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Why did we fail to stop the EDL

Bill | 16.07.2012 14:55

- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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Because sensible people ignored them

16.07.2012 15:16

The EDL do nothing but post to Facebook, ignore them and they would fade away, oppose them and they get the publicity they so crave.

Skyver Bill

Stop barking up the wrong tree idiots!

16.07.2012 15:29

You wanted to stop the EDL because they are racists, yeah so protesting against extremist Islam is racist? How about protesting against Islamic extremism and Islamic terrorism instead of protesting against those who dare to speak out against it?



16.07.2012 15:51

Get real. The edl try and (do) physically attack the left at any opportunity (stallholders, paper sellers, demos, gigs) and any other minority that you take a dislike to (people of colour)

You're disgusting and vile and you're 'movement' is virtually dead in the water, so do us a favour and feck off.

ultra real

all grow up

16.07.2012 16:07

Mid class liberals who go to universitys get jobs as civil servants advisers mps junior ministers ministers its the mid class that ruined the country. Che gauvara if he saw you lot he wouldnt have anything to do with you. He was in fact an admierer of otto skorzney ss man thats a fact.

grow up

Oh dear oh dear

16.07.2012 16:12

The EDL arn't prosting Islamic extremism. They are attacking all Muslims and they hate people who arn't white and English.
Yes Islamic extremism is bad, but the EDL just want to dump on Islam as a religion and not just the extremists.

The way I see it both the far-right "anti Islamic extremism" mob and anti-fascists make out what they are protesting against to be far greater of a threat than it actually is.
The EDL spew bullshit about how Islamic extremists are lurking around every street corner trying to take over Britain and how if we arn't careful one day we will become an Islamic state where women are stoned to death for adultery blah blah blah. This of course will never happen so therefore is a load of paranoid racist bollocks.
Of course there are a minority of useful idiots like Adjem Choudary who want Britain to be an Islamic state but they are as equally barmy because it will never happen because we are and always will be a secular multi faith multi racial society which is how it should be.
Now meanwhile the anti-fascists like the UAF overinflate minority nutjobs like the EDL and the BNP to be a major threat to our country and peddle scaremongering that if we are not careful they will take over and fascism will prevail. They make out the EDL have any real influence when in reality they have very little, except amongst a bunch of paranoid chip on their shoulder morons who have nothing better to do than wail about a religion which does not have any real impact on their lives.

I think the key to challenging and defeating idiots like the EDL is rather than marching against them whilst looking very angry is to debunk the crap they come up with. When they claim Britain/England/Europe is being "Islamofied" we should be asking them to show just how. And they won't be able to because it is not and they are idiots.

Dan Factor