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Ian Tomlinson Killer Simon Harwood Walks Free

999 | 19.07.2012 14:05 | Policing | Repression

Despite being previously sacked from the police for attacking an innocent member of the public in a road rage incident, and despite making unprovoked attacks on journalists, on city workers and on G20 demonstrators immediately before he bludgeoned Ian Tomlinson to death, Met Police PC Simon Harwood has walked, another murderer free to roam our streets -

Killer cop Simon Harwood
Killer cop Simon Harwood



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19.07.2012 14:29

This is truly disgusting.

However, it now opens the way for removal of the police in its entirety from the public trust. It is clearly the case that police officers are above the law and have various institutions available to them to avoid becoming subject to the law. The IPCC, courts system and government clearly all being heavily incriminated.

Harwood will now be promoted to senior rank as reward for his efforts in 'looking after the job'.

The jury were clearly misinformed about Harwoods past and his tendency toward violence against the public and his shambolic employment record were kept hidden. This 'behaviour' is clearly a significant part of the 'system' which acts to protect criminality in the police force. The law has let us and Tomlinson's family down very badly.

I hope we can all accept now that the police should be seen as nothing more than a professional hazard and the best way to deal with by clever navigation.

We just don't have anything to gain by confronting them head on anymore. A better approach would be to avoid them altogether and work quietly and unseen.

No matter what violence they bring about, they will never be subject to the law in the same way as the rest of us. The law is clearly twisted in favour of our masters, irrespective of their wrongdoing.

Peace & justice to us all. See you all on the streets.


all cops are bastards

19.07.2012 15:12

do the same to is family ...lets see if he likes acab


State assasins always walk

19.07.2012 15:36

Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan, Smiley Culture, Sean Rigg, Kingsley Burrell, Jimmy Mubenga RIP

Never forgive Never forget


19.07.2012 15:50

"do the same to is family ...lets see if he likes acab"

Nice sentiment but why bother tageting those who have little to do with this.

Now other police officers?..that would be a much better bet. Let them all know collectively what we think of this brazen injustice that they will all subjegate themselves to if they kill people on the streets. There is not a single serving officer anywhere in England that would not be grateful to the criminal law and its bent processes should they find themselves in the same situation.

When facing the prospect of prison, all cops are indeed bastards...just like the law-loving bigotry that passes for 'public opinion' when it comes to defending these animals.

Our anger must be felt in every part of "the job", wherever it can be found.

They need to understand "concept of consequences".

This is a truly appalling injustice, that has no place in our lives.


nn = Cop troll / agent provocateur

19.07.2012 15:54

The "do the same to his family" comment is transparent cop trolling - if anything we should sympathise with his family, imagine how this thug must treat his wife and kids


Civil Prosecution + Photos

19.07.2012 16:26

It took 18 years and a civil prosecution to jail Gary Dobson and David Norris for murdering Stephen Lawrence, and until 2006 to start getting justice for victims of police Fascism in Argentina, etc - Ian Tomlinson's family are pursuing a civil prosecution, we need to give them all the moral and financial support we can - this could have been any one of us



Ian Tomlinson's family call verdict on PC Simon Harwood a JOKE

19.07.2012 16:33

The family wanted to thank Lucy Apps, the medical student who rushed in to try and save the 47-year old's life as he lay dying on the pavement in Cornhill in the City of London... Deborah Coles, co-director of Charity INQUEST, which has been supporting the family, said: "This verdict is a damning reflection of the systemic problems inherent in the current investigation system where deaths following police use of force are not treated as potential crimes. This failure has profound consequences on the proper functioning of the justice system in relation to such deaths. It is vital that the rule of law is upheld and applies equally to all, including police officers, and that they do not believe that they can act with impunity. For too long there has been a pattern of cases where inquest juries have found overwhelming evidence of unlawful and excessive use of force or gross neglect and yet no police officer either at an individual or senior management level has been held responsible."

Cast 81

Its been a bad week

19.07.2012 16:38

The G4S thugs who killed Jimmy Mubenga have been all cleared, 10 comrades in Italy have been sent down for a combined period of 100 years, while the cops involved in the brutal Diaz raid have been promoted, and PC Simon Harwood - Tomlinson's killer - gets off scott free...

Justice for Jimmy, Ian, and the Genoa 10! Where's the solidarity? FUCK DA POLICE!!!!!!!!



19.07.2012 16:43

How on earth can a jury found him not guilty beyond belief.


Laughing policeman!!!

19.07.2012 17:12

"How on earth can a jury found him not guilty beyond belief."

Because the jury were not told the whole truth about his violent past. Instead, the police had him turn up in a suit wearing a bandaged arm and with his little missus in tow...because he's just a family man who is an innocent victim of the system!!!

Had the jury have been even remotely aware of the truth...Harwood would now be beginning a long prison sentence.

After the verdict was given in court, many of the jury expressed shock when his past only then came to light! They feel cheated.

Adds new meaning to the age old "laughing policeman" story!


Verdict a joke

19.07.2012 17:29

I was disgusted to see Harwood and his two female companions leaving court smirking and sneering for the cameras. What kind of jury would not find this man guilty? it was obvious ro anyone with eyes in their head he had pushed Ian for no reason.

Now that his full record has been made public questions are being asked. Its a pity the jury were not aware of this before the trial and if it had the verdict would have been different.

My heard goes out to the family of his victim.

mail e-mail:
- Homepage: hotmail

end of the line

19.07.2012 19:14

"t was obvious ro anyone with eyes in their head he had pushed Ian for no reason."

This was never really about whether he had a reason to push him or not. It was a question of whether Harwood had caused Tomlinson's death, therefore manslaughter.

This verdict makes a mockery of British Justice and an ass of the law.

The police are responsible for this.

In my eyes now, the police are service non-grata.

Policing by consent is over. This is the last straw.



19.07.2012 20:42

I had a corrupt cop jailed it was hard work i went up against the system the scum got 60 days he done 2 days in jail got an appeal next trial he got not guilty. Ipcc police standards r bent..the judge even said to the scum good luck with your future career.. U cant win u cant beat em..


Just a thought

19.07.2012 21:03

I reckon with all these very provocative judgements recently, mubenga, tomlinson and the birmingham eight they want riots to kick off now ensuring any potential upstart is in jail before the Games of the XI Olympiad, sorry Olympics begin.


Thanks to everyone who showed up....

19.07.2012 22:08

... on the demo. We'll see this thug get retribution sooner or later, but we're going to need determination to put it mildly

learn from Doreen Lawrence, she's one tough cookie



20.07.2012 01:02

...didn't the prosecutor ask Harwood why he was masked up and had removed his shoulder numbers, both deliberate acts contrived to hide his identity?

Why has the question not been asked, who decided on, and why, the City of London Police were initially called in as an 'outside force' to investigate Ian Tomlinson's death, when they are clearly seen in the background when Harwood pushes Ian Tomlinson? (they are the ones with red chequered headbands)


Due process

20.07.2012 17:52

'PC Judge de'Jury' there illustrating very well why juries and legal process are needed to protect people. If we all followed his thinking then God knows how many innocent people would be in prison based on the "he did it before, he must have done it again" principle.


due process, killer free.

21.07.2012 00:12

"'PC Judge de'Jury' there illustrating very well why juries and legal process are needed to protect people. If we all followed his thinking then God knows how many innocent people would be in prison based on the "he did it before, he must have done it again" principle."

There you go again, holding things hostage that aint yours to be holding.


all cops are now legitimate targets (as they always have been)

21.07.2012 19:20

but now, every TSG member is a target at next years g8 protests. i will support specific acts against them, i will encourage them and cheer if they happen. fuck the fucking police all the way to the front line.

TSG are now all targets

anti-g8 militant

@ anti-g8 militant

21.07.2012 21:17

I don't care what you "support" or what you wish to "cheer" from the safety of your keyboard - don't encourage other people to take risks unless you're prepared to take those exact same risks, first, yourself. If you want to see other radicals risking 20 year jail terms for attacking policemen then make sure you're the first to practice what you preach..... if not, then shut up

I'm assuming however that you are in fact a Daily Mail journalist or a police troll



22.07.2012 13:28

Why do some people automatically assume that if someone is talking about insurrection on indy they are labelled as a troll or a cop. Some of are not leftists. Some of us yearn for insurrection. Think on.

from the mountaintops

Cops are not Leftists

22.07.2012 15:54

Three in a row trying to argue with personal empathy as if they had not understood the purpose of an anonymous platform - that makes it seem quite unlikely that these thugs might be in any doubt what they deserve.
