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Refugees on hungerstrike across three city's in Germany

No Borders | 18.07.2012 14:37

First joint press release of the refugees on hungerstrike in Würzburg, Regensburg and Düsseldorf in Germany

posted on the 16th of July 2012:

We, the protesting and striking refugees in Germany, declare our full solidarity with the hungerstrike of the refugees in Aub. Today, 16.07.2012, they begin their hungerstrike and demonstrate their annoyance and anger against the approaching deportations to Afghanistan. Today, we are also beginning our hungerstrike in order to show our solidarity, while at the same time positioning ourselves against the deportations to Afghanistan and other countries.

We declare that we campaign for the unconditional abolition of the “Residenzpflicht” (i.e. compulsory residence)
we campaign for the end of all deportations we campaign for the closure of all “Lager” (refugee camps) as they don't serve any other purpose than to isolate refugees that we fight to be recognised as political refugees.

Thus, the laws upon which these practices are based on, violate the articles 13 (freedom of movement),14 (right to asylum) and 15 (protection against arbitrary assignment of a nationality) of the General Declaration of Human Rights.


1. Refugees on Hungerstrike in Würzburg, Bavaria
2. Refugees on hungerstrike in Regensburg, Bavaria
3. Refugees on hungerstrike in Düsseldorf, NRW

No Borders