Stop EDL Live Blog
imcvol | 14.07.2012 10:55

Throughout the day we'll be posting periodic updates about what's going on at the various StopEDL demos as well as Bristol Pride. We're also covering events from our twitter account @bristolimc
For Earlier posts hit the view full story link
11:28 Big group of EDL just arrived at temple meads, exiting through side entrance
11:34 Coaches trying to get into Temple Meads (possibly trying to get the EDL out) blocked by antifascists
11:38 150+ at Temple Meads counter demo, now heading off towards town
11:39 Hundreds on Pride March about to head down Park St
11:39 People on Temple Meads counterdemo being stopped from filming by the police
11:42 Riot van moving off from Temple Meads, sirens on
10:53 Loads of Police all over Bristol, 5+ vans by the fountains/Watershed similar number at Castle Park, more near Temple Meads
10.54 Reports that everyone at the fountains are going to be moved shortly by the police towards Castle Park
11:00 beered up EDL on train from London to Bristol have been hassling random passengers; train driver bringing cops onto the train at the next stop
11:03 Police Camera Team at Temple Meads
11:08 Castle Park very quiet, only cops there. Seems that people have ignored the cops request and gone to the fountains
11:13 Around 300 people at the fountains for We Are Bristol counter demo. About to be moved off to Castle Park
11:22 Temple Meads - handful of EDL beginning to turn up, loads of police, about 30 antifascists
11:24 People carrier of EDL pulled over by cops at Cabot Circus
11:25 twitter pic from Pride march
11:25 Anti-fascist banner spotted on scaffolding above Redcliffe Wharf EDL rally point. Reading "EDL & COPS NOT WELCOME!" Police scurrying to take it down; people responsible long gone. Not the most water-tight of police operations... wonder if they'll take the hint.
Original article on IMC Bristol: