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EDL in Bristol: Ignore the statist, cop-loving, authoritarian reds

We Are Bristol | 14.07.2012 00:55

We Are Bristol
- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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14.07.2012 06:51

Yes, this tactic worked in Brighton, and we also got masses of support from the general public. Don't let the cops have their way.

Brighton antifa

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Agreed also...

14.07.2012 07:39

Totally agree, the UAF are thick in the way they operate, it's bleedin' obvious that the police will just kettle them and they'll be stuck in a slow moving, rolling pen all day! Best of luck for today, shame I can't get down :( No Pasaran!

Nazi Hunter

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Fuck off anti-fascist scum! EDL! EDL! EDL!

14.07.2012 08:37

Fuck of anti-fascist scum, you will never ever stop the EDL you stupid moronic pricks! And for your information we are not fucking racist! You stupid scum will all get arrested today in Bristol and jailed for rioting!

EDL till I die

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EDL till you die?

14.07.2012 09:18

hopefully that will be quite soon. haven't you grown up yet?



14.07.2012 09:19

the brighton tactic was hugely succesful and needs to replicated in bristol and liverpool. plod will keep uaf in a kettle but cant round up 100s of people lining the roads.


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