class people) marched thru Liverpool, protected by 500 working-class cops (spare us the hard-left analysis on that for just a moment), and barracked (as you can see from the video*) every step of the way by 150-odd white working class people (with both sides being ignored by 99% of the rest of the population of Liverpool). Remind us how that's supposed to further the cause of working-class "unity"?

* since last night Liverpool Anti-Fascists have made their video "private"

Jack Sparrow

What a load of Shit

22.07.2012 13:35

"Last year, the march was attacked by neo-nazis" no, they attacked a march commemorating Sean Phelan, in February.

"From what I saw, the 'mobilisation' produced about 50 assorted nazis and Orange Lodge members, of whom only five were female." this isn't true, there were 150+ assorted fascists and loyalists there, and although the majority where men, there was also quite a few women present.

"The march reached its destination outside the Catholic Cathedral without being disrupted or any of the marchers being attacked" this is a lie. the march slowed & stopped at many points along the route, and at least two people were punched by fascist counter-demonstrators.

This article is complete bollocks, but I wouldn't expect any different from somebody with their head so far up McFaddens arse. What happened yesterday was certainly progress from February, When fascists were able to stop the march, but try and chalk yesterday up as s victory is fucking stupid, we still have a long way to go yet.


Message to Alec McFadden and Phil Dickens etc

22.07.2012 20:09

Sure the far-right failed to prevent yesterday's demo, thanks largely to police action, but compared to the 1,000 plus who counter-protested against the EDL in Bristol, the 200 to 300 the left turned-out in a big city like Liverpool is not a success, and the last thing the left needs anywhere is to burrow further into sectarian politics. Liverpool AF insisted that yesterday's march had nothing to do with the IRA, ignoring evidence like the Liverpool Irish Patriots Republican Flute Band's own Facebook being covered with references to IRA volunteers, to IRA hunger-strikers, and statements like "Up the Provos", and ignoring (the staunchly Republican) TAL Fanzine saying on You Tube that LIP-RFB is the same outfit as the James Larkin Republican Flute Band, who openly support the Continuity IRA

Not only do alliances with Republicanism actively damage anti-Fascism and the broad radical left, they also help Fascism. After the collapse of the BNP's electoral ambitions and the failure of EDL attempts to con people into thinking they're not mostly racists and Nazis, the NWI / CxF / BPP / BNP / NF alliance (led in practice by Nazis like Kevin Watmough and Liam Pinkham etc) are trying to boost-up their tiny groups by recruiting among Liverpool Loyalists. The self-branding of Trades Union demos with Republican bands isn't just pissing-off Loyalists and other anti-Fascists however, it's even annoying local Catholics...

By way of illustrating possible causes of yesterday's low turnout, in Dec 2011 a Liverpudlian photographer who describes himself as "old brit" and as the grandson of an Irish Catholic merchant-seaman who died after being torpedoed by Nazis during WW2, said "I'm at a loss as to how this Republican Flute Band of Liverpool Irish Patriots" (whose photo he posted on Flickr) "was deemed the most appropriate group to lead marching Liverpudlian public sector protesters against pension cuts"? He describes that decision as "Bizarre" (see description)

Some people may prefer to answer these criticisms with responses that don't address these points, and when that fails, with insults, IF they wish, but it would be better if Liverpudlian activists think long and hard about the criticism that's being raised instead


A big success

22.07.2012 20:11

When Kevin Watmough's BPP organised their protest against rap music at HMV Leeds in 2008, the Nazis struggled to raise half a dozen supporters, yesterday's turn-out was therefore a big success for them, because the left ignored all the warnings gave the Fascists a cause that wasn't (unlike the HMV demo) a total joke


too many assumptions

23.07.2012 02:29

The mere fact of my posting an account - an honest account of what I saw in the last half mile of the march - seems to have upset a few people. That wasn't my intention and some of this is genuine criticism rather than trolling. But let's straighten a few things out:
1. Don't make assumptions about me when you've never so much as set eyes on me. I am not associated with Alex McFadden. I have seen him speak at a few events. He does that.
2. I am not interested in nationalism of any colour. I am aware of the James Larkin march being an annual event, naturally, since I am from Liverpool, and I am aware of the Republican associations. That being so, I have never joined the march before.
3. I joined it this time, instead of merely watching it go by, on account of the sheer viciousness of the abuse I heard coming from the assorted right wing yobs who were present. It was not just anti-republican and anti-Irish abuse. It was racist, fascist, and sexist. What kind of a nob gets off on calling a mixed race woman a "black c****", or an elderly man a "paedophile" because he was wearing a Palestinian badge? Do me a favour.
4. There are times when you have to decide which side you are on, even when there is controversy involved in the choice. This was one of them. I will always be opposed to sectarianism, racism, and fascism from any quarter, and I will take action to oppose it if I think I should, however small the action. And I don't give a flying fart what anybody else thinks of that.

too many assumptions

Destroying the Myth of Sectarianism....

31.10.2012 00:55

There's an article on the Liverpool Irish Blog which says - "From what I’ve ever experienced of Irish community parades in Liverpool, they have neither been sectarian or racist in nature. In fact, any Irish parades I’ve ever witnessed have either been of a cultural nature (St Patrick’s Day etc) or Commemorative/campaigning. For instance Irish flute bands in Liverpool over the years have the led the Striking Dockers march in Liverpool 1997, annually led the Merseyside May Day March, countless marches supporting Irish Unity, remembering the Irish Hunger Strikers of 1981, or supporting anti racist (Anthony Walker March) and antifascists [sic] demonstrations"

First the marches are described as "Irish community parades" - but they'd only be truly "Irish" or indeed "community" parades if they welcomed Protestants and Catholics. Second the article says the parades "have neither been sectarian or racist in nature" despite "remembering the Irish Hunger Strikers of 1981" - commemorating IRA hunger strikers PROVES THEY ARE SECTARIAN.

Finally the Liverpool Irish Blog and the Facebook pages of the Liverpool Irish Patriots Republican Flute Band and Cairde na hÉireann defame Liverpudlian Protestants, Loyalists and Orange Orders as collaborators with racists like the CxF, NWI and NF etc. There are tens of thousands of Irish protestants in Liverpool, and a minority of them are undoubtedly bigots, however last time the far-right turned-out, only a dozen Nazis turned-up, proving that (even despite Loyalists' political Conservatism) the majority of Orangemen want nothing to do with groups like the NF and CxF, yet Liverpool Anti-Fascists support the people who make these inflammatory and divisive accusations, all the while talking about the need to "unite" the working-class!


Cairde na hÉireann Liverpool show their commitment to the peace process

31.10.2012 01:02

Cairde na hÉireann Liverpool show their commitment to the peace process
Cairde na hÉireann Liverpool show their commitment to the peace process

Cairde na hÉireann Liverpool show their commitment to the Good Friday Agreement, their principled opposition to The Real IRA, Continuity IRA and 32CSM, and their commitment to the peace process (from their own Facebook page, with apologies for the sarcasm) -


LIP-RFB show how much they "don't" support the IRA (Nov 2012) -

11.12.2012 00:29

The Facebook page for Liverpool Irish Patriots Republican Flute Band, showing exactly how much they "don't" (sic) support the IRA, note the AK-47s in the artwork for New Lodge Commemoration Parade - a memorial parade obviously NOT (sic) commemorating the same Fian James O'Neill and Robert Allsopp listed in "Roll of Honour" for the Provisional IRA, scroll down –

No Gods, No Masters

Liverpool Anti-Fascists

16.12.2012 23:02

West Yorkshire Antifascism
West Yorkshire Antifascism

The Liverpool Anti-Fascists "group" posts-up supporting the Liverpool Irish PATRIOTS Republican Flute Band, then posts-up supporting "A new Antifa page from West Yorkshire" whose Facebook says "WE DON'T NEED PATRIOTISM"

I don't think Phil Dickens really understands this Anarchism business ;)

As if by magic