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EDL in Bristol: Ignore the statist, cop-loving, authoritarian reds

We Are Bristol | 13.07.2012 21:25 | Anti-racism

Fuck UAF disinformation.

We Are Bristol decided long ago not to collaborate with the police. Do not go to Castle Park for a pre-arranged police pen; this only serves to allow fascist boot boys free reign in our city.

Fountains or Temple Meads at or before 11am to block their path and send em packing.

No Pasaran!

We Are Bristol


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13.07.2012 23:15

The self-proclaimed "we are bristol"!
Is that like the self-proclaimed "we are the 99%" ?

You know, those 300+ people who claim to represent 99% of the population (despite not having any referendum or vote on it)

jog on. You are not bristol. You are a few people from bristol.


No one loves fascists

14.07.2012 06:56

Bennn, I think you will be surprised how much the man or woman in the street will be prepared to get behind We Are Bristol. The average person only needs to spend around 5 seconds witnessing and EDL march to see who they really are. And the average person hates fascists.

The people

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The EDL are not fascists you stupid idiots!

14.07.2012 08:39

The EDL are not fascists you stupid fucking idiots! Why the hell is protesting against Islamic extremism fascism you dickheads?

The EDL is NOT fascist!

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The EDL is not fascist or racist!

14.07.2012 08:49

The EDL protests against Islamic extremism and against Islamic terrorism you stupid fucking moron! You so called anti-fascists will all get arrested and jailed for years for riot and violent disorder as there will be over one thousand police on the streets of Bristol waiting to arrest you scum the moment you kick off and start rioting!

The EDL are NOT racist

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well then

14.07.2012 09:33

perhaps they are zionists then?


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