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Just what Nottingham DOESN'T need (led) | 13.07.2012 00:55


These are challenging times. As an urban community we don't all agree on exactly what needs to happen to evolve Notts to the city it could be but I think we can all agree on some of the things that are holding it back.

A case in point is the planning application put in by Medina Green Limited to build another McDonald's AND KFC at Man Of Trent on Clifton Lane.

Both fast food chains are notorious for anti-social business practices, uniting positive movements across the spectrum in a cacophonous boycott call, be it for marketing unhealthy food to children, vandalizing the environment, treating their workers like slaves, persistently sourcing the cruellest factory farmed meat, the list goes on and on.

One also has to wonder the moral health of a society where such reasonable criticisms are not allowed to be taken into consideration when a council like NCC considers a planning application.

Fortunately for those concerned with human rights, animal rights and the environment, there are many, more bureaucratically palatable grounds to object on, such as the extra traffic the junk food outlets would generate on what is already an overused trunk road, or the noise and smell they would emit.

So if you have a spare moment, why not make an investment in a home town with a little less McBlight and register an objection with Nottingham City Council's planning department to Medina Green Ltd's ugly application, number 12/01824/PFUL3.

..and should the council's I.T. infrastructure leaves you somewhat underwhelmed, fret not, you can simply email the responsible planning officer Joanna Briggs with your objection - (led)


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I agree,

13.07.2012 09:40

but unfortunately their customers don't. McDonalds and KFC are doing a rocking trade and who am I to tell their paying customers that they are wrong? It seems that these chain cafes are the peoples choice. WHY?



13.07.2012 11:19


You need to do some reading.

Bernays is almost completely unknown today but his influence on the 20th century was nearly as great as his uncles (Sigmund Freud). Because Bernays was the first person to take Freud's ideas about human beings and use them to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations for the first time how to they could make people want things they didn't need by linking mass produced goods to their unconscious desires.

And video watching

Also look into peer pressure

Peer pressure is the influence exerted by a peer group, encouraging individuals to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors in order to conform to group norms.

Peer pressure was often cited by troops in the trenches in WW1 that went over the top despite the fear that there was a good chance they'd be mown down or blown to bits - they didn't want to let their side down.

That's what the MSM is for - to present what's considered 'normal' to the 'masses'.

All this stuff is well known to advertisers and spin merchants, not so well known to it's targets.


anyone know of anywhere better?

13.07.2012 14:17

So we need to be protected from these mind control agents by government planning authorities?

McDonalds would be my last choice but often it's my only choice, if I'm traveling and I want free internet access and a decent coffee out of hours. Anyone know of anywhere better?



13.07.2012 16:29

Wow anon, can't work shit out for yourself?, so dependent, like a little kid.

Well that's what these Corporations want they want you to become dependent on them like a kid

As in Quote -"it's my only choice"

and not independent like a grown up.

So for food - make some sarnies - for coffee either take a flask

or for 'good coffee'


One of these

One of these

Some of this

And you're good to go!


No one needs 'protecting' from McDonalds

13.07.2012 17:20

Take it or leave it

Your personal animosity has no right in a planning decision.

Why not just open a shop next to them that is a) better; b) cheaper; c) more healthy
People will go to that instead if it is so great

do it better

MacDonalds...better, stronger, faster.

13.07.2012 20:00

"but unfortunately their customers don't. McDonalds and KFC are doing a rocking trade and who am I to tell their paying customers that they are wrong? It seems that these chain cafes are the peoples choice. WHY?"

MacDonalds is shite.

As for its defenders, you are right. It is entirely your choice what you eat. You are free to do as you please.

You are also free to die of high cholestorol, stroke or vitamin defficiency. You are free to become overweight, obese and to develop liver enlargement; each and every one of which will almost certainly kill you prematurely. You are free to throw the quality of your life away and call it living.

Macdonalds is your friend. Just don't expect it to continue to be your friend when you have no money left to spend on shoving its cow shit into your mouth.

Macdonalds also has a very select clientel. Their customers want whatever they can stuff in their mouths in the shortest possible time for the cheapest price preferably while moving. That approach to life will get you very dead, very quickly.

The nutrition of its food is simply its USP. It doesn't bear any resemblence to the facts of its operation.

Do yourself a favour and drop this idea that whatever is most also whats best for you. It isn't and never will be.

At least put a little effort in.

Doing something well is reward in itself. Adopt that as a lesson for life and you are laughing.



13.07.2012 20:04

"Take it or leave it"

In short trust in the market!!!

Its trust in the market that got us all here!!!

Burn the f***ing thing down.

Then tell them somebody told you to 'take it or leave it'.

Tell them you left ashes.



13.07.2012 21:11

Problem is every high st looks the same leeds liverpool same shops same take aways oh well there you go.


What is natural?

14.07.2012 06:49

Reading these posts, it seems those in favour of McD's and KFC somehow think the market and personal choice are totally natural and therefore the fact they are on every street is just because they are better, etc. However that does not explain why there are so many of these godamn chains here in the UK and fewer in other countries. Sadly the UK media and economic policies have led us to this depressing situation where even people on Indymedia apologise for corporate takeover and say it's all just the Natural State of Affairs.

The reality is, people do not just do things because of nature, etc. Our choices are determined by the type of society that we are born into. Unfortunately UK society is pretty f***ed. The only hope we have is in resistance, which does not mean opening up a vegan cafe or "voting with your feet".
