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Greens suck up to the dairy farmers!!

Anon | 21.07.2012 21:16 | South Coast

Pull the udder one!!

Jenny Jones Green Member on London Assembly has called on the Green Party to support the UK dairy farmers.
So much so a UK Gov. petition is a link on Greens home page!
Just don't mention to the greens the dairy climate change connection..methane..
from a so called party that represents the environment???
Miss Jones is on the Metropolitan Police Authority too!Whatever next???



Display the following 5 comments

  1. Dairy farmers and supermarkets. Two reprehensible organisations. — Mr Moo
  2. 'whatever next??' — anarchist
  3. more complicated — anonymous
  4. I'm no fan of dairy farmers — acac
  5. blah blah blah blah — Pureheart anarchist who never engages with the system, er, right